- •60. Plan of Suzdal n the 11th and 12th century (compiled by a. Varganov)
- •Historic buildings
- •61. View of the kremlin ensemble (taken before the restoration of the cathedral)
- •62. Cathedral of the Nativity. Detail of the south portal
- •63. Cathedral of the Nativity. Detail of the south front
- •66. Western Golden Gates in the Cathedral of the Nativity. 1230-1233
- •69 Details of the western Golden Gates in the Cathedral of the Nativity 1230-1233
- •72. Church of St. Nicholas from the village of Glotovo. 1766
- •73. Church of St. Nicholas. 1720-1739
- •74. Church of St. Cosmas and St. Daminn.1725
The road from Vladimir to Suzdal forks left in the village of Dobroye opposite the Church of St. Constantine and St. Helena. Here the countryside opens out into miles and miles of fertile arable land which first attracted settlers to these parts and formed the heart of the rich, well-populated principality.
The road is slightly undulating. In a hollow on the left is the village of Sukhodol. Beyond it the ground rises again, and looking back at Vladimir from this point you can see the whole town stretched out below with its impressive group of cathedrals standing out prominently against the hazy background. Early one morning in 1177 the city regiments of Vsevolod HI marched along this road to wage battle against the boyars of Suzdal and Rostov. When they had passed Sukhodol (the chronicler wrote "Suzdal" here by mistake) they saw "the holy Virgin", in other words the Cathedral of the Assumption, "as if in the heavens" and "the whole of the town to its very foundations". The hills would have been still swathed in mist, with the cathedral shining in the early sun as if it were hovering above a sea of clouds. The men took this to be a good omen and the chronicler decided to include this "new miracle" in his account.
Further on, about halfway between Vladimir and Suzdal, lies the large village of Borisovskoye, one of the oldest in these parts. It belonged at one time to the Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita (a nickname meaning "moneybags") who left it to his son Simon the Proud. The tiny stream here has retained its Finnish name of Ikishka, dating back to the time before Russian settlers appeared in these parts.
More and more fields pass by until the village of Batiyevo appears on the right. The History of the Town of Suzdal diligently compiled in the eighteenth century by a cathedral sexton called Ananiya Fyodorov, tells us that the Mongol Khan Batu pitched camp on this spot on his way to Suzdal.
A few more bends in the road and we come to the village of Pavlovskoye, which is even older than Borisovskoye. It was bought by the wife of Alexander Nevsky, meaning that it must have existed in the thirteenth century and survived the Mongol invasion.
A little further on Suzdal comes into sight quite unexpectedly from the top of Poklonnaya Hill. The town lies on an elongated piece of high ground surrounded by fields and forest stretching as far as the eye can see. As we get nearer we can gradually make out the different groups of buildings: the Kremlin with its white cathedral and bell-tower, the huge pink walls and towers of the Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery, and the slender bell-tower of the Convent of the Deposition of the Robe.
To the right on the sloping meadows along the little river Mzhara we can see a large number of small burial mounds, for this was Suzdal's cemetery in the early days. Under these mounds are buried the people who lived in Suzdal in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries at the time of Yuri Dolgoruky and his grandson Georgi and built the town's ancient ramparts and beautiful cathedral.
Although the proud Suzdal boyars held that their town, the bastion of their power and source of their wealth, was older than Vladimir, the two towns actually appeared about the same time. Suzdal grew up on the fertile arable land which attracted Russian settlers to these parts who founded many villages here in the tenth and eleventh centuries.
A number of these old settlements, which abounded along the banks of the Kamenka, a tributary of the Nerl, formed the basis of what was later to become the town of Suzdal. Traces of them have been found during excavations on the site of the Suzdal Kremlin and elsewhere. The peasants who came here from the Smolensk and Novgorod areas in search of land and a free life did not enjoy these blessings for long: here, too, they and their lands quickly fell into the hands of rich men, themselves formerly peasants, who helped the tribute-collectors from the Kievan princes to carry off the fruits of the peasants' labours. As early as 1024 there was a peasant uprising "throughout these lands" led by the pagan priests, against those who were attempting to impose a feudal order on this previously free community. The extent of this rebellion was so great that the Grand Prince Yaroslav the Wise came in person to suppress it with his men. The name of Suzdal occurs for the first time in the account of this event. It is, however, clear from the account that Suzdal referred to an area rather than an actual town.
In 1054 the lands of Rostov and Suzdal became part of the possessions of Prince Vsevolod, the son of Yaroslav the Wise, and this brought an increasing number of boyars from the south who deprived the hitherto free peasants of their land and liberty. The Prince's men-at-arms began to settle in the area and soon afterwards the Church started to establish its authority there. This period saw the introduction of Christianity in these parts. A bishopric was established in Rostov, but at the beginning of the 1070s a new, even stronger wave of popular uprisings broke out over the whole of the Volga region right up to the area around Lake Beloye in the north, during the course of which the first bishop of Rostov, Leontius, was killed.
