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4.- What are you watching?

-BBC weekly news.

-Do you know what is on after the news?

-A serial. This soap opera has been running for about a year. You won’t believe this; my mom has already seen more than two hundred series.

Ex.2. Define what tense forms should be used in the following micro-situations. Refer to the

Table of Present Tenses if necessary. You don’t need to translate the sentences.

1.Алекс, ти керуєш машиною? – Ні, але я вчуся. Ось уже два тижні, як я хожу на курси водіїв.

2.Сьюзан, де Фред? – Він в аналітичному відділі. Вони з Мaйклом з самого ранку коректують базу даних.

3.Энтонi, м-р Райт вже підписав документи? – Ні. М-ра Райта немає на місці. Я чекаю на нього. Між іншим, я чекаю на нього з 3-ої години.

4.Що ти шукаєш на моєму столі, Мері? – Вибач, Хелен, нашому босу знадобився лист від М&S. Ми з Евелін шукаємо його з самого ранку.

5.Займайтесь своїми справами. Я вже віддала йому листа.

6.Дивись, Люсі знову з кимось розмовляє по телефону. Наша нова співробітниця забагато теревенить з подружками.

7.Може, зараз вона розмовляє по справі? – Навряд, ось вже хвилин 10 як вона обговорює з кимось колір нової сумочки або щось там ще.

8.Ви вже надрукували звіт? – Ні ще, я якраз цим займаюсь. – Єво, але ви друкуєте цю сторінку вже цілу годину.


Ex.3. Write the 3rd person singular of the following verbs. Classify the verbs into three groups as it is shown below.

Work, go, fly, destroy, do, pass, rush, buy, pay, try, sell, love, laugh, know, serve, clean, catch, manage, agree, buy, fix, brush, kiss, study, finish, wash, copy, watch, stay, wash, write, read, drive


works, destroys,





Ex.4. Put the verbs into three groups according to the reading rules and read them.

Start, begin, stop, stay, finish, close, open, make, catch, copy, say, like, put, miss, manage, mix, teach, type, try, laugh, fly, freeze, dry, crash, pass, push, lose, drop, fall, rise, save, wish, change

[s] – starts, _________________________________________________________

[z] – begins, ________________________________________________________

[iz] – finishes, ______________________________________________________

Ex.5. Write and read the he/she/it forms.

1.I take – he takes

2.I give – he _________

3.we watch – he _________

4.we buy – she _________

5.you repair – she _________


6.you work – she _________

7.they cost – it _________

8.they close – it _________

9.I have all the necessary data on computer. - He _________________________.

10.Banks open at 9 a.m. - This bank ____________________________________.

11.You often leave a message on the answer phone. -Your friend _____________.

12.You look so much like your mum. - Susan ____________________________.

13.You actually do nothing on your day off. - She _________________________.

14.They spend a lot of time driving. - Michael ____________________________.

Ex.6. Read and write the opposite (positive or negative).

1.I understand. – I don’t understand.

2.Fred doesn’t smoke. – He smokes.

3.Paula doesn’t live in Rome. – She ____________________.

4.They all know. – _______________________________.

5.Miss Crown doesn’t like it. – ________________________.

6.Samantha loves you. – ___________________________.

7.You are right. – ______________________________.

8. He is married. –


9.We don’t use it. – ______________________________.

10.It happens very often. – ____________________________.


I don’t work for a big company. –



It costs a lot of money. –



David doesn’t speak English. –



Jill and Dick usually wear jeans. – ______________________.


The shop doesn’t work on Sunday. – ___________________.

Ex.7. Choose the correct variant.

My sister Floy and I are twins, but we are very different. Floy love/loves classical music, but I like/likes dance music. She usually get/gets up very early, and I hate/hates getting up early. On Sundays, I usually wake /wakes up at about 11. Floy is a vegetarian, she never eat/eats meat. As for me, I eat/eats meat, fish, vegetables, and everything tasty. I often wear/wear jeans, but my sister don’t/doesn’t wear jeans at all. But we both like/likes dancing, using the Internet and a lot of other interesting things.

Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple.

1.Angela _________ (work) in a bank

2.It _________ (take) her about an hour to get there.

3.My sister _________ (like) her job but she _________ (not like) to get up early in the morning.

4.Sometimes she _________ (oversleep) and _________ (miss) her bus.

5.So she _________ (try) to catch a taxi in order not to be late for work.

6.My mom _________ (say) it _________ (be) very unreasonable and even stupid of her to go to work by taxi.

