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WORKBOOK Part 4.doc
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11 Rewrite the sentences according to the example.

Example: I don’t work on Saturdays. – I used to work on Saturdays last year / when I was young.

1 I never take a taxi to go to work.


2 I hardly ever watch TV now.


3 People do not very often go to the cinema today.


4 She is old and sick.


5 She has few old close friends.


6 He doesn’t read any papers.


7 He is always late for work.


8 My brother doesn’t come home until 11.


9 The place is so nice and clean!


10 She is so pretty and attractive.


11 London is one of the biggest cities in the world.


12 There is a big supermarket near our house.


12 Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

1 ‘I find it hard to get up early.

‘You _____ to getting up early once you start working.’

A are used B will get used C were used

2 ‘Do you often exercise now?’

‘No, but I _____ to exercise a lot when I was at school.’

A used B will get used C am used

3 ‘Aren’t you bothered by all that noise?’

‘No, we _____ to noise. We live in the city centre.’

A were used B will get used C are used

4 ‘Does your sister travel a lot?’

‘No, but she _____ to before she got married.’

A didn’t use B used C wasn’t used

5 ‘I don’t like wearing a suit every day.’

‘Don’t worry, you _____ to it very soon.’

A are used B will get used C were used

6 ‘Sandra _____ to using a computer, but now she enjoys it.’

‘It’s a lot easier for her now.’

A isn’t used B will get used C wasn’t used

7 ‘Do you remember the things we _____ to do when we were kids?’

‘Of course I do. How could I forget what fun we had!’

A used B were used C got used

8 ‘Do you like living in the city?’

‘Well, I _____ to it yet, but it’s okay.’

A am not used B wasn’t used C am used

13 Read the text below, then circle the answer a, b, c or which best fits the space. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Skydiving

For some people flying is a terrifying experience. Surely, even those of us (0) who quite enjoy this form (1) ____ travel could never be convinced to jump out of an aeroplane 10,000 feet above the ground. However, this is what thousands of skydivers choose to do every day, and what’s more, some of them claim that everyone should (2) ____ it a try.

So do you (3) _____ rushing towards the ground at over one hundred and fifty kms an hour while relying on a square piece of cloth to (4) _____ you back to Earth safely?

If (5) ____, you have two options for your first jump. The first is to make a tandem jump, where you will be strapped (6) ____ an instructor and the two of you will make the jump together. However, the second option is usually (7) _____ if you are serious about taking (8) _____ the sport. Here you will go to ground school, (9) _____ you will learn how to safely get in and out of the plane, how to pack a parachute and how to steer it. Then you first jump will usually be a static line jump. You jump (10) _____ your own but your parachute opens automatically after a couple of seconds. Those might seem like the longest and scariest seconds of your life, (11) _____ the enthusiasts say it is all worth it for the incredible feeling you get when you see that the parachute open up above you, and the even (12) _____ amazing feeling of achievement that you get when you arrive safely back (13) _____ solid ground. It’s true that for most people one jump is never enough and before (14) _____ you won’t think there is anything strange about spending all your spare money and free weekends paying to (15) ______ the chance to jump just one more time.

















A whom

A of

A make

A think

A put

A only

A to

A advised

A along

A while

A by

A despite

A more

A at

A many

A have

B which

B for

B give

B expect

B turn

B not

B by

B recommended

B down

B after

B on

B furthermore

B better

B to

B long

B do

C what

C to

C have

C want

C bring

C this

C with

C wanted

C up

C before

C for

C besides

C though

C on

C much

C make

D who

D by

D go

D fancy

D give

D so

D up

D expected

D off

D where

D to

D but

D bigger

D in

D far

D give


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