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§ 2 Ways of Expressing the Past in English

There are several ways of expressing the past in English:

1) the Past Indefinite,

2) the Present Perfect,

3) the Past Perfect,

4) the Past Continuous,

5) the Past Perfect Continuous,

Compare: They lived in the Ukraine two years ago. (жили два года назад)

I have read the instructions but I don't understand them. (прочитал, … но не понимаю…)

After they had lived in the Ukraine for ten years they moved to Russia. (после того как прожили)

When they were living in the Ukraine I often visited them. (когда жили)

I knew they had been living in Russia for ten years. (я знал, они жили)

2.1. The Past Indefinite – the Past Continuous entry test

1. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

  1. I (1) (to sit) in my garden when I (2) (to understand) somebody (3) (to look) at me.

  2. When you (4) (to be) in London? – A year ago. – You (5) (to like) it? – It (6) (to be) magnificent.

  3. When my Dad (7) (to study) at school he always (8) (to have) a lot of friends.

  4. When I (9) (to come) home Mother (10) (to fix) supper.

  5. I was at home yesterday evening. From 7 to 9 I (11) (to watch) a comedy on TV.

  6. My cousin (12) (to leave) school a year ago.

  7. Where you (13) (to be) yesterday from 2 to 6? – I was at the library. – What you (14) (to do) there? – I (15) (to get ready) for my English examination.

  8. A week ago at this time we (16) (to lie) on the beach.

  9. In 1999 his family (17) (to live) in Poland.

  10. We (18) (to go) to the theatre yesterday. – You (19) (to enjoy) the play?

  11. When I (20) (to phone) Ann her mother (21) (to say) she (22) (to have) a bath.

  12. Hardly had I entered the room when somebody (23) (to knock) at the door. I wondered who it (24) (to be) at such a late hour.

  13. She (25) (to speak) to him just now. He said he (26) (not to know) their address.

  14. When you (27) (to see) him last?

  15. While the guests (28) (to drink) tea the girl (29) (to play) the piano.

  16. When Mother (30) (to come) the children (31) (to watch) a cartoon. They (32) (not to notice) her.

  17. When you (33) (to take out) your dog for a walk yesterday evening? – At 9. – It (34) (to rain)?

  18. When she (35) (to be) 5 she (36) (to like) oranges a lot.

  19. – Did you go to Spain by plane? – I (37) (not to go) to Spain last summer. – Really? Where you (38) (to be)?

  20. He asked me if I (39)(to know) German. I (40) (to say) I studied it at school.

2. Translate using either the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

  1. Почему ты вчера не позвонил мне? Что ты делал? – Я писал статью.

  2. Ты был в театре в прошлое воскресенье, не так ли? – Да, и мне очень понравилось представление.

  3. Он начал работать в этой компании несколько лет тому назад.

  4. Вчера после обеда у нас было важное совещание. С 12 до 2 часов мы обсуждали новый контракт.

  5. Где ты был после школы? – Я был в компьютерном клубе. – Что ты там делал? – Играл в компьютерные игры.

  6. Он закончил университет в прошлом месяце. Неделю спустя он нашел хорошую работу.

  7. Я видела ее на днях. А когда ты видела ее последний раз?

  8. Когда поезд прибыл на вокзал, была полночь. – Кто встретил тебя? – Мой брат.

  9. Интересно, что ты делала вчера после ужина. Я хотел пригласить тебя на прогулку, но тебя не было дома.

  10. В ы хорошо провели время в Италии? – Да.

Total: 50/_____

The Past Indefinite – the Past Continuous

The Past Continuous is mainly used for past actions which continued for some time but whose exact limits are not known and not important: The wind was rising and it was getting colder and colder.

But in the sentence: When I returned she was sleeping we convey the idea that the action in the Past Continuous started before the action in the Past Indefinite and probably continued after it.

The combination of two Past Indefinite tenses indicates successive actions: When she saw us she smiled.

The Continuous Tense is used in descriptions: A man was sitting at the fire place, and a cat was sleeping on his lap. Suddenly somebody knocked at the door. The man moved. The cat woke up. Here comes the combination of description (the Past Continuous) and narration (the Past Indefinite).