7.Today ________ (be) my day off. I never _________ (stay) at home on Sundays.

8.But it _________ (look) like rain. You know, it often _________ (rain) here in September.

9.I _________ (not feel) like going out in such weather. Instead, I think I’ll watch a Eurovision

Song Contest on TV. It _________ (start) in two hours.

10.Whatever the weather, Angela and her friends usually _________ (travel) somewhere.


Ex.9. Add suitable question tags to the following sentences. Read them with the correct intonation at the end of the tag to show that you are asking if something is true (1-7) and that you are only inviting the listener to agree with you (8-13).

Model: She doesn’t often agree with us, does she?

You are not really asking a question, you are only inviting the listener to agree with you. So your voice goes down at the end of the tag.

I am late, aren’t I?

You are asking if you’re late. So the voice goes up.

1.It’s a lovely day today, _________? – Yes, it’s absolutely wonderful.

2.I hear you speak fluent French, ________ .

3.There is something wrong, __________.

4.She is our new secretary, ________.

5.You know my telephone number, _________ .

6.You remember my address, __________.

7.He finishes work at 6.00, _________.

8.She is busy, _________.

9.It’s cold, _______.

10.The meeting is at three o’clock, _________.

11.These figures don’t astonish our boss, _________.

12.Jack enjoys fast driving, _________.

13.They don’t work at weekend, _________ .

14.She doesn’t care about him, ________.

Ex.10. Fill in the gaps with the correct auxiliary verb to complete the song. Love Song

she love him? Yes, she …

she happy? Yes, she …

he know it? Yes, he … Yes, he knows it.

he love her? Yes, he …

he happy? Yes, he …

…she know it? Yes, she … Yes, she knows it.

… they happy? Yes, they …

... they lucky? Yes, they ...

... they know it? Yes, they ... Yes, they know it.

Ex.11. Complete the questions.

A few months ago Derek bought a second-hand Mustang. The car was cheap, and he was happy. Unfortunately, the car often breaks down. His friend Ron is a mechanic. He does not like the car but he always helps him to repair it.

1.What _________ Derek’s car like?

2.His car often breaks down, _________ it?

3.Does his car _________ ?

4.Does his car _________ often or only rarely?

5.Why _________it break down?

6.Who _________ him to repair the car?

7._________ Ron a sales manager or a mechanic?

8.Ron doesn’t like this car, _________ he?

9.How often _________ Ron _________ him to repair the car?

10._________ you think Derek is happy with his car?


Ex.12. Match the questions with the answers.


Do you work or study, or both?

a. I am a student, and I also work part time.


Where do you study?

b. Actually, it doesn’t matter. I just like good


You are interested in economics,

films, though I hardly ever watch horror films.


aren’t you?

c. I usually go out.


What is your job?

d. No, only three days a week.


Do you work every day?

e. No, I live in a hostel. My parents live in another


Is it far from your home?



Do you live with your parents?

f. KNEU. I want to be a specialist in marketing.


What do you do in the evening?

g. I’m an advertising agent.


How often do you go to the cinema?

h. About twice a month.


What films do you prefer: comedies,

i. Yes, I am.


romantic films, thrillers or horror

j. No, I usually walk to work.




Ex.13. Alice is at a job interview at the moment.

a)Make up questions the interviewer may ask her. Here are some prompts to help you.

Model: why/ want this job → Why do you want this job?

1.have any experience in this kind of work

2.what/ foreign languages/ speak

3.know/ how to send a fax

4.have any computer skills

5.what/ your strengths and weaknesses

6.make decisions quickly and independently

7.feel comfortable meeting new people

8.can/ work under pressure

9.why/ you think/ you are the right person for this job

10.have any questions you’d like to ask us

b) Now formulate questions Alice is likely to ask the interviewer.

1.offer/ you/ a training programme / a social package

2.there are/ any promotion prospects

3.how many/ people/ work in this department

4.they/ work overtime/ very often

5.when/ the job/ start

6.what/ the salary scale

7.how long/ the probation (випробний термін)

Ex.14. Work in pairs and try to improvise an interview of your own. You can use some of the questions in Exercise 6. Think about answers.

Ex.15. Open the brackets and put the time expressions in the right place. The first two sentences have been done for you as an example.

1.Don’t call him. You know he is very busy at work. (always) – He is always very busy at work.

2.They give me a welcome (always) when I go there. – They always give me a welcome when I go there.

