- •Часть 2
- •Серия основана в 2001 году
- •Entry test
- •1. Identify the verbs as simple (s), derived (d) or composite (c) as in the model. Start with the second verb. Model: 1) work – s (simple)
- •2. Identify the verbs as derived by prefixation (p), suffixation (s) or by conversion (c). Start with the second verb. Model: 1) lengthen – s (by suffix -en)
- •3. Say which of the following words are verbs or may be used as verbs:
- •Model: 1) did – a (auxiliary), like – m (main)
- •Model: 1) took – t (transitive)
- •2. Choose the verb form you would use to translate the following sentences.
- •Total: 100/____ § 1 meaning and creation of verbs
- •I. General meaning
- •II. Verb creation
- •1.1. Read and translate into Russian the following pairs of words. Observe the vowel interchange in nouns and verbs.
- •1.2. Read the semantically and morphologically related pair set words. Observe the opposition of unvoiced consonants in nouns (or adjectives) and voiced consonants in verbs.
- •1.3. Read each of the following disyllabic words first as a verb and then as a noun (or adjective). Observe the stress distinction. Explain and translate the words into Russian.
- •1.9. Use the phrasal verbs in the box to complete the sentences below. You may also need to use certain pronoun or a noun.
- •§ 2 Kinds and forms of verbs
- •I. Kinds of verbs
- •II. Grammatical categories and forms of verbs
- •M ajor Verb Forms
- •2.1. Identify the verbs in the following sentences by underlining the auxiliary verb once and the main verb twice.
- •2.2. Determine if the following sentences contain a transitive (t) or intransitive (I) verb.
- •2.3. Use the verb given at the left in the Infinitive, the s-form, the -ing form or the -ed form to fill in the blanks. Translate the sentences into Russian.
- •§ 3 The category of tense: general information
- •1. Indefinite Tenses
- •2 . Perfect Tenses
- •3. Continuous and Perfect Continuous Tenses. Aspect.
- •3.1. Correlate the Russian verbs in the following sentences with the English tense scheme. Name the tense form of the verb you would use in English.
- •3.2. Which tense (Indefinite, Perfect, Continuous or Perfect Continuous) would you use for the verb to translate the following sentences:
- •3.3. Without translating the whole sentence use the verb in brackets in the correct tense form (Indefinite, Perfect, Continuous or Perfect Continuous).
- •Unit 2 indefinite tenses entry test
- •1. Choose the correct variant.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •§ 1 The Present indefinite
- •Remember: Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences with the verbs to be and to have/have got are formed in the following way:
- •The Present Indefinite is used to denote:
- •1.1. Explain the use of the Present Indefinite forms. Translate into Russian.
- •1.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •1.3. Ask your fellow-student:
- •1.4. (A) Say that somebody or something does the same. Give your reasons:
- •1.5. (A) Describe your daily activities by making sentences with frequency adverbs and the Present Indefinite.
- •1.6. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs to be, to have and to have got.
- •1.7. Open the brackets. Use the Present Indefinite.
- •1.8. Identify and correct any possible errors in these sentences where necessary.
- •1.9. Translate into English. Use the Present Indefinite.
- •1.10. Read the stories and reproduce them. Use the Present Indefinite.
- •§ 2 The past indefinite
- •The Past Indefinite is used to denote:
- •Complete actions or events which happened at a stated past time: She called me an hour ago.
- •2.1. Explain the use of the Past Indefinite forms. Translate into Russian.
- •2.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •2.3. Ask your fellow-student:
- •2.4. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate form of the verb 'to be'.
- •2.5. Express contrasting past actions. Give your reason.
- •2.6. Fill in:
- •2.7. Complete the sentences. Each sentence should have a form of used to. Add your own words.
- •2.8. Open the brackets. Use the Past Indefinite.
- •2.9. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Present Indefinite.
- •2.10. Identify and correct any possible errors in these sentences where necessary.
- •2.11. Translate into English. Use the Past Indefinite.
- •2.12. Read the stories and reproduce them. Use the Past Indefinite.
- •§ 3 The future indefinite
- •3.1. Explain the use of the Future Indefinite forms. Translate into Russian.
- •3.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •3.3. Ask your fellow-student:
- •Be going to vs. Will
- •3.4. Fill in: will or be going to.
