- •Кафедра иностранных языков гсэ. Ф.01 иностранный язык (английский)
- •1 My Family
- •1.1 Dialogues
- •1.2 Questions
- •2.1 Match the two parts of the sentences:
- •2.2 Dialogues
- •2.3 Questions
- •3 Our University
- •3.1 Translate the Russian parts of the sentences:
- •3.2 Dialogues
- •3.3 Questions
- •4 The Russian Federation
- •4.1 Dialogues
- •4.2 Questions
- •5 Agriculture of Russia
- •5.1 Translate into English:
- •5.2 True / false sentences:
- •5.3 Dialogues
- •5.4 Questions
- •6 Great Britain
- •6.1 Dialogues
- •6.2 Questions
- •7 Agriculture of Great Britain
- •7.1 Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:
- •7.2 Translate into English:
- •7.3 Dialogues
- •7.4 Questions
- •8 Bashkortostan
- •8.1 Dialogues
- •8.2 Questions
- •9 The United States of America
- •9.1 Compare Bashkortostan and the usa and finish the sentences:
- •9.2 Translate the sentences about Bashkortostan and the usa:
- •9.3 Dialogues
- •9.4 Questions
- •10 My Future Work
Методические указания по обучению
устной речи
для студентов всех специальностей
УДК 811 А
ББК 81.2 Англ
М 54
Рекомендованы к изданию методической
комиссией факультета информационных
технологий и управления Башкирского
государственного аграрного университета,
протокол № 4 от 12 декабря 2008 г.
Составитель: ст. преподаватель кафедры
иностранных языков Р.А. Исмагзамова
Рецензент: к.филос.н., доцент кафедры
иностранных языков З.Н. Изимариева
Ответственный за выпуск: зав. каф.
иностранных языков к.ф.н., доцент О.Н.
My Family
My Day
Our University
The Russian Federation
Agriculture of Russia
Great Britain
Agriculture of Great Britain
The United States of America
My Future Work
I am Timur Baiburin. Baiburin is my surname,
Timur is my first name. My close friends call me Tima for short. I
am a student of Bashkir State Agrarian University. My father calls
this University his Alma Mater and we joke that it is our family
tradition to be graduates of BSAU.
Let me introduce my family to you. First comes father of course as
head of the family. His name is Azamat Baiburin, he is a mechanic at
the repair station. My mother’s name is Fatima Baiburina, she is a
nurse at the small local hospital. As for my brother, he goes to
school. His name is Radmir. He is fond of animals and wants to treat
them so we hope that after finishing school he will enter the
Veterinary Department of this University.
I have also got two grandmothers and grandfather
who are rather old but still very active and energetic. I love them
very much and try to help my grandparents because there is always
much work in the country. I have got a lot of relatives: uncles,
aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces. We sometimes gather together but
this happens not very often.
As for me, I am a first year student of the Food Technologies
Department. I like to be a student. I live in the hostel of our
University. My room-mates are the students of our group, so we help
each other to do homework on some subjects.
I am from Yanaul District of Bashkortostan. My family lives there. I
miss Mom, Dad and Radmir very much. I love my family and I think
that our family is friendly and hardworking.
say you have an elder sister. What’s her name? Katerina,
Katya for short. She was named after our granny. Father wanted her
to be named after his mother. Really?
We both have sisters and each of them is called Kate or Katya.
Well, Kate is quite a popular British name just
as Katya is popular with Russians.
* * *
me introduce myself to you. I am Pete Karpov. How
do you do, Mr Karpov. My name is John Bush. How
do you do, Mr Bush. I am a teacher of Biology. What do you do? I
am an agronomist from California. Pleased
to meet you, Mr Bush.
to get acquainted with you, Mr Karpov.
* *
Я знаю, что у тебя две сестры и брат, не
так ли? Not
quite so. I have a sister, a brother and a cousin, but she lives
with us, because her parents work on contract in the North.
Понятно. У меня тоже есть брат, а еще у
меня есть два двоюродных брата и одна
двоюродная сестра. Но они живут в другом
районе, и мы видимся не так часто. У
старшего двоюродного брата есть
маленькая дочка. Так что я тетя, и у
меня есть племянница.
It’s great. I like small children. They are so
funny. Is she pretty?
Очень. У нее темные волосы и зеленые
глаза. Она похожа на своего отца. You
also have green eyes and dark hair.
My niece looks a bit like me. Мне
это нравится.
How many people are in your family?
We are two: my Mom and me. But we are very happy
* * *
- Your name is Mary Bright, isn’t it?
Нет, меня зовут Анна Блэк. Я секретарь,
живу и работаю в Вашингтоне. А вас как
My name is John Miller. I am an architect. I
live and work in Boston. Are you married, Ann?
Нет, я еще не замужем. Мне девятнадцать
лет. Я живу с родителями. Мой отец
художник, а мать - домохозяйка. А вы
Yes, I am. I have a wife and two sons. My wife
is a teacher, my sons go to school.
У вас есть родители?
Да, они живут в Германии. Отец работает
в фирме, производящей мясные продукты,
а мама не работает. Do
you often visit your parents? Once
or twice a year. We are very busy. I
1. When were you born? Where are you from?
2. How many are you in your family?
3. What relatives have you got?
4. What do your parents do?
5. Where do you live now?
6. What can you say about your elder (younger) brother (sister)?
7. What does your sister (brother) look like?
8. How often do you go home?
9. What can you say about your family?
10.In what places do your relatives live?
11.Do you have a niece (nephew)? Describe her (him).
