- •Л.П. Пушкарева Практический курс общего перевода второго иностранного языка. Английский язык. Для курсантов 4 – го курса
- •Москва – 2006
- •Предисловие
- •Лексическая тема I о рганизация Объединенных Наций (оон) Урок 1
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 1
- •Упражнения
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Герундий и отглагольное существительное
- •Инновация фразеологических единиц
- •Условные предложения
- •Наречие "enough"
- •Виды перевода
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 2
- •Упражнения
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 3
- •Упражнения
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Публицистический стиль
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 4
- •Упражнения
- •Здоров, как бык.
- •Фонд помощи детям (оон) Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 5
- •Упражнения
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 6
- •Упражнения
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 7
- •Упражнения
- •Текст 2
- •Переводческий комментарий Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом "for"
- •Расчлененный инфинитив: Split Infinitive
- •Лексическая тема II е вропейский союз (ес) Урок 8
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 8
- •Упражнения
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 9
- •Упражнения
- •Текст 2
- •Переводческий комментарий Существительные, употребляемые
- •Урок 10
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 10
- •Упражнения
- •Текст 2
- •Текст 3
- •Текст 4
- •Текст 5
- •Текст 6
- •Текст 7
- •Текст 8 Назначение на пост
- •Текст 9 Благодарность
- •Текст 10
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Урок 11
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 11
- •Упражнения
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Урок 12
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 12
- •Упражнения
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Урок 13
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 13
- •Упражнения
- •Текст 2
- •Текст 3
- •Урок 14
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 14
- •Упражнения
- •Урок 15
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 15
- •Упражнения
- •Текст 5 россия впервые за 10 лет применила право вето в оон
- •Текст 6 у Калининграда есть неплохие шансы стать международной информационной столицей
- •Упражнение III. Переведите и прочтите несколько раз:
- •Урок 16
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 16
- •Упражнения
- •Председатель пасе* провел заседание по-русски
- •Урок 1 7
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 17:
- •Упражнения
- •Переводческий комментарий
- •Урок 18
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 18
- •Упражнения
- •Лексическая тема III с евероатлантический договор (нато) Урок 19
- •Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 19
- •Упражнения
- •Урок 20 (нато и терроризм) Словарь
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 20
- •Упражнения
- •Текст 2
- •Урок 21 (Новобранцы Нато – Nato’s role in combating terrorism) Домашнее задание к уроку 21
- •Упражнения
- •За новобранцев нато политически поручились
- •5 Апреля, 2004
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 22
- •Текст 2
- •Урок 23
- •Домашнее задание к уроку 23
- •Упражнения
- •Генеральный вопрос
- •Содержание
Домашнее задание к уроку 1
Изучите переводческий комментарий и выполните упражнения I, III.
Упражнение I. Прочтите слова и словосочетания вслух. Переведите их с листа, а затем под диктовку в быстром темпе:
The founding of the UNO, under the UNO Charter, UN member-states, to bind oneself to do smth, to refrain from the threat or use of force, in the Hague, in Washington, D.C., impose sanctions on smb., to be entitled to smth, human rights, sovereign equality, contribution, The Economic and Social Council, UN specialist agencies, Security Council, to veto a resolution, to execute the UN programs, to be funded by…, permanent members, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, the World Health Organization.
Упражнение II. Переведите текст 1 с листа по абзацам с предварительным чтением абзаца вслух. Прочтите переводческий комментарий "Виды перевода".
Текст 1
The dream that inspired the founding of the United Nations
The United Nations came formally into being on June 26th, 1945, succeeding the League of Nations. It was formed at the initiative of the countries that had fought Hitler’s Germany.
Under the UN Charter, member-states bound themselves to "settle their international disputes by peaceful means" and to-refrain... from the threat or use of force against... any state." Although these promises have not always been realized, the organization has created an international forum that embraces the vast majority of the world’s nations.
The central body of the UN – its parliament – is the General Assembly, based in New-York, but its specialist agencies are located throughout the world. The International Court of Justice, for instance, is in The Hague; the World Health Organization in Geneva; the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome; and the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C.
The most powerful arm of the UN is the Security Council, which, in theory, has the authority to impose decisions on member-states
(The General Assembly has only the right to make recommendations to governments). The Council has 15 Members: 10 of them are elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years each, and five are permanent members. The five are the world’s leading powers:
Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States; each has the right to veto any Security Council’s resolution.
