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The past continuous tense

The Past Continuous Tense is used:

to talk about a continuing action at a certain time in the past

At ten o’clock last night I was watching TV.

I saw you last night. You were waiting for a bus.

to talk about an interrupted action in the past

In this case The Past Continuous and the Past Simple tenses are used together in a sentence to say that something happened in the middle of something else.

I was driving along when suddenly a child ran across the road.

While I was doing the ironing, I burnt my hand.

(Just) as I was hanging out the washing, it started to rain.

to talk about action in progress at the same time

While I was reading, Joan was playing the piano.

to talk about actions that happened too often

When I worked there, I was always making mistakes.

to describethe background history or environment when telling the story

It was a warm summer day. The sun was shinning an d the birds were singing.

Positive form

WAS/WERE+ Participle I (verb+ing).

I was reading a book all evening.

You were doing a test at that time.

He/She/It was working at 10 o’clock yesterday morning.

We playing tennis at 7 o’clock last night.

You were having dinner when I came.

They listening to the opera last night.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences putting the verbs in brackets in the Past continuous Tense.

  1. We _____to the radio when it suddenly stopped working.(listen)

  2. When I saw them, they _______football.(play)

  3. When I got out of the house it_______.(rain)

  4. You broke your tooth when you__________walnuts.(eat)

Negative form

Was not (wasn’t)+ Present Participle I ( Verb + -ing)

I was not doing anything spesial last night.


You were not working at that time yesterday afternoon.


He/She, was not staying at that hotel on Monday.


It was not snowing heavily yesterday in the evening.


We were not leaving the party when John arrived.


You were not waiting for the bus when you saw an accident.


They were not having breakfast when the doorbell rang.


Exercise 2. Use the Past Continuous Tense in the in the sentences below.

Example:I wasn’t listening (not/listen) so I missed what he said.

  1. Just as I ________(get) to an interesting part of the story, the telephone rang.

  2. When she was younger, she _____(always play) jokes on other people.

  3. Yesterday afternoon we____ (not/tidy up) our flat.

  4. Pete _______(not/listen) to the lecture; he _______(talking) to his friends.

  5. A strong wind ______(blow) right in my face.

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