12.How many people are in your aunt’s (uncle’s) family? Who are
My Day
I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I do my morning exercises,
wash and dress. Then I sit down to breakfast. At 8 I leave home and
go to the University. Our hostel is situated near the University, so
I am there in 10 minutes. Some students live rather far from the
University, so they take a bus or a trolley or even a taxi bus not
to be late. Our
classes begin at 8.30. Usually we have one or two lectures, a
seminar and a practical lesson in the laboratory. Once or twice a
week we have English. At our English lessons we read texts,
translate them, ask and answer questions and do all sorts of
exercises. We want to know English well and many students of our
University need it to study abroad and to work in England during
summer holidays.
At 12 a.m. I usually have lunch at the students’ canteen. After
classes I sometimes stay at the University and work in one of the
reading halls. I can find practically every necessary book on any
subject there, so I don’t need to visit a city library. I study
hard because good education is valuable nowadays.
When I return to my hostel I am usually tired, so I have a short
rest and cook supper. Then I do my homework. At 11 o’clock I go to
Sunday is my day off. I get up later than usual. I needn’t hurry
anywhere on this day and I like it very much. On Sunday I can go to
the cinema or theatre, to the skating rink in winter, to the park in
summer. If I have free time during the week I visit my friends, read
books, go for a walk, listen to music.
A student’s life is rather busy but we try to find time for work
and for fun.
1. On
week days I usually
After I have breakfast
Students take a taxi bus
4. We
have English
5. Many students of our University need to know
English well
During lunch time
7) At
our University library I can find 8) We
don’t study on Saturday or Sunday
9) In
my free time I often
Though I’m rather busy with my studies
almost every necessary book
b) not
to be late for lessons c) get
up early in the morning d) I
try to find time for fun too
e) I leave for the University f)
once or twice a week g)
visit friends or listen to music h) I
go to the students’ canteen
i) because they want to study abroad or to work
in England during summer holidays
j) they are our days-off
- Do you like coffee, Ann? -
Yes, I do. -
Do you want sugar in your coffee? -
Yes, please. -
Do you want milk? -
No, thank you. I don’t like milk in my coffee. I prefer black
* * * I’ve
not been to any café or bistro in Ufa yet. What about you? Last
month my friend invited me to the bistro “Lido” to her
birthday. Did
you like it? Was food good there? Oh,
yes. Everything was tasty and the prices were quite reasonable. We
had pizza, coffee and cakes. Didn’t
you have ice-cream? Oh,
I forgot. Their ice-cream was delicious. I have got an idea. Let’s
go to “Lido” after we get our scholarship. Great.
I agree.
* * *
- What are the most common hobbies of Englishmen?
- That isn’t an easy question. Many Britons like sports and games,
others are fond of gardening or collecting things. I, for example,
enjoy carpentry, that is making shelves, boxes and so on from wood.
- Your hobby seems both interesting and useful for the house. I
think your wife likes your pastime, doesn’t she?
- Oh, yes. When I come home after work she’s
ready to give “orders” to repair this or that.
* * *
- Популярен ли баскетбол в США?
- Yes, very. Basketball is played at schools,
colleges and clubs. Both boys and girls are fond of playing
- А какие
еще игры
популярны в
- Well, baseball and tennis, football and golf are very popular.
- Мне бы хотелось посмотреть игру в
бейсбол. Где это
можно сделать?
- At any University stadium and at sports-grounds
in many parks.
* *
- Какое у
вас хобби?
- I am fond of plying tennis.
- Не могли бы вы научить меня играть в
- I can try. But I must tell you that it is not very easy.
- Я знаю об этом и я готов учиться
терпеливо. А теперь я бы хотел пригласить
вас на чашку кофе с пирожными.
- Oh, no. Not coffee and cakes. Those are unhealthy food. I’ll
take a glass of apple juice.
- Что вы называете здоровой пищей? Соки,
молоко, овощи, фрукты? Yes,
all that. And
dairy products, fish and meat. But nothing fried or spicy. Not too
much salt or sugar. No alcohol at all. Just simple
food and soft
drinks.Понятно. Здоровая
пища это интересная идея. Об
этом надо
1.What time do you wake up in the morning?
2.Do you have a shower in the morning?
3.Do you do your morning exercises every day?
4.What do you usually have for breakfast?
5.When do you leave home?
6.Do you live near or far from the University?
7.How do you get to the University?
8.When do your classes begin?
9.How many classes a day do you usually have?
10.When do you have a break for lunch?
11.What do you usually have for dinner?
12.When are your classes over?
13.What do you do after classes?
14.How long does it take you to do your homework?
15.What do you like doing at the weekend?
16. Do you have any hobby?
17.How do you spend your evenings? Do you often go out?
18.Do you take up sport?
19.Can you cook? Can you cook soup? Can you fry potatoes?
20.How many meals do you have a day? What are they? What time do you
have your meals?
My name is Khakimova Regina. I am a second year student of Bashkir
State Agrarian University. It is one of the oldest in the city. Its
history goes back to 1930, when it was founded as Bashkir
Agricultural Institute. At that time there were only 2 departments
at the Institute: plant growing and livestock breeding and only 99
students and 13 teachers. In 1993 Bashkir Agricultural University
got the status of Bashkir State Agrarian University. Now the overall
number of students amounts to 11 thousand; 6.5 thousand of them are
full-time students and more than 4 thousand are part-time students
(as of 01.09.08). The teaching staff of the University consists of
about 700 teachers, among them 110 professors and 350 candidates of
There are 9 departments at the University. They are the departments
of Economics, Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine, Farm Mechanization,
Energy Supply, Land Management and Forestry, Information
Technologies and Management, Food Technologies and Biotechnologies.