- •3.5. Combine the ideas of the two sentences into one sentence. Use adverbial clauses of time or condition.
- •3.6. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3.7. Open the brackets. Use either the Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite.
- •3.8. Identify and correct any possible errors in these sentences where necessary.
- •3.9. Translate into English. Use the Future Indefinite.
- •Review exercises
- •1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •2. Translate into English:
- •Progress test
- •1. Choose the correct variant.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •Unit 3 perfect tenses entry test
- •1. Choose the correct variant.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •§ 1. The present perfect
- •1.1. Explain the use of the Present Perfect forms. Translate into Russian.
- •1.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •1.3. Transform into an interrogative form according to the model.
- •1.5. Put in: since or for.
- •1.6. Open the brackets. Use the Present Perfect.
- •1.9. Complete the sentences. Mind the use of the Present Perfect.
- •1.11. Translate into English. Use the Present Perfect.
- •§ 2. The past perfect
- •2.1. Explain the use of the Past Perfect forms. Translate into Russian.
- •2.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •2.3. Say that somebody had already done the thing he/she was asked to.
- •2.4. Answer the following questions. Use the Past Perfect.
- •2.6. Make up a complex sentence. Combine two simple sentences using either the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect.
- •2.7. Write a compound sentence to show that one action happened after another in the past. Use the conjunctions "after, before, as soon as".
- •2.8. Jane arrived late at different places yesterday. What had happened when she arrived at each place?
- •2.9. Combine two sentences to make a compound one with the conjunctions hardly … when, scarcely … when, no sooner ... Than.
- •2.10. Put the verbs in brackets into the required tense form:
- •2.11. Complete the sentences. Supply the missing parts.
- •2.12. Complete the following sentences. Use either the Past Perfect or Past Indefinite.
- •2.13. Fill in with the Past Perfect.
- •2.14. Complete the sentences. Mind the use of the Past Perfect.
- •2.15. Translate into English. Use the Past Perfect.
- •§ 3 The future perfect
- •3.1. Explain the use of the Future Perfect forms. Translate into Russian.
- •3.2. Transform the sentences into negative and interrogative forms.
- •3.3. Read the situation and then respond to it. Use the Future Perfect.
- •3.4. Answer the following questions about the actions which will have happened by a certain moment in the future according to the model.
- •3.5. Read the situation and then respond to it. Use the verb in the Future Perfect in an affirmative and negative form, and by then. Expand your responses according to the model.
- •3.7. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect.
- •Stanstead Airport Work Schedule
- •3.8. Translate into English. Use the Future Perfect, the Future Indefinite and the Future Continuous.
- •3.9. Translate into English. Mind the use of tenses.
- •Review exercises
- •1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •2. Translate into English.
- •Progress test
- •1. Choose the correct variant.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •Unit 4 continuous tenses entry test
- •1. Choose the correct variant.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •§ 1 The present continuous
- •1.1. Explain the use of the Present Continuous forms. Translate into Russian.
- •1.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •1.3. Say that somebody is doing it.
- •1.4. Ask your fellow-student:
- •1.5. Open the brackets. Use either the Present Continuous or Present Indefinite.
- •Remember:
- •Verbs of opinion: agree, believe, consider etc.
- •Verbs of emotions: feel, forgive, hate, like, love etc.
- •1.6. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous or Present Indefinite.
- •1.7. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.
- •1.8. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning remains the same.
- •1.9. Identify and correct any possible errors in these sentences where necessary.
- •1.10. Translate into English. Use either the Present Continuous or Present Indefinite.
- •1.11. Read the stories and reproduce them.
- •§ 2 The past continuous
- •2.1. Explain the use of the Past Continuous forms. Translate into Russian.
- •2.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •2.3. Refer the following actions to the past.
- •2.4. Ask your fellow-student:
- •2.5. Combine the two sentences into one compound sentence each time saying that:
- •2.6. How did it happen?
- •2.7. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Continuous or Past Indefinite.
- •The Alibi Game
- •2.8. Open the brackets. Use either the present forms (the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous) or the past forms (the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous).
- •2.9. Identify and correct any possible errors in these sentences where necessary.
- •2.10. Translate into English. Use either the Past Continuous or Past Indefinite.
- •2.11. Read the stories and reproduce them.
