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Theatre and Cinema.docx
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  1. Find out equivalents to the underlined words from the ones given below. Answer the questions.

The English National Theatre is working temporarily in the Old Vic Theatre. This is the first state theatre Britain has ever had. It has a permanent staff of actors and actresses. In the past few years London has become the centre of theatrical experi­ment. In 1964 Peter Brook and Charles Morowitz formed an experimental group at­tached to the Royal Shakespere Company and presented «The Theatre of Cruelty». What's characteristic of this theatre? Firstly images have become much more impor­tant than words and the actor and the director share the same creative rights as the au­thor. Secondly there's a readiness to alter or rewrite the classics to see if they can show us anything about present day problems... Some companies place great impor­tance on physical discipline, others put the emphasis on freedom of movement. «The Living Theatre» can be an example of this. The most modem building is the New London Theatre. It was opened in 1973 and has in one complex a restaurant, under­ground parking for cars, tower blocks for tenants and a theatre. The New London Theatre is modern in design and very comfortable. The scenery can be lowered through louvered panels in the ceiling. Walls, stage, ceiling and even seats can be moved.

Образы, театральный эксперимент, декорации, переделывать, перепи­сывать классические произведения, особо выделяют, придают важное значе­ние, современный дизайн, разделяют с автором право на творчество.

Text 2

David Brown is a hard worker at school and his parents hope that he will do well in his examination in the summer, so that he can go up to University next Octo­ber. He is determined to do his best. But he cannot work all the time, so once or twice a week, when he is tired of work, he goes out with his friend Bob Sandford. They usually go to the theatre or the cinema, but they sometimes go to a dance in Bishop- ton. They do not often go to a theatre or cinema in London as the cost of the journey and the higher price of seats in London make this too expensive. It is much cheaper in Bishopton.

In England the cinema is usually called «the pictures». The American name, «the movies», is sometimes used. The first performance, or «showing» as it is called,

begins about two o'clock in the afternoon, and the show goes on from then until about half past ten. The cinema is not emptied between the «showings», so that once you have paid for your seat you can stay in the cinema as long as you like. There are usually one main film, a shorter one, a news film, some advertisements and a «trai­ler» telling about the film for the next week.

Cinemas in England are usually larger and more comfortable than the theatres. There is often a restaurant, so that it is possible to spend a pleasant afternoon and evening there. Behind the cinema screen there is a stage, so that the building can be used for concerts and other performances.

David and Bob enjoy historical films, films about countries very different from their own, crime stories and films that make them laugh. They also like to see foreign films, but it is not often possible to see these in Bishopton. When they were younger, they enjoyed «cowboy» films, but now they are older they are not so easily satisfied. They do not enjoy these films so much because they find they are all very much alike. This week they saw a film of one of Shakespeare's plays. Some famous actors and ac­tresses were in this film. David had seen the play with the same actors and actresses at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stradford-on-Avon the previous summer, so it was interesting to see how the performance in the film was different from the perfor­mance on the stage.

The film was very fine and exciting, but David thought it had lost something. There were so many people and places that you forgot the main characters and the re­ally important things that were happening. Telling his father about the film when he got home, David said he thought he would remember the theatre performance he had seen at Stradford long after he had forgotten the film he had seen that evening.

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