I am at the department of Economics. I study such subjects as
Mathematics, Economic Theory, Accounting, Audit and a lot of others.
After 5 years of studies I will get the diploma of higher education
and become an economist.
The University consists of six buildings. There are a lot of
classrooms, laboratories and lecture halls at the University, also a
computer centre and many computer classrooms. There is a good
library and several reading halls where students can find many books
and scientific journals on their speciality. Many students take up
sport quite seriously. The University has several gyms, a swimming
pool and a stadium.
Most students of our University are from different districts of our
Republic. They live in 6 comfortable hostels of the University.
Students live there for 5 years and for the time of studies
hostels become their second home where they live, study and rest.
The course of studies at our University gives students a good
opportunity of becoming well-trained specialists in different fields
of agriculture. I think students can study, as well as live an
interesting life during the years of education.
1. The University был
основан in 1930.
2. At that time it назывался
Agricultural Institute.
3. Растениеводство
и животноводство
were the two departments at that time.
4. At present about 700 teachers constitute the
преподавательский состав
of the University.
5. After 5 years of studies a student gets диплом
о высшем
6. Здания университета have
many classrooms,
lecture halls,
библиотек и компьютерных классов.
7. Students can take all the необходимые
книги from the библиотеки
8. Many students come from различные
районы to study at the University,
so they live in удобные общежития.
9. The University trains skilled specialists in
различные области
сельского хозяйства.
10. Students study and live an interesting life
during the годы обучения.
am Samokhvalova Yevgenia, Zhenya, for short. I study at
Pedagogical University in Ufa.
Hi, Zhenya. I am Diana Baker. I am a student at
Manchester Teachers’ College. I train to be a primary school
teacher. What about you? I
will be a teacher of Math at a secondary school. We are future
colleagues, Diana, aren’t we? Yes,
we are. By the way, are the graduates of Russian universities given
a degree? No,
they are not. The system of scientific degrees is different in our
country. The graduates are given diplomas of higher education. I
see. The graduates of British colleges and universities are given
the degrees of Bachelor or Master.
read about it at the lessons of English. Our teacher of English
tells us a lot of interesting and useful information about Great
Britain and its system of education.
* * * How
many departments are there at your university and what is the total
number of students? Eight
thousand students study at eight departments. Do
students in Russia pay tuition?
Those who passed entrance exams to the
university with excellent marks get education free of charge. They
get to the so-called budget groups, others pay tuition. The
students from budget groups who pass exams at the university with
good and excellent marks get scholarship. I think, young people
value good education now.
* * *
Как студенты вашего университета
проводят лето?
In different ways. Some return home, some go to
the university sports camp for a week or two, some have their
practice in summer and are very busy.
Как насчет спорта, увлечений, музыки,
танцев? Well,
I think those things always come first.
1.Where do you study?
2.What will be your profession after you graduate from the
3.When was your University founded?
4.How many and what departments are there at your University?
5. Do your group-mates live in the hostel?
6.How many students study at the University full time?
7.Do all students get scholarship?
8.What document is given to the graduates from the University?
9.How many years do students study at your University?
10.Whom does the teaching staff of the University consist of ?
11.What sport facilities has the University got.
12.Do all students pay tuition?
13.What subjects are taught at the University?
14.What are your favourite subjects?
15.Who can become a student of your University?
Russia is the largest country in the world. It is situated in Europe
and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometres.
Because of the vast territory the country has different climate in
different parts: from continental and subtropical to very cold
arctic climate.
The landscape of the country is also different:
from high mountains to deep valleys, from fertile soil zones to
barren steppes.
The population of the Russian Federation is about 150 million
people. The European part of the country is densely populated. Most
people live in towns and cities.
Russia is among the world leaders in mineral resources. It is rich
in coal, oil, natural gas, iron, copper etc. Russia is a highly
industrialized country. Its oil and chemical industries are well
developed. People of Russia are very optimistic about economic and
social progress in the country. As for agriculture, it is undergoing
reforms and changes. These reforms are aimed at supplying the people
of the country with agricultural products of high quality.
The Russian Federation is a free union of a number of regions,
territories and republics called the subjects of the federation.
Under the Constitution (1993) Russia is a presidential republic. The
highest legislative body of the Russian Federation is Duma, the name
of the Russian Parliament. The executive power is held by the
The capital of the country is Moscow. Founded in 1147 it has become
over years the most important political, industrial, scientific and
cultural centre of the country and the seat of the government. The
Red Square, the Kremlin and lots of other sights and historic places
attract tourists from all over the world to Moscow.
Russia has always played an important role in the world. Nowadays
Russia remains a powerful state enjoying a high reputation among
other nations of the world. It is a peace-loving country and a
member of many peaceful organizations.
must say that your country is very big. In
fact, it is the largest country in the world. But your country is
also big. Canada
is the second largest country in the world. But
its population is considerably smaller than that of Russia, isn’t
* * * I
have read that Russia is very rich in mineral resources.
Это правда. У нас богатые залежи угля,
железной руды, нефти и природного газа.
have also read that the climate is severe in Russia.
Это неверно. Россия огромная страна,
и климат различен в разных частях.
Например, у нас в Башкортостане зимы
холодные и снежные, а в Сочи зимой сыро
и довольно тепло.
* * Excuse
me, can you tell me the way to the Red Square? Sure.
Go straight on along Pokrovskaya Street and soon you’ll see the
Kremlin stars.
Thank you very much. Can I take a bus? A
trolley. The stop is over there. Thanks
a lot. Don’t
mention it. Good luck.
