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Conversational Topic “Theatre. Cinema”. Text 1

Here we are outside the theatre. It is the Library Theatre which is underneath the Central Library in Manchester. We are going to see a modern play which is very popular with theatre-goers.

Passing through the revolving door and down the stairs we come to the box- office where the tickets are sold. Luckily we booked our seats a few weeks ago or would not be able to get in, because for this play all the seats had already been sold. It is so popular that this is the second time it has been produced here.

We leave our raincoats in the cloakroom. At the entrance to the theatre itself an attendant in uniform tears our theatre tickets in half. He gives us our halves back so that we can find our seats by their numbers. Another attendant shows us to our seats and sells us a programme that will tell us which parts the actors are playing and how many acts there are in the play.

Then we take our seats about halfway down the auditorium. All around us people are settling down into their seats, reading their programmes, passing choco­lates. Everybody is excited, looking forward to the play. We all have a clear view of the stage because the seats are set on wide steps which slope down to the level of the stage. On the front row you are so close you can smell the paint on the scenery but not too close to spoil your view of the actors. Even on the back row you have a per­fect view of the stage because this is a small theatre.

This auditorium holds only 300 seats, but many theatres are much larger. In a small theatre you can always be sure to hear and see everything and really feel that you are with the actors in everything they do and in all the places they visit. But many plays are still produced in very large, old theatres where it is difficult to see and hear properly if you are in the back rows. There are sometimes so many stalls (ground-floor seats) in these theatres that they are divided into orchestra stalls, centre stalls, and rear stalls, with the pit behind them. Above, there is the dress circle and boxes, then the balcony and, high above, the gallery, or the «gods»!

The auditorium seems to be full now. In a few minutes the play will begin. The attendants close the doors and draw the curtains over them. The warning bell rings to tell everyone the play is about to begin. People whisper excitedly. Slowly the lights begin to come up on the stage.

Topical Vocabulary

drama theatre (playhouse) - драматиче­ский театр

opera and ballet house - театр оперы и балета

puppet theatre - кукольный театр variety theatre - театр эстрады travelling company - театр без своего помещения tour - гастроли

on tour company - труппа (актеров) на гастролях

amateur theatre - самодеятельный театр amateur actor - актер-любитель (dress) rehearsal - (генеральная) репе­тиция

fist night - премьера

matinee - дневкой спектакль

cloak-room - гардероб

cloak-room ticket (check) - номерок

stage — сцена

scenery - декорации

wings (backstage), in the wings - кулисы,

за кулисами

aisle - проход между рядами stalls, in the (orchestra) stalls - партер, в (первых) рядах партера row, on the front, back row in the fith row - ряд, в первом, последнем ряду pit - амфитеатр dress-circle - бельэтаж box, in the box - ложа, в ложе balcony - балкон on/in the balcony - на балконе entertainment events - любой вид зрели­ща (пьеса, фильм, цирк, представление) tier - ярус gallery, «the gods» — галерка curtain (rises, falls) -занавес (поднима­ется, опускается)

lights (go down, go up) - свет (гаснет, зажигается)

(play)-bill, programme - программа

cast - состав исполнителей

permanent staff - постоянная труппа

scene - сцена (часть действия)

applaude - аплодировать

applause - аплодисменты

the house burst into applause - зрители


encore - бис

to get curtain calls - быть вызванным на сцену

stage manager - режиссер

prompter - суфлер

producer - постановщик, продюсер

conductor - дирижер

playwright - драматург

usher - билетер

spectator - зритель

audience - зрительская аудитория

«House full» - «Все билеты проданы»


to be sold out - все билеты проданы box-office play - «кассовая» пьеса show - представление, сеанс variety show - эстрадный концерт ballet - балет

musical comedy - музыкальная коме­дия, оперетта drama - драма tragedy - трагедия choir (chorus) - хор

Dialogue 1

Richard: Wait for me in the lobby, Pauline. We may not be able to get seats. I'll ask at the box-office window. May I have two tickets for this evening's perfor­mance, please?

Clerk: Do you have reservations?

Richard: No, are there any good seats left?

Clerk: Yes, I have a few. I can give you very good seats either in the orchestra or in the first balcony, third row.

Richard: Good, I like the seats in the balcony better than those on the main floor. Give me two, please, in the aisle, if possible. Do you have programs here?

Clerk: No, you can get them from the usher at the main entrance.

Richard: We were lucky, Pauline. I've got excellent seats. I'll check my hat and coat and get the programs.