- •§ 3 The future continuous
- •3.1. Explain the use of the Future Continuous forms. Translate into Russian.
- •3.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •3.3. Ask your fellow-student:
- •3.4. Say what other people will be doing at a given moment in the future.
- •3.5. Open the brackets. Use either the Future Continuous or Future Indefinite.
- •3.6. Identify and correct any possible errors in these sentences where necessary.
- •3.7. Translate into English. Use either the Future Continuous or Future Indefinite.
- •3.8. Act out the conversation. Use the Future Continuous.
- •3.9. Talk to your partner about similar things.
- •Review exercises
- •1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense forms.
- •2. Translate into English.
- •Progress test
- •1. Choose the correct variant.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •Unit 5 perfect continuous tenses entry test
- •1. Choose the correct variant.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •§ 1 The present perfect continuous
- •1.1. Explain the use of the Present Perfect Continuous forms. Translate into Russian.
- •1.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •1.3. Transform into an interrogative form according to the model:
- •1.5. Open the brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.
- •1.6. Put in: since or for.
- •1.7. Complete the sentences. Mind the use of either the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect.
- •Oral Activity
- •1.8. Translate into English. Use the Present Perfect Continuous where appropriate.
- •1.9. Translate into English. Use either the Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect.
- •§ 2 The past perfect continuous
- •2.1. Explain the use of the Past Perfect Continuous forms. Translate into Russian.
- •2.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •2.3. Use the Past Perfect Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets.
- •2.4. Join the following sentences. Use the Past Perfect Continuous in the main clause according to the model:
- •2.5. Express the same idea. Use the Past Perfect Continuous according to the model.
- •2.6. Answer these questions. Give your reasons according to the model.
- •2.7. Ask questions about the starting point of the actions according to the model.
- •2.8. Translate into English. Use the Past Perfect Continuous.
- •2.9. Translate into English. Be sure to use either the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
- •§ 3 The future perfect continuous
- •3.1. Explain the use of the Future Perfect Continuous forms. Translate into Russian.
- •3.2. Transform into negative and interrogative forms.
- •3.3. Open the brackets. Use the Future Perfect Continuous.
- •3.4. Complete the sentences. Mind the use of the Future Perfect Continuous.
- •3.5. Open the brackets. Use either the Future Perfect, Future Indefinite or Future Perfect Continuous.
- •3.6. Translate into English. Mind the use of tenses.
- •Review exercises
- •1. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •2. Translate into English.
- •Progress test
- •1. Choose the correct tense form.
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •Entry test
- •4. Complete the sentences using the proper tense.
- •5. Translate into English.
- •§1 Ways of Expressing the Present in English
- •1.1. The Present Indefinite – the Present Continuous entry test
- •1. Open the brackets. Use either the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.
- •2. Translate using either the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.
- •1.1.1. The verbs in the following sentences are either in the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous. Mark the Indefinite (Simple) ones s and the Continuous ones c:
- •1.1.2. Now use the sentences from exercise 1.1.1. To complete the conversations. Reproduce them:
- •1.1.3. Use the following verbs in the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous to complete the text. Retell it (in the 3rd person singular).
- •1.1.4. Use these auxiliaries to complete the conversation. Reproduce it.
- •1.1.5. Use each verb twice, once in the Present Indefinite and once in the Present Continuous.
- •Think What ... You ... Of Stephen Spielberg's latest film? You're day-dreaming. What ... You ... About?
- •Why ... You ... The meat? Do you think it's gone off?
- •1.1.6. Open the brackets. Use either the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous. Reproduce the conversations from part a.
- •1.1.7. Translate using either the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous.
- •1.2. The Present Indefinite – the Present Perfect.
- •1.3. The Present Perfect – the Present Perfect Continuous. Entry test
- •1. Open the brackets. Use either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
- •2. Translate using either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
- •1.3.1. Complete the sentences. Use either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. In some sentences, either form is possible.
- •1.3.3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
- •1.3.4. Translate using either the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
- •§ 2 Ways of Expressing the Past in English
- •2.1. The Past Indefinite – the Past Continuous entry test
- •1. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.
- •2. Translate using either the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.