* * * Excuse
me, am I on the right way to the Tretyakov Gallery? I
am afraid, not. You are going in the opposite direction. Oh,
no! I have been walking for 20 minutes already. Why
don’t you take a bus? The bus stop is over there. What
bus will take me to the Tretyakovka? Number
37 and 64 . Get off at bus stop “Tretyakov Gallery”.
Is it a long way there? It’s
not. Just 15 minutes, I think. Thank
you very much. That’s
all right. Have a good time.
* * *
Извините, как пройти к ближайшей станции
метро? Go
straight on till the nearest crossroads.
Это далеко? Где остановка? Я поеду на
автобусе. It
is very near. It will take you not more than 6-7 minutes.
Хорошо. Я дохожу до перекрестка. Что
делать потом?
turn left and behind a large supermarket you will see the
underground station.
Сейчас 9 часов вечера. Вы не знаете,
метро работает сейчас? Yes,
it is. It usually works until 12 o’clock in the night.
Спасибо за всю информацию. Вы мне очень
помогли. До свидания. No
thanks at all. We are glad to help people coming to Moscow. I wish
you all the best.
1.How large is the territory of the Russian Federation?
2.What can you say about the landscape of our country?
3.Is climate very different in Russia?
4.What’s the population of Russia?
5.What mineral resources is Russia rich in?
6.What subjects of the Russian Federation can you name?
7.What branches of industry are the leading in our country?
8.How old is Moscow?
9.What sights attract tourists from all over the world to Moscow?
10.What reputation has Russia got in the world?
11.Who is the president of the country now? What power has he got?
12.Are you optimistic about the future of your motherland?
The Russian Federation is a large country with different soil and
climatic conditions. Farmers of Russia produce various farm products
on its vast territory. The south of the country is the main area for
producing grain, vegetables, fruit and meat. In the Non-Black Soil
Zone they grow potatoes, flax, keep farm animals. Forestry and grain
production are developed in Siberia. The Far East is famous for its
fishing. Fur breeding is popular in the North.
There are two main branches of agriculture: animal breeding and crop
growing. Farmers of Russia grow such cereals as wheat, rye,
buckwheat, barley and oats. They grow vegetables such as potatoes,
tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, onions and cabbage. Animal
breeding is developed all over the country. Farmers raise cows for
milk and meat; sheep are kept for their wool and meat. Farmers breed
poultry: hens, ducks and geese. Farms are provided with tractors,
combine-harvesters, trucks and other farm machinery.
Russian agriculture is living through the period of changes and
reforms. Much success has been achieved in some spheres of farming
thanks to the efforts of scientists and outstanding agriculturists.
They develop new crop varieties, animal breeds and highly effective
machines for tillage, seeding and harvesting operations. There are
still problems which our agriculture faces today. Among them are
financing, management, storage and marketing of agricultural
The chief aim of agriculture is to supply industry with raw
materials and population with food. This aim can be achieved by
joint efforts of all people of the country.
Россия это обширная страна.
Ландшафт России разнообразен.
Больше людей живет в городах, чем в
сельской местности.
Москва была основана в 1147 году.
Красная площадь и кремль привлекают
много туристов.
Россия это миролюбивое государство.
Московское метро – это одно из самых
красивых метро в мире.
Скотоводство и растениеводство развиты
в России.
Реформы и перемены сделают российское
сельское хозяйство высоко эффективным.
Во фруктовых садах фермеры выращивают
яблоки, сливу и вишню.
Фермеры выращивают картофель и свеклу
в больших количествах.
В смешанных хозяйствах фермеры
выращивают зерновые, овощи, фрукты и
содержат скот.
has large resources of coal and oil.
The aim of the reforms in agriculture is to
supply people with food products. The
government of Russia is in Moscow. Farmers
keep cows for meat, milk and wool; poultry is kept for meat and
eggs. Animal
breeding is developed all over Russia. The
most densely populated part of Russia is the Far East. There
are no fertile soil zones in our country. Outstanding
agriculturists develop new crop varieties. Cereals
are wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats, beets and barley. Tractors,
combine harvesters and trucks work in the fields of the country.
what are your impressions of our farm? I
can only repeat what I told you before. It is really a modern farm. Did
you notice that we are engaged in mixed farming? Of
course. What industrial crops do you grow? Flax
and sunflower seeds. We also grow various fruits and berries. Have
you seen our orchards? It’s
a pity, but we didn’t have time for that. We
have a big orchard. We are growing several varieties of apples and
pears. Cherries and plums are also grown in the orchards. What
about potatoes? I saw only large fields of cabbage and sugar-beet? Potatoes
are grown in large amounts too. We also grow cucumbers, tomatoes
and carrots but in smaller amounts. I
was surprised to see that you have a lot of foreign combines in the
fields. We
have two American combines; we grow potatoes and carrots according
to Dutch technology. Foreign specialists are often invited here to
teach us new achievements in agriculture and we are ready to learn. Now
I see what makes your farm the leading in the district.
* *
* I
have visited several private farms in your region to see how
farming is developed in Russia. And
what are your impressions? All
the farms, including yours, are strong and developed. I
started my farm only four years ago. It was in the place where
soils were poor, there was no water around and the nearest motorway
is still many kilometres away. But
looking at your well built, warm and tidy cow sheds, green
pastures and comfortable cottage for your family, it’s hard to
believe, that the situation was so bad. My
family are hard working people. And I invited two families to work
for me. By hard work and with joint effort we changed the
* *
* My
favourite season is spring. It becomes warmer, and the days are
lighter and longer. Do you like spring?