3.I have a cup of green tea in the morning. (usually) – _____________________

4.My brother drinks coffee. (always) – _________________________________

5.He doesn’t take sugar in his coffee. (usually) – __________________________

6.Oliver is a manager. He gets to work by 9. (normally) – ___________________


7.He drives to the office. (generally) – __________________________________

8.He is late for work (never) but he stays at the office until late in the evening. (often) –


9.Does he travel on business? – Yes, he does. (often) – ____________________

No, he does. (never) – ____________________

10.Psychologists say that people who have red cars drive fast and aggressively. (usually) – _______________________________________________________

Ex.16. Complete the following proverbs and sayings inserting often, always or never in the right place. Match the proverbs with the Ukrainian equivalents. Give your own interpretation of them.

1.The morning sun lasts a day.

2.Lost time is found again.

3.The best is the enemy of the good.

4.The customer is right.

Не можна повернути втрачений час. Клієнт завжди правий. Ніщо не є вічним під місяцем. Краще часто є ворогом хорошого.

Ex.17. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

1.Everyone ask for advice, but few listen.

2.Mother – the bank where we deposit our hurts and worries.

3.Our boss asks us often to work overtime.

4.I am usually start work at half past eight.

5.Nobody doesn’t work at this desk.

6.Do you and Sally go often to the cinema?

7.Your sister likes comedies and romantic films, isn’t she?

8.Does your brother always drive so fast?

9.She is often goes to the park on Sundays.

10.How often you visit your relatives in Vienna?

11.It is rarely raining in Kuwait.

12.What does this sign means?

13.Excuse me, what time is Flight 757 from Warsaw arrive?

14.The moon is turn round the earth every 28 days.

15.Luckily I’m having a friend who speaks Spanish.

Ex.18. Translate into English.

1.Фіоно, це твій брат на світлині?

2.Так, це Семен, а це його партнери; спеціалісти з Німеччини.

3.Семен – бізнесмен. Він часто їздить у відрядження до Німеччини.

4.Він розмовляє німецькою? – Так, досить гарно.

5.Семен читає книги в оригіналі, іноді він дивиться фільми німецькою.

6.Хелен, а ти володієш якою-небудь іноземною мовою? – Так, розмовляю іспанською, тільки трохи.

7.У вас є уроки іспанської в університеті?

8.Так, двічі на тиждень. Крім того, по понеділках і четвергах я ходжу на курси іспанської (take a Spanish course).

9.Я теж хочу вивчати іспанську.

10.Чому б тобі не приєднатися до мене і не розпочати навчання на курсах?


Ex.19. Add –ing to the verbs. Make spelling changes where necessary.



hope – hoping

hop – hopping

give –

sit –

argue –

plan –

use –

swim –

change –

rub –

note –

put –




refer – referring



begin –



control –












open -






copy – copying

tie – tying

study –

lie –

fly -

die -

employ –



buy –



Ex.20. Add –ing to the verbs in these sentences.

1.Where are you _________ ? (go)

2.I’m _________ to catch a taxi. (try)

3.He is _________ of thirst. (die)

4.I’m coming. I’m just _________ on my shoes. (put)

5.Nellie is _________ the contract at the moment. (copy)

6.He is _________ the process. (control)

7.I can’t believe a word. You’re always _________ (lie).

8.Why are you _________ important details? (omit)

9.Listen to him! He is _________ sense. (talk)

10.We _________ to make some renovation in the house next year. (plan)

Ex.21. Read the following sentences and match them with a, b, с, d, e. Explain the use of the Present Continuous in every case. Translate the sentences.

a - actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking; b - temporary actions or situations happening around now;

c - actions which happen too often and we want to express our annoyance or criticism;

d.- actions which we have planned and arranged to do in the near future;

e.- changing or developing situations

1.Don’t rush me. I’m doing it as fast as I can.

2.We are moving into our new flat next Friday.

3.This actor.... I’m always forgetting his name.

4.Why are you packing the suitcase? – I’m helping Paul. He’s flying to Paris tomorrow morning.

5.Nowadays, it seems everything is changing in the world. Even the climate is getting warmer.

6.Steve is still in the office. He is working so hard these days.

7.What time are your parents arriving? – At 9.30.


8.You are never happy. You are always complaining about something.

9.Catherine, I hear you are looking for a new job, aren’t you?

10.The economic situation in the country is bad and it is getting worse and worse.

11.We are attending a seminar on Wednesday.

Ex.22. Read the following description of one morning in the life of Gregory and the way he is getting to work. Choose the correct tense form to complete the sentences.

1.It is 8 o’clock in the morning. Gregory drives/is driving to the furniture factory.