Pauline: You'd better hurry up. Look at the time. The curtain goes up at 8.30 sharp. We don't want to be late.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises . I. Find in the text the equivalents to the following.

1) Очень популярна среди театралов, 2) театральная касса, 3) купить би­леты, 4) поставлена (пьеса) во второй раз, 5) гардероб, 6) найти места (в театре), 7) роль, 8) передние/задние ряды, 9) зал вмещает, 10) партер, 11) амфитеатр, 12) зал заполнен, 13) загораются огни.

II. Answer the questions.

Are you keen on theatre? Which do you prefer: cinema or theatre? Why? When did you last go to the theatre? Do you remember your first visit to the theatre? Does it stand in your memory quite vividly or not? To what thatre did you go and what play did you see? Where is this theatre situated? What theatres are there in the city you live in? Did you book a ticket in advance? What did you see? Who was in the cast? Who played the leading role?How did you find the acting? Did you like the costumes and scenery? Was the house full? Did you have a good seat? Was the performance a success? Do you enjoy opera? Which do you prefer: opera or ballet? What opera (ballet) did you see last? Did you enjoy it? What did you like in particular: the music? the singing? the dancing? the sets? Who is your favourite actor?

III. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1) Какая пьеса идет? Стоит ли ее посмотреть? Сколько стоит билет в пер­вые ряды партера? 2) В этом сезоне это самая популярная пьеса. 3) Я не теат­рал, но я тоже очень хочу посмотреть эту пьесу. 4) Мы купили билеты заранее в кассе театра и теперь не должны стоять в очереди, чтобы купить билет. 5) Я боялась, что не достану билетов, так как у входа висела табличка «Все билеты проданы». 6) Эта пьеса ставится в этом театре уже во второй раз. 7) Мы купили программку, чтобы узнать, кто играет главные роли, сколько актов в пьесе. 8) Я очень хочу знать состав исполнителей. 9) Зрительный зал вмещает 300 че­ловек, это маленький театр. 10) Большинство старых театров очень большие, партер в этих театрах даже делится на «передние ряды партера», «среднюю часть» и «задние ряды партера». 11) За партером идет амфитеатр, над ним бель­этаж, ложи, балкон и галерка. 12) Я сдам в гардероб пальто и шляпу и куплю программы. 13) Спасибо. Очень любезно с твоей стороны, что ты пригласил меня. Я буду с нетерпением ждать спектакля.

IV. Give words or word combinations for the definitions:

  1. the part of the theatre where the audience sits;

  2. a raised platform in a theatre where the actors appear;

  3. the highest balcony where the cheapest seats are placed;

  4. a place where hats and coats may be left;

  5. a piece of wood or metal with a number on it given in return for hat or a


  1. a set of actors in a play;

  2. programme;

  3. the main role;

  4. a trial performance of a play;

  5. a person who shows people to their seats.

    1. Speak of your favourite performance, using the key sentences given below.

      1. I enjoyed the biting satire of this play.

      2. This play is based on historical facts.

      3. The main characters are true to life.

      4. The cast is well chosen.

      5. Everything was first-rate.

      6. The play by... is exciting (boring, thrilling).

      7. I liked the situations that were put into the play (plot). It was so dull to watch this play that I felt like walking out.

8. I could not help crying (laughing).

  1. The production (acting) was first-rate (decent).

  2. The play deals with the events of...

  3. The scene is laid out in ... in ...

  4. It was an evening (matinee) performance.

  5. The house was full (half empty).

VI. Act out the following situations.

      1. On your way home you meet a friend of yours. You haven't seen each other for a long time. You want to get together one day and go to the theatre. You choose a performance to see. Your friend offers to buy tickets. You agree to meet at your place on the day of the performance.

      2. The performance is over. You are leaving the theatre. You are full of im­pressions. Your tastes differ.

VII. Read the joke.

Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was once invited to an opera by a friend. His friend was very rich. He and his wife had a box in the Opera House. Dur­ing the performance his friend's wife kept talking loudly and gaily about the things that had nothing to do with the opera. The lady probably thought she was entertaining the guest. She made it impossible for Mark Twain to follow the performance and to listen to the music. Mark Twain didn't know how to make her keep quiet or at least speak in whisper. At the end of the opera the lady turned to Mark Twain saying: «My dear Mark Twain, I want you to come with us next Friday night. I'm sure youU like it. The opera will be 'Carmen'». «Thank you very much», said Mark Twain. «That'll be fine. I've never heard you in 'Carmen'.»

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