Да. Но это не мое любимое время года. Я
предпочитаю лето. Я люблю летние виды
спорта, ты ведь знаешь. Yes,
I know that. You have a country house, don’t you?
Да. Позади дома у нас огород, где мы
выращиваем овощи. А перед домом я
выращиваю цветы. Цветы – это мое
увлечение. Yes,
I remember that. And it’s clear for me now why you like summer.
* *
* The
weather changes very often this winter. Am I right?
Я бы так не сказал. Эта зима теплая.
Снега мало.
Do you call it a warm winter? Yesterday the
temperature was minus 7 and today it is minus 5 degrees. I’ m so
Для нашего района это тепло. Зимой в
это время бывает 20 градусов. Oh,
Russia is such a cold country.
* * *
Что вы можете рассказать о климате в
It is much milder than the climate of Russia.
The average temperature in winter is much higher. Sometimes it
snows but the snow never lies long.
Реки в Британии замерзают? Наши реки
все замерзли.
Never. The Thames is navigable all year round. I
see your rivers are all frozen. When will the ice melt?
У нас лед на реке растает в середине
апреля, иногда бывает и раньше. Снег
растает в конце марта или в начале
апреля. As
I understood, winter begins in November and ends in March.
1. What can you say about agricultural development in different
parts of Russia?
2. What cereals do farmers of Russia grow?
3. What vegetables are grown in the fields of farms?
4. What are the two main branches of agriculture?
5. What farm animals do farmers breed and for what purposes?
6. Name some of the problems that face our farming today.
7. Name some agricultural machines.
8. What’s the task of scientists in the field of agriculture?
9. What is the chief aim of agriculture?
10. How can it be achieved?
Britain has several names: Britain, Great Britain, the British
Isles. In everyday life we call it England, but its official name is
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is
situated on the British Isles lying to the west of Europe and is
washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the
north, the North Sea in the east and the English Channel in the
The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
Ireland. The total area of the country is 244 thousand square
kilometres, the population is 58 million people. The longest rivers
are the Thames and the Severn. The highest mountains are Snowdon in
Wales and Ben Nevis in Scotland. The largest cities are London,
Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Cambridge
and Oxford are well known all over the world for their universities.
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. It means that the head
of the state is a monarch but his power is limited by the
Constitution. English queens or kings do not rule the country, it is
done by Parliament.
The capital of Great Britain is London, the seventh biggest city in
the world. It is situated on the river Thames not very far from the
sea, and it is an important seaport. The business part of London is
called the City. It is also the historical centre of London.
Britain is a highly developed industrial country. Its main
industries are coal mining, machinery, textiles and clothing,
shipbuilding, electronics, etc. Commerce and transport are important
for the English economy too.
can’t understand the state system of Great Britain. There is the
queen, who doesn’t have power; and there is Parliament, which has
power and rules the country. What for is the queen needed then? You
see, Great Britain is the country where tradition plays a very
important role. The English respect their traditions, they are very
conservative about them. To have a king or a queen is a long
established tradition and the English don’t want to change it.
Besides the monarchy attracts tourists, and the country has benefit
from the monarchy. And
one more question. I saw several times the address: number 10
Downing Street. Does the monarch live there? It
is the address of the Prime Minister. The London residence of kings
and queens is the Buckingham Palace.
* * * Excuse
me, is it the right way to the British Museum.
Конечно. Это ваш первый визит в Лондон? Yes,
it is. I want to see the most famous sights: the Tower, the Houses
of Parliament and the National Gallery.
Не забудьте Биг Бен, Трафальгарскую
площадь и Букингемский дворец.
Чем знаменит Букингемский дворец?
Это лондонская резиденция нашей
королевы и ее семьи.
I’ll try to visit it. London has so many sights. It’s a
wonderful city.
Я рада, что Лондон вам нравится. Это
мой родной город.
* * *
Я скоро поеду в Лондон. Что ты советуешь
мне посмотреть там?
The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square,
Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. Люди, которые
приезжают в Лондон, всегда посещают
эти интересные места.
Букингемский дворец – это резиденция
Sure. Every day in front of Buckingham Palace
there is a famous ceremony – the Changing of the Guard. Это
очень старая церемония. Ты должен
посмотреть ее.
I like ancient
architecture. Есть ли очень
старые здания в Лондоне?
Of course. You should see the Tower and St.
Paul’s Cathedral.
Я читал, что Собор святого Павла очень
красив, и что самые знаменитые церемонии
происходят там. А что такое Тауэр?
The Tower has a long and cruel history. It was a
castle, a mint and a prison for the king’s enemies. Сейчас
это музей. Есть еще очень много памятников
знаменитым людям. Когда приедешь в
Лондон, увидишь все сам. There
are so many things to see in London. I’m afraid that if I try to
see all of them, I’ll be very tired.
I am sure you will not. A famous English person
Dr Johnson said that “if a man is tired of London he is tired of
* * *
Можно спросить у вас, как пройти к мосту
Вы стоите перед Тауэром.
Не Тауэр, а мост Тауэр.
Понятно. Это тоже очень близко. Идите
прямо до того красивого здания…
Вы имеете в виду белое или серое здание?
Серое старинное здание, конечно. Можно
ли назвать современное здание красивым?
Интересное мнение. Я подхожу к серому
красивому зданию. Что потом?
Сверните налево, пройдите метров 50 и
увидите Тауэрский мост. Я боюсь, вы
устали от достопримечательностей
Разве можно устать от Лондона, «если
человек устал от Лондона, он устал от
Замечательная мысль. Желаю хорошо
провести время.
1. What is the official name of the country on
the British Isles?
