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2.1. Open the brackets. Use the Present Indefinite Passive


  1. Lots of people like coffee. About 20 billion cups of coffee (to drink) in Belarus every year.

  2. A billion litres of milk (to buy) by the Belarusian’s every year.

  3. 1,5 million litres of juice (to produce) every year.

  4. 10000 litres of water (to use) by the average Belarusian family every month.

  5. Over 2 million cars (to own) by Belarusian families.

  6. Some people do not eat meat. Meat (not to eat) by 2 per cent of Belarusian people.

  7. 3 million chickens and turkeys (to kill) every week in Belarus.

  8. A lot of TV-sets (to manufacture) by Belarusian plants every year.

  9. Lots of computers (to assemble) by some Belarusian companies.

  10. In Belarus lots of new block of flats (to build) every year.

(B) Open the brackets and retell the texts

Finding a Job

If you have left school and haven’t got a job, don’t despair. Jobs (to advertise) in local papers under “Situations Vacant”. Go to your local Job Centre or Employment Office. If they haven’t got a suitable job for you, at least good advice (to give) here. Job vacancies (to post) up on notice boards outside firms and factories. Local jobs (to display) on cards in shop windows and at post offices. When you have found a job that interests you, make an appointment for an interview. Sometimes, an interview (to arrange) by telephone, but often a written application (to require). Application forms (to provide) for this purpose by the firms. Sometimes the applicant (to test) at the interview. Don’t be nervous, do your best.

Don’t feel that you have to take the first job that (to offer) to you. Go to the Career Office and ask about the Young Training Scheme. Many on-the-job courses and schemes (to organize) by the Youth Training Scheme and they pay you during the training.

Delivery letters

First the letters (1) (to pick up) from the postbox, and then they (2) (to take) to the sorting office. Here the stamps (3) (to cancel) automatically with blue dots and the date. The letters (4) (to sort) then either by post-office workers or by machines which read the blue dots or postal code. Next the letters (5) (to sort) automatically into boxes. They then (6) (to tie up) with elastic bands and (7) (to put) into bundles. After that, they (8) (to send) to the main post-offices nearest their destinations. Finally, they (9) (to pick up) by the postman and (10) (to deliver).

2.2. (A) Transform from Active into Passive. (Omit the agent where it can be omitted)

  1. They kill elephants for ivory.

  2. People chop down a lot of trees every year.

  3. The Muslims celebrate Ramadan.

  4. They put fresh flowers in the hotel rooms every day.

  5. They check passports at Passport Control.

  6. A million people visit the cathedral every year.

  7. Do they teach Latin at this school?

  8. People make wine from grapes.

  9. A lot of children use computers nowadays.

  10. People ask Eve about her job all the time.

  11. Two million people use the London Underground system every day.

  12. People all over the world speak English.

  13. Millions of people watch this programme.

  14. Students write most of the magazine.

  15. We bake bread here.

(B) Transform from Passive into Active

  1. Dinner is served at 6.00.

  2. The best fudge is made by the Scots.

  3. Trained dogs are used by the police to find drugs.

  4. The patients are given their medicine every morning.

  5. The rooms are cleaned daily.

  6. The best restaurant in our town is owned by my parents.

  7. Important decisions are made by the Government.

  8. Tickets are checked by inspectors regularly.

  9. These TV sets are made by a Japanese firm.

  10. The milk is brought.

  11. The letters are left in the hall.

  12. Hot meals are served till 10.30.

  13. Things are stolen from supermarkets every day.

  14. He is never seen in the dining-room.

  15. The warehouse is guarded by dogs.