- •2.1.1. Use the Past Indefinite of these irregular verbs to complete the sentences:
- •2.1.2. Complete these sentences with the following verbs in the Past Indefinite:
- •2.1.3. Now use the sentences from exercise 2.1.2. To complete the conversations. Reproduce them.
- •In most of these examples the verb makes a strong word partnership with a following noun, e.G. Do business, cut the budget. Can you underline the others?
- •2.1.4. Complete this article from a trade magazine using the Past Indefinite of the following verbs. Retell it (in the 3rd person singular).
- •2.1.5. Think of a suitable verb in the Past Indefinite to complete each gap. Retell it (in the 3rd person singular).
- •2.1.6. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous. Retell the story.
- •2.1.7. Translate using either the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.
- •2.2. The Past Indefinite – the Present Perfect entry test
- •1. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Present Perfect.
- •2. Translate using either the Past Indefinite or Present Perfect.
- •2.2.1. Complete the sentences using these verbs:
- •2.2.2. Now match up these responses to the sentences in 2.2.1. Reproduce these conversations.
- •2.2.3. Use these phrases to complete the conversation. Reproduce it.
- •2.2.4. The following adverbs of time are common with the Present Perfect. Use them in these conversations:
- •2.2.5. Put the verbs in brackets either into the Past Indefinite or Present Prefect.
- •2.2.7. Translate into English. Use either the Present Indefinite or Past Indefinite, the Present Continuous or Present Perfect.
- •2.3. The Past Indefinite – the Past Perfect entry test
- •1. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Past Prefect.
- •2. Translate using either the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect.
- •But when it is necessary to emphasize that the first action was completely finished before the second one started, the Past Perfect is used:
- •2.3.2. Open the brackets. Use either the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect.
- •2.3.3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: the Past Indefinite, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
- •2.3.4. Open the brackets. Use the correct past form. Retell the text (in the 3rd person singular).
- •2.3.5. Translate using the Past Indefinite, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
- •§3 Ways of Expressing the Future in English
- •Entry test
- •1. Open the brackets. Use either the Present Continuous or Future Indefinite.
- •2. Translate using either the Present Continuous or Future Indefinite.
- •3.1.1. Underline will and (be) going to in these sentences:
- •3.1.2. Now use the sentences from the previous exercise to complete these conversations. Reproduce them.
- •3.1.3. Complete the gaps using will/(be) going to and the verb in brackets:
- •3.1.4. Match the situations with what is "going to" happen:
- •3.1.6. Translate using either the Present Continuous or Future Indefinite.
- •3.1.7. Translate using either the Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Future Indefinite or Future Continuous.
- •3 .2. The Future Continuous – the Present Continuous.
- •3.3. The Future Perfect Continuous – the Future Perfect entry test
- •1. Open the brackets using either the Future Perfect Continuous or Future Perfect.
- •2. Translate using either the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.
- •3.3.1. Open the brackets. Use either the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.
- •3.3.2. Open the brackets. Use either the Future Indefinite or Future Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.
- •3.3.3. Complete the dialogue using the Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous. Reproduce it.
- •3.3.4. Translate using either the Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.
- •Review exercises Which alternative is correct?
- •2. Choose the correct alternative.
- •Present Indefinite or Continuous?
- •3. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Present indefinite or future indefinite?
- •4. Choose the correct verb form from those in brackets.
- •5. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Past indefinite or continuous?
- •6. Choose the correct verb form from those in brackets.
- •7. Choose the correct verb form.
- •8. Choose the correct alternative.
- •Past indefinite or present perfect?
- •9. Choose the correct verb form.
- •10. Choose the correct verb form from those in brackets.
- •Past indefinite or past perfect?
- •11. Choose the correct verb form from those in brackets.
- •12. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Past perfect or past continuous?
- •13. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Present perfect or present perfect continuous?
- •14. Choose the correct verb form.
- •For, since, while, during
- •15. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
- •Present perfect or past perfect?
- •16. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Past perfect or past perfect continuous?
- •17. Choose the correct verb form.
- •Past indefinite, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous?
- •18. Choose the correct verb form.
- •19. Choose the correct alternative.
- •Future continuous, future perfect
- •20. Choose the correct verb form.
- •21. Choose the correct verb form.
- •22. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense.
- •Moving House
- •At the Dentist's
- •Meeting Again
- •A Holiday in Scotland
- •24. Decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each space.