2. What parts does the UK consist of?
3. What is the population of this country?
4. Name some rivers, mountains and cities of this country.
5. What branches of industry are well developed in Great Britain?
6. Who is the head of the state? Can you say the name of the present
7. Whom does real political power belong to ?
8. What is the capital of the country and where is it situated?
9. What sights of London are world famous?
Agriculture is a highly developed branch of the British economy.
Only 2.5 per cent of the working population is engaged in
agriculture, but it produces two-thirds of Britain’s food
The temperate climate of Great Britain is favourable for vegetable
growing. Vegetables are grown in many parts of the country, potatoes
are grown everywhere. Glass houses are widely used for growing
tomatoes, cucumbers, and also for strawberries and flowers. The
south of England is often called “Garden of England” because it
is the main area for growing apples, pears, cherries and other
fruits and flowers.
The climate of Great Britain is ideal for cattle breeding. The
country has a long tradition of sheep production. England and
Scotland have many sheep and cattle farms, where meat, milk, butter
and cheese are produced. Pig farms are numerous in the country. The
British poultry industry is growing rapidly too.
The most widespread arable crops grown in Great Britain are wheat,
barley and oats. Almost all Britain’s wheat is “winter” wheat,
which is sown in autumn. Because of the dampness of the climate it
is of the “soft’ type in contrast to the “hard” type
produced for example in the USA or Canada.
Farming in Great Britain is intensive. Maximum
production is achieved from the available land. Modern technology
and fertilizers are used greatly. The government supports the
farmers to help them to compete with foreign producers. These
measures made the farming of the UK highly productive
1. The climate of great Britain is ideal for cattle … .
2. Great Britain is a constitutional … .
3. Main industries in Great Britain are … .
4. The … lives in Buckingham Palace.
5. … are used for growing tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries.
6. … are numerous in the country.
7. The UK … of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and … .
8. London is situated on the river Thames and it is an …
9. Oxford and Cambridge are known for their … .
10. The historical and financial centre of London is …
11. The temperate climate is … for vegetable growing.
12. The most widespread arable crops … .
13. Modern technology and … are used greatly.
14. The south of England is the main area for growing … .
15.The … are Snowdon and Ben Nevis.
16. In the south the UK is washed by the … .
17. The country is governed by … .
18. The south of England is called “ …” .
19. Almost all Britain’s wheat is … wheat.
20. Real political power belongs to … .
Климат в Великобритании умеренный.
Фермеры Великобритании выращивают
овощи в больших количествах (amounts).
Картофель выращивают во всех частях
Яблоки, груши и другие фрукты выращивают
на юге, где климат не такой влажный.
Трава во всех частях Великобритании
растет круглый год.
Скотоводство имеет идеальные условия
для развития.
Британские фермеры разводят коров,
свиней, овец и домашнюю птицу.
Британские фермеры используют
современные технологии и удобрения.
Правительство поддерживает фермеров
Сельское хозяйство Великобритании на
высоком уровне развития.
so glad to meet an English farmer and I want to use this chance to
learn more about English farming. You
are welcome with your questions.
Can you say the number of farms in the UK? 250,000.
But more and more farmers leave the land because they can no longer
earn enough money to survive. I
know that only large farms are economic. So because of this most
British farms are big, aren’t they? You
are right. Many small family farms often earn more money by
offering bed and breakfast because many people like to spend
weekends in the countryside. One
more question, please. Are different parts of the country engaged
in different farming? Well,
in the east of England farmers mostly grow cereals. In the north of
England and Scotland farmers raise sheep and cows. Thank
you very much for this interesting information. I
was glad to help you.
* * * I’m
a visitor to your country. Can I ask you some questions? I’ll
gladly answer all your questions. Where
do you buy bread? At
the baker’s.
Где покупают молоко, сыр, масло, мясо? We
buy milk products in a dairy shop and we buy meat and sausage at
the butcher’s. Can
I buy all foodstuffs in one place?
Конечно. У нас в городе много современных
супермаркетов, где можно купить все
продукты. Это очень удобно.
* * *
Я смотрела по телевизору программу о
Шотландии. Города Глазго и Эдинбург
очень красивы. Дальше этих городов
одни горы. Там кто-нибудь живет?
North of Edinburgh and Glasgow are the Highlands
of Scotland. Even today few people live in the Highlands.
Большинство из них фермеры. Они
разводят овец и занимаются рыболовством.
Каков животный мир этих мест?
Реки богаты рыбой. Люди приезжают сюда
рыбачить. Many deer and golden eagles
live in the forests and mountains. Rich people keep large areas of
the Highlands for deer-hunting.
В одном из озер Шотландии, я забыла его
название, живет чудовище. Это так?
Loch Ness is a famous lake of Scotland. Loch is
the Scottish word for lake. A monster is supposed to live there.
Who knows? Is
there life on the remote islands to the north of Scotland?
Да. Небольшое количество людей живет
там и занимается рыболовством.
1. Are many people engaged in agriculture?
2. Is the UK self-sufficient in food?
3. What agricultural business is the climate of Great Britain
favourable for?
4. What vegetables are grown in the country?
5. What farm animals and poultry do farmers breed in Great Britain?
6. Is the damp climate of the country favourable for grain growing?
7. What does intensive farming mean?
8. Why does the government support the farmers?
9. How can you characterize the British agriculture?
The republic of Bashkortostan is located in the southern part of the
Ural mountains. The area of the republic is 143.6 square kilometres,
the population is over 4 million people. Many nationalities inhabit
Bashkortostan, Bashkirs, Russians and Tatars are the most numerous
among them.
