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IV. Реферирование текста (45 мин). Направлено на формирование компетенции ок-5

Hard Palate, Soft Palate and Pharynx

The hard palate forms the roof of the mouth and is covered with keratinized epithelium. Peripherally it is covered with mucoperiosteum continuous with the attached gingival, and attached firmly to the underlying bone. More centrally, in the angle between the palatine and alveolar processes of the maxilla, it is separated from the bone by intervening connective tissue containing blood vessels and nerves. Further centrally and in the midline, the epithelium is again tightly bound down to the underlying bone, which is sometimes raised in the midline as a midline palatal torus of variable size.

In the midline, behind the central incisor teeth lies the incisive papilla, an oval prominence covering the incisal fossa and marking the entry into the mouth of the nasopalatine nerves. Just distal to the incisive papilla there are a variable number of roughly parallel irregular raised folds of mucoperiosteum, the palatal rugae. Further posteriorly, marking the junction of hard and soft palate, lie two small indentations, one on either side of the midline. These are the foveae palatini, where the ducts of two small clusters of salivary glands open into the mouth.

The soft palate is covered with stratified squamous epithelium and divides the oropharynx from the nasopharynx. It terminates distally in a short muscular projection, the uvula. By contact with the posterior wall of the pharynx it regulates the flow of air through the mouth and nose when breathing and speaking.

Laterally the side of the pharynx is marked by two arches. The pharyngeal tonsil is part of a ring of lymphoid tissue, the other parts of which are the lingual tonsil, found on the posterior third of the tongue, and the adenoids, a collection of lymph tissue found in the midline of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx.

Make a summary of the text according to the plan:

a) structures forming the hard palate and attached to it;

b) structure and functions of the soft palate;

c) structures of the pharynx.

IV. Устная речь (30 мин). Направлено на формирование компетенции ок-6.

1 A student prepared a scheme of the oral cavity but forgot to subscribe the names of the structures. Correct his mistake: give the names of the structures marked by the numbers and describe their position in the oral cavity.

2. Discuss the role and the main purpose of the skull and the oral cavity structures: Eg. – the skull – serves as a framework for the head, protects the brain; etc.

V. Ознакомление с вариантом лексико-грамматической итоговой работы №1. – 15 мин (см. Раздел Контрольные Задания)

Тема 2.2 Структура зуба, одонтогенез Занятие 5

Этапы занятия и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:

I. Проведение Лексико-грамматической итоговой работы №1 по теме 2.1- 45 мин

II. Изучающее чтение. (45 мин) Направлено на формирование компетенции ок-5

Задание 1. Essential Vocabulary

maxilla верхняя челюсть occupy занимать

maxillary верхнечелюстной vascular сосудистый

mandible нижняя челюсть periodontal membrane периодонт

incise надрезать periosteum надкостница

masticate жевать serve служить

assist принимать участие alveolar альвеолярный

crown коронка alveolus (pl -li) альвеола

root корень fibrous волокнистый

cement цемент line выстилать

enamel эмаль dentine дентин

dental pulp пульпа зуба tooth socket ячейка зуба

lamina dura тонкая твердая пластинка

Задание 2. Translate the words having the same root:

- to specialize, specialization, specially, specialty, specialist

- to calcify, calcification, calcium

- to assist, assistant, assistance

- to connect, connected, connective, connection

- membrane, membranous

- fiber, fibrous

- alveolus, alveoli, alveolar.

Задание 3. Read the text. State the function of the Past Participles.

Anatomical Structure of the Tooth

The teeth are specialized, hard, calcified organs attached to the maxilla and mandible. The function of the teeth is to incise, masticate food and assist in phonation.

Anatomically, a tooth consists of two fundamental parts: the crown and the root, or roots. The crown of the tooth is the part that appears above the gum line; it is only about 1/3 of the whole tooth. Underneath the gum line lie the roots. The root is that part of the tooth which is in the alveolar bone and is covered by mucous membrane. Incisors have only one root; other teeth, two or three. The crown and the root of the tooth are connected together by the neck.

The crown of each tooth is covered with dental enamel, the hardest substance in the body. The roots are encased in cementum, not quite as hard. Inside the enamel and cementum is the softer bony substance called dentin, which is the bulk of the tooth. The dentin surrounds a pulp chamber (dental pulp), where nerves and blood vessels of the tooth are located.

The nerves and blood vessels run up and down through narrow channels, called root canals, through which they connect with the rest of the circulatory and nervous systems of the body.

The peridental membrane or alveolar-dental periosteum is a fibrous membrane. Covering the roots of the tooth it holds the tooth in its socket in the jaw and takes up some of the shock of chewing. This is why the teeth are slightly movable. The periodontal membrane serves to attach the tooth to the bone.

A thin layer of bone called the lamina dura serves to line the alveolus or tooth socket.