- •The Latest News
- •The Stolen Bike
- •25. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense. A Friend in the Rain
- •26. Fill in the correct tense.
- •Progress test
- •1. Open the brackets putting the verbs into the appropriate form.
- •Unit 7 V o I c e Entry Test
- •1. Choose the correct variant:
- •2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense and voice form.
- •3. Translate into English.
- •Total: 100/_____
- •§ 1 General information
- •1) The Rules of Changing from Active into Passive
- •2) Active Tenses and their Passive Equivalents Affirmative Form
- •Negative Form
- •Interrogative Form
- •3. Prepositions with Passive Verbs
- •1.1. Underline phrases which are not necessary in these sentences. Not all sentences contain unnecessary phrases
- •1.2. Read the following text and underline the passive constructions.
- •§ 2 The Indefinite Tenses in the Passive Voice
- •2.1. Open the brackets. Use the Present Indefinite Passive
- •Finding a Job
- •Delivery letters
- •2.2. (A) Transform from Active into Passive. (Omit the agent where it can be omitted)
- •2.3. Open the brackets. Use the Past Indefinite Passive to complete the following texts. Retell them.
- •The Greatest Explosion in the World
- •They were Surprised
- •2.4. Transform from Active into Passive where appropriate. (Omit the agent where possible.)
- •2.6. Open the brackets. Use the Future Indefinite Passive.
- •Interview for the Post
- •2.7. Rewrite and retell the following passage in the Passive
- •2.8. Open the brackets. Use either the Present or Future Indefinite Passive.
- •2.9. Translate into English. Use the Present, Past, Future Indefinite Passive.
- •§ 3 The Continuous Tenses in the Passive Voice
- •3.1. Open the brackets. Use the Present Continuous Passive.
- •3.2. Open the brackets. Use the Past Continuous Passive to show what was going on at a particular time in the past
- •3.3. Answer the following questions about Minsk. Use the passive Continuous forms:
- •3.4. Translate into English. Use either the Present or Past Continuous Passive.
- •§ 4 The Perfect Tenses in the Passive Voice
- •4.1. Open the brackets. Use the Present Perfect Passive to complete the letter:
- •4.2. Complete the following short dialogues. Use Present Perfect passive constructions in the positive or negative forms. (The suitable verbs are given in the box)
- •4.4. Open the brackets. Use the Past Perfect Passive
- •4.5. Make up sentences. Use the Future Perfect Passive to say what will have been done by the year 2015. (The following word-combinations may be useful).
- •4.6. Transform from Active into Passive. Use either the Past Indefinite Passive or Past Perfect Passive, Future Indefinite Passive or Future Perfect Passive:
- •4.7. Transform from Passive into Active. Use either the Past or Future Perfect. (When the agent is not known add words like people, somebody or someone):
- •4.8. Translate into English. Use the Present, Past or Future Perfect Passive Voice
- •§ 5 Special Passive Constructions.
- •Verbs with two Passive Constructions
- •5.1. (A) Change the structure of the following sentences so as to begin them with a person.
- •5.2. Translate into English. Use the Passive Voice where appropriate
- •§ 6 Personal and impersonal constructions
- •6.2. Complete the sentences, as in the example.
- •6.3. Transform the following sentences into the Passive as in the example.
- •§ 7 Passive Voice/Causative Form
- •7.1. Read the situations. Then write sentences using the causative form on each situation. The first one is done for you.
- •7.2. Kate Gilmore is a poor young actress. Lily Showbourne is a rich star. Kate does everything herself while Lily pays other people to have it done for her. Write what Lily says.
- •7.3. Complete the following conversation. Use the causative form. Reproduce it.
- •§ 8 Phrasal, Prepositional Verbs and
- •Prepositional Verbs
- •Phraseological Units
- •Phrasal Verbs
- •8.1. Transform from Active into Passive
- •8.2. Put a suitable preposition in each space
- •8.3. Translate into English. Use the Passive Voice where appropriate.
- •§9 Extracts for translation from russian into english
- •1. Translate into English. Mind the use of Tenses.
- •§ 10 Tense and voice in written texts
- •1. A Pretty Carpet
- •Key Structures:
- •2. The Greenwood Boys
- •Key Structures:
- •Comprehension questions:
- •3. Do You Speak English?