Through its Economic and Social Council the UN coordinates world-wide campaigns against poverty and disease. The UN Secretariat, that administers and executes the UN’s decisions and programs, is headed by a Secretary General who is elected by the General Assembly. It is funded by contributions from member states; the largest single contributor, the United States, has long provided roughly a quaver of the UN’s budget since it is rich enough* to do it
Упражнение III. Переведите текст 2 письменно:
текст 2
June 26, 1995 marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter. It is an important date: the Charter is the foundation of international law, resting on the principles of sovereign equality and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
When the proposal for a world peace-keeping organization was discussed at the Dumbarton Oaks Allied Conference in 1944, the Soviet side pointed out that, to be effective, the new organization could only be based on the principles of sovereign equality of all its members and on peaceful coexistence between states with different socio-economic systems.
The Western powers rejected this formulation singing a similar tune* According to John Foster Dulles it was not "wise to permit all of the small nations to express their opinion on all matters of international relationship." Churchill immediately supported the idea of big power hegemony, with characteristic cynicism: "the eagle should permit the small birds to sing and care not wherefore they sang."
In the long run, however, principles of sovereign equality and non-interference won the day. Later that year the UN was founded with 50 member states.
As the post-war unraveling of classical colonialism began, many strange entities disappeared from the atlas: Malaya under British protection, Portuguese India, Dutch Guyana, Spanish Guinea, French West Africa, Dutch East Africa, and the Belgian Congo. The small birds began to sing.
However, the cold war perception had dominated for more than four decades since the founding of the UN*. The reason for it was once very clearly expressed by a senior officer in the US Administration who said: "Given our capability to destroy one another, war is unthinkable, given our mutual mistrust, peace is unattainable."
Упражнение Iv. Прочтите тексты 3 и 4 про себя (3 минуты) и переведите с листа:
текст 3
(an excerpt from the speech by the British ambassador to the UN)
Esteemed Mr. Chairman,
Esteemed Mr. Secretary-General,
Esteemed delegates,
It is hardly necessary for me to say that I consider it a very great honour to be asked to occupy this platform for a few minutes so as to add my voice to the chorus of congratulations on this memorable occasion.
And this is rightfully an occasion for celebration. It is difficult for me to say what is in my mind and heart without repeating, because everything has already been well said. My best wishes to you for your further successful work.
Thank you.
Текст 4
(an excerpt from the speech by the US ambassador to the UN)
Esteemed Mr. Chairman,
Esteemed Mr. Secretary-General,
Esteemed delegates,
When I wake up every morning and look at the headlines and the stories and the images on television of various conflicts, I want to work to end every conflict, 1 want to work to save every child out there, and I know the president does and I know the American people do. But neither we nor the international community have the resources nor the mandate to do so.
Упражнение v. Выполните задание к переводческому комментарию:
а) замените отглагольное существительное на герундий:
1. Both countries are interested in the strengthening of good neighbourly relations.
2. The first steps in the building of a new world organization were taken in 1945.
3. The realisation of the danger of another world war led to the setting up of the UNO.
4. June 26, 1995 marked the 50th anniversary since the signing of the UN Charter.
б) переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. У меня недостаточно времени, чтобы пойти туда.
2. Он достаточно взрослый, чтобы понимать это.
3. Ему не дали эту работу, потому что у него нет достаточного опыта.
4. Я бы хотел поехать на море, но у меня пока недостаточно денег для этого.
5. Ты сможешь сдать экзамен отлично, если будешь работать достаточно упорно.
7. – Почему мы не обедаем в саду?
– Там недостаточно тепло.
8. Я еще недостаточно хорошо знаю арабский язык.
9. Вы знаете эту тему достаточно хорошо.
10. Не торопись. У нас достаточно времени.
11. Вы выполнили эту работу недостаточно хорошо.
12. Она довольно хорошо поет.
13. У нас достаточно пищи на двоих.
Enough is enough!
в) переведите условные предложения на русский язык:
1. Given the will, the work will be done in good time.
2. Peaceful settlement of the dispute – granted that it would be achieved – will not mean the end of rivalry.
3. "Provided we can get the right terms for ourselves, Spain would be better off in the European Union than out of it, stated the Spanish Premier. "We are ready to join the Union, given the right conditions," he added.
4. Given their inexperience, they have done a good job.