The natural riches of the republic include iron ore, copper, zinc,
oil and natural gas. Bashkortostan is one of the major industrial
centers of Russia. Among the leading branches are oil refining,
petrochemical, chemical and microbiological.
Bashkortostan ranks among the leading agricultural regions. Plant
growing and cattle breeding are on a high level here. Our republic
is a great producer of grain and vegetable crops, wheat, rye,
buckwheat, barley, oats and millet. Our farmers successfully grow
different vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, sugar beet,
onions, cabbage, etc. Bashkir farmers breed cows, sheep, pigs and
poultry. Horse breeding, cattle breeding and bee keeping are
traditional occupations of Bashkirs.
The nature of our republic is very beautiful. Forests cover more
than 40 per cent of its territory. Clean rivers and lakes are a nice
place for people to rest. No wonder, that people from different
parts of Russia come to Bashkir health resorts, rest homes and
tourist camps.
The capital of Bashkortostan Ufa was founded in 1574. Now it is a
big beautiful city, the centre of political, economic and cultural
changes in the republic. All principal higher educational
institutions are concentrated in Ufa. The city has five theatres, a
lot of cinemas, several museums and centres of entertainment.
bus will take me to Nesterov museum? I
advise you to go on foot. It’s not far from here. Can
you explain the way, please? No
problem. Turn left at the crossroads and go straight on for 100 or
120 metres. Nesterov museum will be on your right. Is
it a modern building? Oh,
no. It’s a nice old building.
* * * Have
you been to Nesterov museum?
Только вчера.
Тебе понравилось? I
have never thought that there is such a nice, rich, and wonderful
museum in Ufa.
Что тебе так сильно там понравилось?
I liked all the pictures there. Before I didn’t
have a chance to see any paintings, only in magazines. They are
nothing compared to real ones.
Почему он называется музей Нестерова?
Кто такой Нестеров?
Nesterov was a well known painter. Back in 1920s
he donated to his native city a collection of his own paintings and
those by the masters of the 19th
Я поговорю со студентами моей группы
и приглашу их пойти в музей.
Я уверена, вам понравится.
* * * Where
can we have a good time in Ufa?
Это не проблема. Сейчас в Уфе так много
центров развлечений, кафе, бистро.
Можно пойти в кино или театр. Let’s
first go for a walk in Yakutov park. My friend told me that there
is a nice lake there and a modern café on the bank of the lake.
Замечательная идея. Я много раз была
в парке, но ни разу не заходила в кафе.
Я даже не знаю, как оно называется. And
after that we can go to a cinema.
Давай пойдем в Молодежный театр. И там
я тоже никогда не была. It’s
so nice that I came to visit you. Thanks to me you will know your
native city better.
* *
Мои родители приедут ко мне на выходные.
Хочу повести их к памятнику Салавату
Юлаеву. I
like Salavat Yulaev monument very much. The view from it is
Это любимое место студентов. Мы с
группой тоже туда часто ходим..
Я думаю, тебе надо сводить их и к
памятнику Дружбы народов. Там тоже
очень красивый вид: река Белая, корабли
на реке. Я думаю, погода не изменится,
и будет тепло и солнечно.
I’ll take my parents to Yulaev monument and
Peoples Friendship monument. I am sure, we will have a good time,
and they will like both places.
People like to take photos of themselves near
monuments. Не забудь фотоаппарат. I
will not.
1. Where is Bashkortostan situated?
2. What mineral resources is the republic rich in?
3. How many people live here and what
nationalities are they? 4.
What branches of industry are developed in the republic?
5. What cereals are grown in Bashkortostan?
6. Are Bashkir farmers engaged in bee keeping now?
7. What attracts tourists to Bashkortostan?
8. Are there places in the republic where people can improve their
9. Is Ufa an old city? How old is it?
10. What historic places and sights in Ufa can you name?
The USA is a vast country, its territory is 9.3 million square
kilometres. It is situated in North America and is washed by the
Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The population of America is 300
million people. It is made up of immigrants and their children from
nearly every country of the world.
The economy of the US is free enterprise. It has
one of the strongest economies in the world. The USA is the world
leader in space technologies, electronics, computer hardware and
software. One fifth of the world’s cars are produced in the United
As for agriculture it is on a very high level of development too.
The country produces more than 52 per cent of the world’s corn,
and also much wheat, cotton and tobacco. Grain, vegetables and fruit
are grown here too.
The USA is a federal union of 50 states. The supreme law of the
country is the US Constitution. The head of the state is the
Washington, the capital of the United States, is in the District of
Columbia (D.C.). This special district, named after Christopher
Columbus, is not in any state because it is the home of the federal
government. In and around Washington, D.C., there are many memorials
to honour important people in the American history, like George
Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and to soldiers who died in wars. 18
million tourists from all over the world come to visit these places
every year.
Bashkortostan is located in the Ural Mountains
in Russia and the USA … . The
USA consists of 50 states and Bashkortostan … . The
monuments to Salavat Yulayev and to Peoples’ Friendship are the
most popular in Ufa and in Washington … . In
the USA the legislative body is the Congress and in Bashkortostan
… . The
population of America is 300 million people and the population of
Bashkortostan … . The
native inhabitants of Bashkortostan are Bashkirs and in America …
Farmers of the USA grow corn, cotton and
tobacco and farmers of Bashkortostan … .
The capital of Bashkortostan Ufa is situated in
Ufimski District of the Republic and Washington, D.C. … . In
Washington streets are lettered and numbered and in Ufa … .