- •4. A New House
- •5. Not For Jazz
- •Key Structures:
- •6. Quick Work
- •Key Structures:
- •7. The Olympic Games
- •Key Structures:
- •8. Everything Except the Weather
- •Key Structures:
- •Comprehension questions:
- •9. A Clear Conscience
- •Key Structures:
- •Key Structures:
- •Review Exercises
- •1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.
- •2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.
- •3. (A) Laura is writing to a friend. This is a part of her letter.
- •4. Rewrite the following passages in the passive. Retell them.
- •5. Rewrite these sentences. Use have something done.
- •6. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate tense and voice form (Active or Passive).
- •7. Choose the correct verb form.
- •8. Choose the correct verb form from those in brackets.
- •9. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate tense and voice form (Active or Passive).
- •10. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate tense and voice form (Active or Passive). Retell the text. Animals on the roads
- •11. Translate from Russian into English. Use the passive voice where appropriate.
- •Oral Activity
- •Progress Test
- •1. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate tense and voice form.
- •2. Fill in by or with.
- •3. Transform from Active into Passive.
- •4. Rewrite the sentences. Use have something done.
- •5. Translate into English.
- •Entry Test
- •§ 1 Ways of expressing the present in english
- •1.1. The Present Indefinite – the Present Continuous Entry Test
- •1.3. The Present Prefect – the Present Perfect Continuous
- •§ 2 Ways of expressing the past in english
- •2.1. The Past Indefinite – the Past Continuous Entry Test
- •2.2. The Past Indefinite – the Present Perfect
- •2.3. The Past Indefinite – the Past Perfect
- •§ 3 Ways of expressing the future in english
- •3.3. The Future Perfect Continuous – the Future Perfect
- •Progress Test
- •Bibliography
- •Dictionaries
- •Contents
- •Практическая грамматика английского языка для среднего и продвинутого уровней обучения
- •Часть 2
- •220007, Г. Минск, ул. Московская, 17
§ 3 Ways of expressing the future in english
3.1. The Future Indefinite (shall/will+Infinitive) – be going to form
Entry Test
1. 1) is leaving 2) will fly 3) will spend 4) will meet 5) are planning 6) will they go 7) are having 8) will go 9) are waiting 10) is coming 11) will stay 12) will fly 13) will be 14) will she celebrate 15) will go 16) What are the children doing? 17) are playing 18) will take 19) When will we have supper? 20) is cooking 21) will phone 22) will decide 23) will spend 24) is coming 25) will ask 26) will refuse 27) are playing 28) will go 29) will be 30) will join 31) when will you send 32) is always finding faults 33) is she always complaining 34) is having 35) is the girl crying 36) will sign 37) are you sitting 38) am waiting 39) will let 40) will explain
Why are you sitting here in the dark? – The children are sleeping.
We are leaving tomorrow. We are planning to spend a week at our friends' in the country.
She'll be 20 in a year. She'll marry Nick and they'll be very happy.
What are you going to do tomorrow evening? – Nothing special. I'll be very glad if you come to see us.
If the weather is nice tomorrow, I'll take the children to the park. I'm sure they'll like it.
Are you busy? – Yes, I'm translating an article. – Are you translating it for Nick? You are always translating for him. When will he make his translation himself?
Are you crying? – No, I am not. I'm laughing. When you read this book you'll laugh, too.
Will you be present at the meeting tomorrow? – Sure. The director will get angry if I don't come.
We are having a meeting tomorrow. We always have meetings on Mondays. Will you come? – Yes, I will.
I'll call you before I leave.
3.3. The Future Perfect Continuous – the Future Perfect
Entry Test
1. 1) will have gone 2) will have fixed 3) will have been waiting 4) will have been standing 5) will you have chosen 6) will have taken 7) will have left 8) will have eaten 9) will have been standing 10) will have been waiting 11) will have found 12) will have been trying 13) will have done 14) will have been doing 15) will have bought 16) will have informed 17) will have been waiting 18) will have repaired 19) will have been repairing 20) will have been working 21) will have been married 22) will have finished 23) will have been sitting 24) will have been 25) will have been away 26) will have discussed 27) will have finished 28) will have been living 29) will have given 30) will have been thinking 31) will have been learning 32) will have been able 33) will have been trying 34) will have achieved 35) will have been learning
By the end of the month he well have writhen the first chapter of his new novel.
