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4. Complex Subject – Сложное подлежащее

Первая часть комплекса – личное местоимение в именительном падеже или существительное в общем падеже. Вторая часть комплекса – инфинитив. Особенность данного комплекса состоит в том, что его части отделены друг от друга сказуемым предложения. Сам комплекс выполняет функцию сложного подлежащего.

It is said that diamonds are forever.

Diamonds are said to be forever. Говорят, что бриллианты вечны.

It is known that he is a talented and promising manager Известно, что он талантливый и

He is known to be a talented and promising manager. подающий надежды менеджер.






expected Indefinite Infinitive

known + Infinitive Continuous

supposed Perfect Infinitive



turned out


seemed (etc)

Task 1 Paraphrase the sentences using complex subject.

Pattern: It is said that Apple has developed the personal computer market.

Apple is said to have developed the personal computer market.

It is reported that the company uses new security methods against computer crimes.

The company is reported to use new security methods against computer crimes.

1. It is known that cryptography is an effective measure against security break-ins.

2. It is supposed that Bill Gates has named one of the computer languages Melinda in honor of his beloved wife.

3. It is considered that computer crime is rising nowadays.

4. It is reported that a pair of hackers have hacked into Midwest Express Airline’s intranet.

5. It is suspected that Russian hackers have stolen electronically $10 million from Citibank’s network.

6. It is thought that computer crime, viruses, and disasters are three important security threats.

7. It is said that Bill Gates is living now near Lake Washington with his wife Melinda French Gates and their three children.

8. It is estimated that annual cost of computer crime is as high as $15 billion.

9. It is recommended that companies must take strong precautions to protect themselves.

10. It is believed that older less secure applications are steadily being replaced with newer and more reliable ones.

11. It is known that Nokia has launched a new high-tech model of a mobile phone

12. It is considered that the leading area of innovation in the 21st century is security – whether it’s the protection of information or the protection of people.