2.His trip usually takes/is taking 25 minutes. This morning it takes/is taking much longer, because workers repair/are repairing the highway.

3.So Gregory has to use Larson Road. He usually does not use/is not using Larson Road.

4.Normally, he takes/is taking M 25.

5.Traffic always moves/is moving faster on this road.

6.Today, the weather slows down/is slowing down the traffic.

7.It rains/is raining heavily, and the roads are slippery.

8.Gregory doesn’t like/is not liking to drive in the rain.

9.He is a careful driver, and he always drives/is driving slowly when the roads are wet.

10.The radio in his car is on, and Gregory listens/is listening to the traffic report.

11.He always listens/is listening to the radio on his way to work.

12.The announcer describes/is describing an accident on Larson Road.

13.Gregory doesn’t want/is not wanting to be late for work, but there is nothing he can do about the traffic conditions.

14.Cars actually don’t move/are not moving, and he gets/is getting more and more nervous.

15.He understands/is understanding that it isn’t the best idea to drive to work while the main road is under repair.

Ex.23. Match two parts of the sentences in the box to make up logical sentences describing people’s criticism, annoyance or surprise.





You are always interrupting me

a) fault with whatever I do?


Boys at school are always bullying Sherry

b) to buy her a red Ferrari.


because of

c) her red curly hair. She refuses to go to


My wife is always nagging me



Alan’s mom is always criticizing

d) Alice Marshal in the supermarket.


It’s so strange. I’m always meeting

e) when I’m talking.


Mary says she wants to lose weight, but she

f) with my brother. His wife doesn’t like it.


is always eating

g) silly questions.


I don’t want to invite Helen. She is always

h) something between having meals.



i) me and the way we live.


Why are you always finding



You’re always asking me





Ex.24. In these dialogues, finish the replies using the construction ‘be always + –ing’.

Model: - I’m afraid I’ve lost my glasses again.

-Oh no, not again! Youre always losing your glasses, Granny.

1.- Phil, have you paid the phone bill?

-Sorry, Sue, I’ve completely forgotten.

-You ________________________________________________.


2.- Look, Nick! You’ve made the same mistake again.

-My god! I ____________________________________________.

3.- Lucy, we can’t go to Bristol today. Our car has broken down again.

-This car is absolutely useless! It ___________________________.

4.- Why are you laughing at our new manager?

-Because he ______________________________ (forget my name).

5.- I’ve no patience with Betty.


-Because she __________________________ (talk only about herself).

6.- And I have no patience with Nick.

-You? Why?

-Because he ______________ (boast of his great sporting achievements).

7.- Pete, the teacher is angry with you.

-Is she really? Why?

-Because you _____________________ (cheat in tests).

8.- Lucy, stop nagging!

-It’s so annoying! You ______________(grumble at me).

9.- I’m going to sell my laptop.

-Are you really? Why?

-Because something _______________ (go wrong with it).

Ex.25. Make up dialogues using the words and expressions in the box. Refer to the first

dialogue as a pattern.



get on my nerves


get out of order

record player

make a strange noise

mobile phone

let me down

1.- I’m going to sell my car.

-Are you really? Why? It isn’t old.

-Because something’s always going wrong with it.

-In that case you’d better get rid of it.

2.- I’m going to sell my notebook.


-Because it’s always ______________


3- I’m going to sell my ______________

-Are you really? Why?



4.- I’m going ______________________





5. - I’m _____________________________

Ex.26. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

1.Look! They try to open the door of your car.

2.We are needing an answer from you before Thursday.

3.The taxi is arriving in 15 minutes.

4.Excuse me, what platform is the London train leaving?

5.It’s getting hotter and hotter these days.

6.I’m not believing a word he’s saying.

7.I think about buying a new car soon. - Why? I am thinking your car is fine. You don’t need a new one.

8.Why are you smell the fish? - I think it is smelling a bit strange.

9.Nellie can’t come to the phone, she has a shower now.

10.I can’t find the TV programme. Rebecca, when is this film starting?

11.The technician mends the photocopier so you can’t use it right now.

12.I’m studying a lot now because we having exams next week.

13.She always leaving her computer on.

14.I make coffee. Would you like some?

15.Attention! Flight BA 125 to Stockholm is boarding now. All passengers please go to Gate 20.

Ex.27. Translate into English.

1.Я знаю, ви переїжджаєте до нового офісу днями.

2.Я телефоную, щоб дізнатися вашу нову адресу.

3.Завтра я зустрічаюсь з менеджером. Я думаю обговорити з ним це питання.