10) Traditional occupations of Indians were maize growing, hunting
and fishing; traditional occupations of Bashkirs
11) Aslikul and Kandrikul are the most famous lakes in
Bashkortostan and in America … .
12) The biggest city of Bashkortostan is its
capital Ufa and in the USA …
Природные богатства США включают
нефть, природный газ и железную руду.
Много национальностей населяют Америку.
Что касается сельского хозяйства,
Башкортостан один из лидеров среди
сельскохозяйственных регионов России.
В республике Башкортостан нефтепереработка
и химическая промышленность хорошо
Столица США это город Вашингтон, а
самый большой город это Нью-Йорк.
Уфа это большой промышленный город,
оживленный и днем и ночью.
Улицы Уфы имеют имена знаменитых людей.
США занимают обширную территорию и
омываются двумя океанами.
Фермеры Башкортостана не выращивают
табак и хлопок.
Во фруктовых садах штата Вирджиния
фермеры выращивают яблоки, груши,
сливу и вишню.
Улицы Вашингтона обозначены номерами
и буквами.
Природа Башкортостана красивая и
привлекает людей со всей страны.
you do me a favour? Yes,
what is it? I
must make a small report, just a few sentences, about the capital
of the USA. It will be tomorrow.
Let’s start then. The capital was named after
the first president of the USA George Washington. He himself
selected the place for the town. Why
are there always the letters D.C. after the name of the city? The
city isn’t in any state. It is in its own district. A hundred
square miles were taken from the states of Maryland and Virginia.
It was called the district of Columbia (D.C.) Is
the city well planned? Yes,
it is. The city is divided into four sections: NW(north-west),
NE(north-east), SW(south-west), and SE(south-east).Numbered streets
run north to south: First Street, Second Street. Lettered streets
such as A-street, B-street run east to west. Great!
I have never heard of it. And what’s the heart of Washington? The
Capitol. All tourists begin sightseeing in Washington from the
Capitol. It consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of
Representatives. What
about monuments?
The Washington Monument which is 555 feet tall
is called “Pencil” because of its shape. There is an elevator
which carries tourists to 500 foot level observation windows. There
are some other monuments to presidents of the USA: Lincoln
memorial, Jefferson memorial. I
think this information will be enough. You were so helpful. Thanks
a lot. Don’t
mention it. You are welcome any time.
* * *
Before we began to study America at our English
lessons, I always thought that the capital of the USA is New York.
Это один из самых больших городов
Нью Йорк очень важен для страны. It
has been the gateway to the United States for many immigrants. Do
you know its nickname?
Да, очень большие города иногда называют
монстрами. But I meant “The Big
Apple”. The Big Apple has become a symbol for America’s largest
city. Our
teacher said, that New York is also called “the city that never
sleeps” because it is alive at all hour of the day and night.
Ты знаешь, каково население этого
Да. Около десяти миллионов человек. И
он состоит из пяти частей или районов:
Manhattan, Brooklyn,
Queens, the
Bronx and
Staten Island.
И он расположен на реке Hudson.
1.What is the geographical location of the USA?
2.How many states constitute the USA?
3.What are the main branches of industry there?
4.What agricultural products do American farmers produce?
5. Who is the head of the state?
6.Where is the capital of the USA situated?
7.What are the sights of Washington, D.C.?
1.What is your future work?
2.What is your speciality?
3.How much time will it take you to get this profession?
4.What subjects do you study?
5.What subjects do you think are the most necessary for your future
6.What are your favourite subjects?
7.What subjects are the easiest(most difficult) for you?
8.Where can graduates of your department work?
9.Where would you like to work?
10.Are you a sociable person? Do you think it will be easy for you
to work in a new collective of people?
11.Are you a persistent and hard working person? Will you be able to
work effectively?
12.Do you think your work will be well paid?
13.Do you think your work will be interesting?
14.Will you work indoors or outdoors?
15.Will you get a profession that somebody in your family has
already got?
16.Can you continue studies to get a degree after graduation from
the university?
17.Is there a post-graduate course at our University?
18.Do you know that post-graduate course lasts three years after
which a post graduate defends a dissertation?
19.Do you know that after a post graduate defends a dissertation
he/she gets the degree of a Candidate of Sciences?
20.Where can a Candidate of Sciences work?
Подписано в печать
__________200____г. Формат ______. Бумага типографская.
Гарнитура Таймс. Уст. печ. л. _____________
Уст. изд. л. _________ . Тираж ________ экз. Заказ
№ ________ .
Башкирского государственного аграрного
Башкирского государственного аграрного
Адрес издательства
в типографии: 450001, г. Уфа, ул. 50 лет
Октября, 34.
Кафедра иностранных языков гсэ. Ф.01 иностранный язык (английский)
1 My Family
1.1 Dialogues
1.2 Questions
2.1 Match the two parts of the sentences:
2.2 Dialogues
2.3 Questions
3 Our University
3.1 Translate the Russian parts of the sentences:
3.2 Dialogues
3.3 Questions
4 The Russian Federation
4.1 Dialogues
4.2 Questions
5 Agriculture of Russia
5.1 Translate into English:
5.2 True / false sentences:
5.3 Dialogues
5.4 Questions
6 Great Britain
6.1 Dialogues
6.2 Questions
7 Agriculture of Great Britain
7.1 Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:
7.2 Translate into English:
7.3 Dialogues
7.4 Questions
8 Bashkortostan
8.1 Dialogues
8.2 Questions
9 The United States of America
9.1 Compare Bashkortostan and the usa and finish the sentences:
9.2 Translate the sentences about Bashkortostan and the usa:
9.3 Dialogues
9.4 Questions
10 My Future Work