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Упражнения на закрепление грамматического материала

1. Переведите следующие русские причастия и деепричастия на английский язык.

Приносящий; принесенный; принося; принеся; переводящий; переведенный; переводя; переведя; давая; написав; читающий; берущий; данный; прочитав; сделанный; пьющий; сказанный; будучи потерянным; нарисовав; написавший; делая; взятый; взяв; рисуя; выпитый; сделав; идя; пишущий; прочитанный; дав; рисующий; делающий; нарисованный; выпив; говорящий; беря; написанный; читая4 идущий; дающий; сказав; сидевший; посмотрев; будучи забыт; строящий; строящийся; играя; поиграв; рассказанный; рассказавший; видя; принесший; будучи принесенным; построенный; продав.

2. Образуйте причастие II от следующих глаголов.

To drive, to come, to walk, to do, to stand, to give, to take, to put, to get, to read, to write, to learn

3. Образуйте нужную форму причастия.

1. The girl (to write) on the blackboard is our best pupil. 2. Everything (to write) here is quite right. 3. The house (to surround) by tall trees is very beautiful. 4. The wall (to surround) the house was very high. 5. Who is that boy (to do) his homework at the table? 6. The exercises (to do) by the pupils were easy. 7. The floor (to wash) by Helen looked very clean. 8. The girl (to wash) the floor is my sister. 9. We listened to the girls (to sing) Russian folk songs. 10. We listened to the Russian folk songs (to sing) by the girls. 11. Do you know the girl (to play) in the yard? 12. The book (to write) by this scientist is very interesting. 13. Translate the words (to write) on the blackboard. 14. We could not see the sun (to cover) by dark clouds. 15. The (to lose) book was found at last. 16. (To go) along the street, I met Mary and Ann. 17. Read the (to translate) sentences once more. 18. I picked up the pencil (to lie) on the floor. 19. Name some places (to visit) by you last year. 20. She was reading the book (to buy) the day before.

4. Переведите на русский язык.

1. The engineers invited to our laboratory work very well. 2. The machine invented by Mr. Brown is very good. 3. Yesterday the experts tested the machine constructed by Mr. Smith. 4. The house built in this street is very fine. 5. Thus addressed, the crowd expressed its approval by applause. 6. These flowers are better than those grown by your friend. 7. The problem, considered from this point of view, takes on a new aspect. 8. The second quarter, compared with the first one, shows a marked rise in prices on most manufactured goods. 9. I heard him talked about. 10. I shall get this letter typed. 11. He had his boots mended. 12. She had the letter posted. 13. I shall see this matter attended to. 14. The cylinder has the ignition plug screwed on the top. 15. I heard him talking.



1. Put the Participle in the form suitable for the noun.

- a (complicate) explanation;

- a (terrify) experiment;

- (well-pay) job;

- a (burn) barn;

- a (steal) car;

- (run) water;

- (blind) light;

- a (die) soldier;

- a (swim) lesson;

- (long-play) records;

    1. Choose the form of the Participle.

    1. I must have the mixer (fixed, fixing).

    2. I don’t find this story (amusing, amused).

    3. My room is a mass: I really must get it (tidying, tidied) up.

    4. I would stay at home after such a (tiring, tired) day.

    5. Uncle Frank has a gentle old horse (naming, named) Pete on his farm.

    6. Can you smell something (burning, burned)?

    7. He opened the letter with (shaking, shaken) fingers.

    8. She had rather a (pleasing, pleased) look on her face.

    1. Open the brackets and use the proper participle.

1) He fell asleep (exhaust) by the journey.

2) She entered the dining room (accompany) by her husband and her father.

3) A snake (sleep) in the grass will bite if anyone treads upon it.

4) (Fill) his pockets with apples the boy was about to run away when he saw the owner of the garden with a stick in his hand.

5) It was a bright Sunday morning of early summer (promise) heat.

6) When I came home, I found the table (lay).

7) (Judge) by the colour of the sun it should be windy tomorrow.

8) (Arrive) at a big seaport, I started to look for a job.

9) He had received an urgent message (ask) him to telephone Sir Mathew.

    1. Translate into English using participles where possible.

1) Будьте внимательны, когда ведете машину.

2) На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом.

3) Получив телеграмму, моя сестра немедленно выехала в Германию.

4) Я не знаю человека, говорящего по телефону.

5) Уехав вчера вечером, мы прибыли в город в 6 утра.


  1. Put the Participle in the form suitable for the noun.

- (grow) interest;

-an (excite) child;

- (worry) problem;

- a (pass) bus;

- an (excite) story;

- (fly) fish;

- a (freeze) lake;

- a (break) heart;

- a (cheer) crowd;

- a (destroy) church;

  1. Choose the form of the Participle.

1) Deeply (shocking, shocked) I left them.

  1. 2) When (answering, answered) your question yesterday I forgot this fact.

3) He walked along the road with his collar (turning, turned) up, hands in pockets.

4) I didn’t enjoy the party because I was (boring, bored) there.

5) Why not throw away the (breaking, broken) umbrella we are not likely to repair it.

6) She didn’t pay any attention to the (ringing, rung) telephone.

7) Don’t you think your hair needs (cutting, cut)?

  1. Can you think of the name of an animal (beginning, begun) with “B”?

3. Open the brackets and use the proper participle.

1) He looked at groups of young girls (walk) arm in arm.

2) In the wood they sat down on a (fall) tree.

3) (See) from the hill the city looks magnificent.

4) (Not know) where to go he turned to a passer by.

5) (Lock) in her room she threw a fit.

6) (Address) the parcel, I went out at once to post it.

7) She often took care of my little sister (give) me a possibility to play with other boys.

  1. (Wash) her face in cold water, she came up to the window and shut it.

  2. Paul sat down again, evidently (change) his mind about going.

4. Translate into English using participles where possible.

1) Полученное известие взволновало всех.

  1. 2) Я оставил ей записку, не застав ее дома.

  2. 3) Чувствуя усталость, они решили передохнуть.

  3. 4)Я не запомнил имя человека, звонившего вам вчера.

  4. 5) Мы сидели на террасе, наслаждаясь чудесным видом гор, окружающих наш отель.