Shortly afterwards, at the end of the eleventh century, the first wave of bitter internecine struggles broke out between the feudal princes for possession of the rich northeast lands which had been allotted to Vladimir Monomach. By that time Suzdal already possessed a royal residence. Prince Oleg forced his way into Suzdal from the Klyazma, which was still unfortified, and set fire to the "town" (i.e., the wooden fortifications). All that survived on the other side of the River Kamenka was the residence for visitors from the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev and its wooden Church of St. Dmitri.
These events accelerated the transformation of the small settlements along the River Kamenka into a fortified town. It was placed at a sharp bend in the river where the population was most dense. A deep moat was cut across the isthmus turning the river loop into an island, the edges of which were fortified with earth ramparts topped by wooden walls (Ill. 60).
We do not know the exact date when the fortress was built, but it was evidently at the very end of the twelfth century when Vladimir Monomach erected the first non-wooden buildings in the northeast lands here – the large brick Cathedral of the Assumption and the royal residence beside it. Suzdal also appears to have been the capital of the lands ruled over by Vladimir's son, Yuri Dolgoruky. It was visited by envoys and merchants and attacked by hostile armies. In 1107 the Volga Bulgars were put to flight beneath the walls of the fortress.
The new fortress was heavily populated. The ordinary townsfolk lived huddled together in dug-outs with roofs raised above ground level that gave them the appearance of the burial mounds in the cemetery. Among these hovels rose the timbered mansions of the rich inhabitants, and the whole fortress was dominated by the cathedral and the royal residence, which must have seemed very imposing in comparison with the other dwellings. The sharp divisions in feudal society were vividly highlighted in the old Suzdal fortress.
The fortress had three gates. The posad grew up gradually outside the Ilynsky Gates in the eastern ramparts, bounded on the east by the small river Gremyachka. On the high bank where the Gremyachka joined the Kamenka stood a twelfth-century monastery dedicated to St. Cosmas and St. Damian, the patron saints of blacksmiths. The north side of the posad was protected by an artificial moat which almost joined the Kamenka with the Gremyachka. Shortly before the Mongol invasion the posad, which covered an area twice that of the fortress, was surrounded by earth ramparts with a very strong timber stockade containing three main gates. In 1207 the Convent of the Deposition of the Robe was erected outside the northern gates. The second entrance led to the source of the Gremyachka, and through the southern gates passed the road to Yuri Dolgoruky's residence in the village of Kideksha, where a fortified castle with its own white stone church was erected in 1152 near the mouth of the Kamenka only a few years before Andrei Bogolyubsky built a similar castle at Bogolyubovo.
The growing power of the prince presented a serious challenge to the rich boyars of Suzdal, but a third force was also beginning to emerge in the form of the ordinary townspeople. After Prince Andrei Bogo- lyubsky was killed by the boyars in 1174, the townspeople supported his successors in their struggle against the boyars. During the reign of Vsevolod III and his successor Georgi the town was re-fortified (1192) and the old cathedral built by Vladimir Monomach was first repaired and subsequently completely re-built (1222-1225). As we shall see later, this building shows very clear traces of indigenous styles and traditions which heralded the subsequent flowering of the arts in the Vladimir lands.
In February 1238 Suzdal was captured and burnt by the Mongols, but the town managed to survive this disaster and by 1262 its inhabitants were able to support an heroic, but futile uprising against the invaders by the towns of northeast Russia. A number of new monasteries grew up around the town in the thirteenth century. The Trinity Monastery was founded in the north not far from the Convent of the Deposition of the Robe. On the high bank of the Kamenka in the northwest the Monastery of St. Alexander appeared, traditionally associated with the name of Alexander Nevsky. Then there was the Monastery of the Presentation in the south on a bend in the river Mzhara and the Monastery of St. Basil in the east on the Kamenka. This increased number of monasteries shows that even after being devastated by the Mongols the arable land around Suzdal was still rich enough to attract the attention of the Church which seized it from the peasants. At the same time the location of the monasteries at strategic vantage points around the town suggests that their wooden stockades served as defensive outposts for the town fortress.
Suzdal grew in importance in the fourteenth century, when the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality enjoyed a brief period of power. The capital of the principality was the rich town of Nizhny Novgorod on the Volga, but Suzdal also continued to expand and acquire new buildings. In the middle of the fourteenth century the Nizhny Novgorod princes Boris and Andrei founded the Convent of the Intercession on the low-lying right bank of the Kamenka and the Monastery of Our Saviour on the steep left bank immediately opposite. The latter was subsequently renamed Spaso-Yevfimiev after its first abbot Yevfimi was canonised. Both of them reinforced the town's northern defences.