They will have been living in this house for 40 years by the end of the year.
By the time you return we will have fixed supper.
Are you sure you'll have finished the work by 7?
You will have been translating the article for 4 hours by 7 o'clock.
By next year they'll have been married for 40 years.
By the time the manager comes the secretary will have looked through the correspondence.
I'm afraid they'll have finished the work by the time we join them.
We hope they'll have received our letter by the end of the week.
Are you sure you'll have packed the things by 6?
By the evening I'll have been trying to find Ann for 6 hours, but her phone doesn't answer.
I'll have read your book by tomorrow.
He'll have been repairing his car for half a year by May.
Will you have moved by Christmas?
I hope you'll have been ready by 6.
Progress Test
1) have been driving 2) has never stopped 3) caught 4) was driving 5) was 6) was going 7) had telephoned 8) left 9) was waiting 10) saw 11) followed 12) stopped 13) told 14) tried/ was trying 15) had landed 16) was waiting 17) didn't want 18) said 19) would have 20) have never violated
21) has had 22) started 23) found 24) had disappeared 25) hasn't seen 26) bought 27) hadn't had 28) crashed 29) have continued 30) sat 31) had finished 32) was wearing 33) had bought 34) spent 35) arrived 36) discovered 37) had broken 38) had stolen 39) has done 40) hopes
41) put 42) sold 43) was looking 44) bought 45) wanted 46) talked 47) had sold 48) returns 49) will receive 50) built 51) designed 52) took 53) will like
54) want 55) bought 56) put 57) was raining 58) let 59) had sold 60) wouldn't replace 61) had worn 62) don't want 63) aren't 64) send
65) was raining 66) woke 67) rains 68) planned 69) decided 70) missed 71) arrived 72) arranged 73) had been waiting 74) got 75) had started 76) went 77) work/ am working 78) have been sitting 79) haven't done 80) feel 81) have had 82) went 83) rained/was raining 84) will book
85) was 86) failed 87) gave 88) had been shining 89) gave 90) has become 91) have
92) has got involved 93) was 94) went 95) studied 96) had 97) had been representing/ had represented 98) has been writing 99) hasn't finished 100) will become
Unit 7 Voice
Entry Test
1) C 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) A 6) B 7) D 8) D 9) C 10) C 11) A 12) D 13) A 14) B 15) D 16) A 17) C 18) C 19) A 20) A 21) C 22) A 23) A 24) D 25) B 26) D 27) A 28) D 29) A 30) C 31) C 32) A 33) B 34) B 35) A 36) A 37) C 38) B 39) A 40) C
41) will be discussed 42) was sent; had been found 43)was destroyed 44) has been recorded 45) have been approved 46) was disqualified 47) will be published 48) was taught/has been taught 49) has been cooked 50) had been made 51) were forced 52) was handed 53) will be punished 54) have just been finished 55) were being baked 56) is being fixed 57) were destroyed 58) have been taught 59) was being opened/had been opened 60) has been published 61) was constructed 62) is being typed 63) are/were given 64) have just been allowed 65) will be published 66) would be repaired 67) had been shown 68) has been repainted 69) is greatly impressed 70) was being moved 71) was not invited 72) will be arrested 73) had been spent 74) had been involved 75) was being carried 76) is checked 77) will be blown 78) are being mended 79) have been told 80) was being painted
The parcel will have been delivered by your arrival.
Don’t make noise! A dictation is being written in this room.
I have been advised to visit Moscow.
The witness is being questioned now.
Ann was invited to spend the month of August in Germany.
Don’t leave your bicycle outside. It will be stolen.
She was taught music in childhood.
The book had already been discussed when we entered the room.
Switch on the TV-set. It has just been mended.
All (the) exams will have been passed by the end of June and we’ll return home.
The airport was closed as it had been snowing heavily the whole week.
Wait, please! The last student is being examined now.
When I left (went out of) the shop, I discovered that my bicycle had been stolen.
The tourists were pleased as their programme had been well-planned.
I wonder, what is being built in the centre of the city.
This man was arrested because he had tried to rob a bank several times.
When was this picture painted?
The letters will have been sent before you come.
My brother was being interviewed when I came in.
The door had been locked, when we returned.