4.Здається, у них зараз проблеми з замовленнями.

5.Заспокойтесь (calm down), Шері. Ти завжди панікуєш.

6.Поки ми всі дивимось телевізор, Ганна готує вечерю. Люсі, давай допоможемо їй.

7.Правда, що Чарльз і Мелані одружуються наступного тижня?

8.До речі, ти йдеш на вечірку до Метью у цю суботу?

9.Ні, не йду. Я не хочу зіткнутися (bump into) там зі своїм попереднім бой-френдом.

10.Усе міняється у наші дні. Все більше людей кидають села і перебираються до міст. Міста ростуть. Населення збільшується.

11.Так, часи змінюються, і ми змінюємося з часом.

12.Тільки не наш Роберт. Мій молодший брат як і раніше позичає у мене гроші і не хоче повертати. Так, Роббі, ти завжди забуваєш свої борги.


Ex.28. Open the brackets, putting the verbs into the correct form, the Present Continuous or the Present Simple. Compare the sentences, try to elicit the difference.

1.Why _____ you _________ (not/listen) to me? – I _________ (listen) to you very attentively. I always (listen) to you attentively.

2.Why _____ you _________ (yawn)? – I _________ (yawn) because I’m very tired and it is already late. I always _________ (yawn) when I’m tired.

3.Do I like our new flat? Sure. It is large and light and it _________ (have) a balcony facing the sea. We ________(have) a party this Sunday. Can you come?

4.Look! Vivien _________ (wear) the same shoes like me.

5.Why ____ you never _______ (wear) your red jacket? It is so stylish.

6.Look! It _________ (snow). - Oh, how beautiful! This is the first time I’ve seen snow. It

_________ (not snow) in my country.


7.Mark Brown is a computer consultant. He _________ (work) for a firm which is based in Geneva but he _________ (work) in Bradford these days. He _________ (set up) a new quality control system at the moment.

8.You know, I _________ (leave) for Warsaw tonight. Му train ________ (leave) at 8 p.m.

9.The river Danube _________ (cut) Budapest in two.

10.Have a smoke, Vic. – No, thank you. I _________ (cut down) on cigarettes. At least, I’m trying to.

Ex.29. Match the questions and answers.

1.What language do they speak?

2.What language are they speaking?

3.What does he do?

4.What is he doing?

5.Does your daughter play the piano?

6.Is your daughter playing the piano?

7.Who drinks champagne?

8.Who is drinking champagne?

9.Where do you work?

10.Where are you working this week?

a.Me, on special occasions.

b.Me. Only a little, please.

c.Yes, she does.

d.They mostly speak English. Though his wife Margo is from France, she fluently speaks English.

e.Actually, that’s her CD.

f.He’s a student.

g.I’m at the exhibition “Tourism” this week.

h.I’m not sure. It sounds like Spanish.

i.I guess he wants to get the car started.

j.In a big travel agency.

Ex.30. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets. Be careful in choosing the tense form: the words have different meaning when used in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1.- Shall we go shopping?

-Oh no, Nora, I can’t. I am seeing my boyfriend tonight. (to see)

2.Can I call you later? We ___________________ lunch right now. (to have)

3.- I see you ______________ the fish, Clare. (to smell)

-It _____________ a bit strange. I’m afraid it might have gone off. (to smell)

4.I _______________ we should postpone the decision until Friday. (to think)

5.- How much _______this chicken _______? (to weigh)

-I don’t know. The shop assistant ____________it now. (to weigh)

6.- I like this suit. It ____________ you like a glove. (to fit)

-Shall we take it?

7.Thank you for the flowers. The roses are lovely and they __________ so nice. (to smell)

8.We ________________ at the photos of you in the Vatican. (to look)


- The meat ____________ awful. (to taste)


- I think I overcooked it.


I ___________ what you mean. (to see) It’s a good idea!

11.You _____________ fabulous in this dress. (to look)

12.We _____________ a new kitchen next week. (to fit)

13.I ________________ about Richard’s comment. (to think) Maybe he is right.

14.- Why ________ you ________ the baby’s drink? (to taste)

-I ______________ it to see if it is OK.

15.Why don’t we go for our summer holiday to my relatives in Palermo? They _________ a very good villa by the sea. (to have)

Ex.31. Translate into English.

1.Кожний школяр знає, що вода кипить при 100ºС.

2.Чайник кипить. Виключи, будь ласка.

3.Бабуся, що ти печеш (bake)? Пахне дуже смачно.

4.Наша бабуся завжди щось пече у неділю.


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