None of their original buildings has survived, since they were constructed entirely of wood. However they did mark the extreme limits of the town, beyond which it has hardly spread to this very day, and also provided sites for the splendid architectural ensembles erected in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
A few isolated facts suggest that the cultural life of the town revived somewhat in the fourteenth century. In 1377 the famous Laurentian chronicle was compiled by the monk Lavrenti at the order of Dionisi, bishop of Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod, who also had icons and other precious objects brought from Constantinople to Suzdal. In 1383 he commissioned a magnificent canopy richly decorated with niello work, enamel and gold. Specimens of icons from the Suzdal monasteries show this art to have been highly developed, drawing on the traditions of the pre-Mongol period and making an important contribution to the flourishing art of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Russia.
A - earliest settlement and Kremlin, 11th- 13th centuries. В - posad and stockade Gates, a - Ilya b - Nicholas с - Dmitri
Monasteries and convents:
St Damian, 12th century (1725)
Robe. 13th century (16th-17th centuries)
13th century (late 17th century)
13th century (1749)
13th century (1662)
(16th-17th centuries)
(16th-18th centuries)
● Churches
and cathedrals Monasteries and convents
Brackets indicate the dates of the stone churches replacing earlier wooden ones |
60. Plan of Suzdal n the 11th and 12th century (compiled by a. Varganov)
After the collapse of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality in 1392 Suzdal ceased to play an active political role and entered a period of decline. The old cathedral collapsed in 1445 and was allowed to stand in ruins for more than eighty years. Lying off the main trade routes, the town with its many monasteries retained importance only as a religious centre which, together with Vladimir, had contributed a great deal to the cultural and political traditions of the new Russian capital Moscow. The church authorities were constantly creating new saints, and discovering new sacred relics belonging to local saints in order to increase their hold on the credulous populace. During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the monasteries were richly endowed with land by the Moscow rulers and nobility. Their possessions encircled the town on all sides. Large stretches of land on the outskirts were named after the monasteries. Their sacristies became full of precious jewelry and metal-work which are the pride of many a museum today. As early as the first half of the sixteenth century large stone buildings were erected in the Convent of the Intercession, the Convent of the Deposition of the Robe and the Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery. This revival of stone architecture in Suzdal was a reflection not only of the growing wealth of the monasteries, but of the increasing importance of towns and urban trades in general, including building. Moscow builders came to Suzdal and set up a brick-kiln on the banks of the Kamenka instructing the local builders in the making and use of brick. The town's sixteenth-century architecture demonstrates an original fusion of Muscovite and old Suzdalian styles.
Its importance as a religious centre was increased by the fact that it became the centre of the rich Suzdal bishopric in the fourteenth century, which was turned into an archbishopric at the end of the sixteenth. The bishop's residence and a new episcopal stone church stood in the Kremlin next to the rebuilt cathedral.
During the sixteenth century urban dwellings spread out to the west of the Kremlin on the opposite side of the Kamenka where there were a number of monasteries. The Kremlin itself now had fifteen towers and seven wooden churches, five of which stood along the eastern ramparts. Together with the cathedral, which still remained the town's largest building, the tent-shaped spires of the fortress towers and the tall silhouettes of the wooden churches formed the architectural heart of the town.
Inside the ramparts of the posad there were another fourteen wooden churches concentrated mainly in the centre. There were five churches almost in a row on the market place. Two more stood at the north gates, two at the east gates, and groups of two and three by the Ilyinsky Gates leading into the Kremlin. In addition to these buildings in the Kremlin and posad there were the monasteries around the town with their twenty-seven churches. The plan in Ill. 60 gives one a good idea of the amazing number of monasteries and churches in this comparatively small town. In 1573 Suzdal possessed only 414 homesteads. No other old Russian town had such a high proportion of church buildings. It is interesting that as late as the seventeenth century the religious habits of these comparatively few inhabitants showed strong traces of pagan traditions. Weddings took place at night and the parents of the bride and groom brought food and wine into the church itself where the wedding feast was held. Dancing and singing went on until morning with the clergy taking part.
Suzdal suffered heavily during the Polish invasion of 1608-1610 which left only 78 homesteads in the posad. In 1634 the Crimean Tartars looted the town, and in 1644 the section of the posad adjoining the Kremlin was completely destroyed by fire. Finally, in 1654-1655, half the town's population of 2,467 was wiped out by the plague. But the townspeople suffered almost equally from the tyrannical oppression of the church. A petition from the Suzdal tanners describes how Archbishop Joseph sent a band of boyars one dark night in 1630 to rob the tannery and steal hides from the river. The wives and children of the tanners started to ring the bells of the nearest churches and the alarm brought the townspeople rushing into the streets. "That's a fine thing you're doing, robbing your own townspeople," they shouted only to be threatened with the loss of their homes and their heads into the bargain. It is small wonder that the town hardly grew at all: the number of homesteads increased by only one hundred in the seventeenth century.
