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Vocabulary Notes

business assets - бизнес-активы; достояние деловой жизни

entire - весь, всецелый

information security - информационная безопасность

unauthorized - несанкционированный, неполномочный

disclosure - раскрытие

disruption - разрушение, срыв

perusal - чтение, просматривание

inspection - инспектирование (наблюдение за состоянием объектов программы)

security - защита, безопасность

threat - угроза

disaster - бедствие; авария; катастрофа

information assurance - обеспечение (гарантия) информационной безопасности

assurance - 2) уверенность, убеждённость

interchangeably - взаимозаменяемо

to interrelate - взаимодействовать

common goal - общая цель

primarily - главным образом, прежде всего

to focus on - сосредотачивать внимание на чём-либо

to be concerned with - иметь отношение, касаться чего-либо

integrity - неприкосновенность, целостность

regardless of - невзирая на

to ensure - обеспечивать, гарантировать

to reason about - рассуждать, аргументировать; обосновывать необходимость ч-либо

breach - нарушение, брешь

requirement - требование

to amass a great deal of - собирать, накапливать большое количество чего-либо

malicious intentions - вредноносные намерения, злой умысел

prankster - шутник

to hack into a system - взламывать систему

to alter - изменять

inaccurate - неточный

misleading - вводящий в заблуждение; обманчивый

to insert viruses - вносить вирусы

illegal transaction - незаконная операция, трансакция; сделка

illicit benefit - незаконная выгода

violations - нарушения

Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT) - группа

реагирования на компьютерные чрезвычайные происшествия (США)

to soar - стремительно повышаться

vulnerable - уязвимый

hacker - хакер

nicknamed “Deceptive Duo” - по кличке «Разводящий Дуэт» или «Парный лохотрон»

to embarrass - смутить, приводить в замешательство

to post evidence - отправить доказательства, улики

(to) break-in - взлом; взламывать

US Space and Naval War Systems Command - командование военными космическими

и морскими системами (США)

sensitive information - конфиденциальная информация

to raid - рейдерски захватывать; налетать; грабить

by dialing in through a modem - набирая номер или подключаясь через модем

security breaches - нарушение правил безопасности

estimated annual cost - подсчитанная годовая стоимость

power grid - энергосистема

proprietary information - частная (являющаяся чьей-либо собственностью) информация

to impose fines - налагать штрафы

sentences - приговоры

espionage - шпионаж

precautions - меры предосторожности

system administrator - системный администратор

to implement - осуществлять, реализовывать

firewall - брандмауэр

highly sophisticated - очень сложный

to alert - предупреждать, извещать

suspicious - подозрительный

encryption software - программное обеспечение шифрования

to encode - кодировать, шифровать

to scramble - зашифровать

cryptography - криптография, шифрование

to render - приводить в какое-либо состояние; делать

authorized user - полномочный (санкционированный) пользователь

to encrypt - шифровать, кодировать

to possess - владеть, обладать

cryptographic key - криптографический ключ

decryption - расшифровка

in transit - в пути

authentication - аутенфикация; подтверждение подлинности; подтверждение

права на доступ

message digests - краткие сообщения; дайджест-сообщения

non-repudiation - принятие действия, неотказ от принятия антимер

telnet - протокол telnet; программа telnet; удалённый вход в систему

ftp - протокол передачи файлов

AES = application environment specifications - спецификации среды прикладных


key exchange - обмен, перестановка, замена ключа

rigorous - строгий

rigorous peer review - строгое рецензирование

destruction - разрушение, уничтожение

elaborate - тщательно разработанные


1. Read and translate the following expressions into Russian:

1. to become harder to replace

2. to affect the entire network

3. to protect information systems from perusal

and disclosure

4. unauthorized access into information


5. to use interchangeably

6. to share the common goal

7. to have subtle differences

8. to be concerned with the confidentiality,

integrity and availability of data

9. to focus on the problems of computer


10. negative consequences

11. ethical and legal requirement

12. to provide efficient ways

13. malicious intentions

14. inaccurate or misleading information

15. to insert viruses

16. to be on the rise

17. the number of reported incidents

18. to be vulnerable to computer crime

19. to hack into a system

20. to have a goal to embarrass somebody

21. break-in on the Web site of any


22. to face a significant problem

23. to raid the database by dialing in through

a modem

24. to lead to security breaches

25. the estimated annual cost

26. to be vulnerable to attack

27. to leave no trace of the theft

28. to sentence somebody to 5 years for theft

29. to take strong precautions against security


30. to implement protections against computer


31 to install firewalls

32. to prevent somebody from doing


33. to use encryption software

34. to render something unusable by anyone

35. to transform encrypted information back

into its original usable form

36. to possess the cryptographic key

37. through the process of decryption

38. to include improved authentication

methods, digital signatures and encrypted

network communications

32. to undergo rigorous review by

independent experts in cryptography

33. to invent new and more elaborate

protective measures

2. Replace the underlined words or word-combinations with the words of similar meaning given in the box:

frequently focuses on crime

regardless of affect experts

vulnerable to precautions a great deal

location status renders

is concerned with breach possess

malicious annually consideration

negative consequences amass rigorous

interchangeably entire ongoing

unauthorized transforming replaced with

on the rise hack into customers

protect competitor

1. One of the tasks of information security is to defend information and information systems from illegal access.

2. The terms information security, computer security, and information assurance are often used in one and the same meaning.

3. Information security deals with the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data without worrying about the form the data may take.

4. Information assurance concentrates on the reasons for assurance that information is secured.

5. Various organizations collect a lot of confidential information about their employees, clients, products, research, and financial standing.

6. If the confidential information fall into hands of a rival, such a gap of security can lead to bad results.

7. When computers are connected to a network, a problem at any place or position can influence the whole network.

8. People with evil intentions can break into a system; such actions may be qualified as computer offense.

9. Computer crime is increasing. All organizations are not completely protected against computer crime.

10. U.S. corporations spend much money every year on network security.

11. Companies must still take strong protective measures against computer theft cases.

12. The process of converting information into a form that makes it unusable by anyone other than authorized user is called encryption.

13. An authorized user must have the cryptographic key.

14. Older less secure applications such as telnet and ftp are slowly being changed for more secure applications.

15. Cryptographic solutions must undergo strict review by independent professionals in cryptography.

16. The length and strength of the encryption key is also an important matter.

17. So security is a continuing battle.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What does the term “information security” mean in general?

2. What is the difference between the terms information security, computer security, and information assurance?

3. Why do many organizations such as governments, military, corporations, financial institutions, private businesses, and nonprofit companies worry about information security?

4. What are the three important security threats?

5. What are the most common ways of stealing or altering data when a computer crime occurs?

6. Are computer crimes on the rise or on the fall? Prove your answer with some examples.

7. What is your opinion about computer hackers? Are they really so dangerous as they are told about?

8. What is the simplest way for competitors or thieves to raid the database of any company?

9. What sums of money do American corporations spend annually on network security?

10. What measures did the Economic Espionage Act take against computer theft cases?

11. What two basic protections against computer crime do system administrators implement?

12. What do you think why companies are still vulnerable to computer crime in spite of numerous protections existing nowadays?

13. What does information security use cryptography for? Say a few words about encryption and decryption processes.

14. What can you say about encryption and decryption keys?

15. What do we mean saying that security is an ongoing battle?