In spite of this poverty and stagnation a new phase of building started in the 1630s. Not surprisingly this was initiated mainly by the bishop and the monasteries using their vast resources of wealth and unpaid serf labour, but the townspeople in the posad also began to erect their own buildings.
During the seventeenth century the magnificent stone buildings of the mighty bell-tower and huge Archbishop's Palace were erected by the Kremlin cathedral. In 1645 a Moscow architect, Nikifor Beklemishev, provided the Kremlin with new walls and towers. The Suzdal monasteries also built new stone churches and walls which now rivalled the town's old architectural centre, the kremlin. In the posad and the settlements outside the town the wooden churches were replaced by stone ones. This remarkable spate of building kept the brick-makers busy at their kilns on the clay banks of the Kamenka. It saw the emergence of the highly talented local architects, Ivan Mamin, Ivan Gryaznov and Andrei Shmakov, who erected some real architectural masterpieces at the end of the seventeenth century. In spite of all this, however, the town itself remained a poor small wooden one which consisted of only 540 homesteads in 1711.
The eighteenth century brought little to gladden the lives of its inhabitants. In 1719 Suzdal was again destroyed by fire and shortly afterwards another attack of the plague once more wiped out half its population. In 1767 the Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery was turned into a large prison for religious and political offenders or "crazed convicts" as they were called, a terrible living grave for the free-thinkers of the time that cast a dark shadow on the town.
The state reforms introduced by Peter the Great undermined .the economic power of the Church and the monasteries and at the end of the century the Suzdal bishopric was abolished. Instead of building ceasing, as one might have expected, it was carried on by the Suzdal merchants although, according to contemporary records, this was only on "a moderately rich even rather poor" scale. The eighteenth century witnessed the building of many churches rivalling those of the preceding two centuries in their beauty and craftsmanship. They were erected on the sites of former wooden churches, thus preserving the town's architectural topography. In style and spirit they reflected the old Suzdalian architectural traditions with a barely perceptible admixture of eighteenth-century features.
The old layout of the town with its long main street that formed part of the road to Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov and Yaroslavl, and few side streets was little changed by the 1788 plan for making the town more symmetrical. Some of the streets were slightly straightened, but the proposed new areas were never actually built and the town did not expand.
The Suzdalian school of icon painting flourished in the eighteenth century. It included such gifted artists as Babukhin, Rodionov, Popov, Gorshkov and Ionin whose icons spread to other regions, winning the inhabitants of Suzdal the popular name of "Suzdal God-painters".
The history of Suzdal began to attract the interest of historians as early as the eighteenth century when the local sexton of the cathedral, Ananiya Fyodorov, compiled his famous History of the Town of Suzdal which was later added to by works of other local historians.
The town did not acquire any new buildings of architectural value during the nineteenth century. Its first stone civic building, a large covered market, was erected between 1806-1811. To commemorate the victory over Napoleon a bell-tower in Classical style was built between 1813-1819 on an elevated piece of ground in the Convent of the Deposition of the Robe. Opposite the convent a Suzdal merchant by the name of Blokhin erected an almshouse in provincial Classical style. This building, though unremarkable in itself, was symbolic of the fact that Suzdal had become a place for "rejects". Its monasteries were ful1 of people who had withdrawn from the world or been forcibly imprisoned. Political and religious offenders languished behind the walls of the Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery.
The agricultural character of the town had changed lilt It-over the past eight centuries. Most of its inhabitants were engaged in horticulture and market-gardening. Even local people and historians who were familiar with the provincial backwaters of tsarist Russia could not help remarking on the extreme stagnation of Suzdal. It was described by a nineteenth-century ethnographer from Vladimir as "a town of churches, belfries and towers, superstitious legends, and tombstones".
The Suzdal of today is a veritable open-air museum attracting large numbers of tourists from far and wide. No other town possesses so many splendid specimens of Russian architecture in almost all its stages, whilst retaining its original character and appearance.
The town as a whole is extremely picturesque. Magnificently impressive buildings are blended together with more modest ones to form an ensemble of outstanding beauty and harmony. We shall make a study of the individual features of these buildings and their relation to the whole. We shall also include buildings which have been disfigured or entirely destroyed, for many of them were real architectural masterpieces.
Our knowledge of Suzdal and its buildings has greatly increased over the last decade, mainly due to the work of Alexei Varganov. We are indebted to him for many new discoveries which will be dealt with in detail later on, in particular his research on the cathedral and the archbishop's palace. Several of Suzdal's architectural monuments, such as the Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery, still await detailed study and restoration.