Список оставленных на ресепшн вещей
Who left Кто оставил |
When left and who took this Когда оставили, и кто принял
Description Описание |
For whom (who will pick it up) Для кого (кто заберет) |
When it will be picked up Когда заберут |
Any other additional information Другая необходимая информация |
Продолжение прилож.1
Информационный лист
M |
A |
N |
Send to laundry (from whom, when it should be ready and any additional information if necessary) Передать в Laundry (от кого, когда должно быть готово и др. необходимая информация) |
Guests complaints, which are waiting to be solved. Жалобы гостей за ночь, которые ожидают решения.
Wake up list, который не забит в консоль |
Rooming list of guests who ordered lunch boxes Кому передать lunch box-ы |
Room numbers and time of delivery newspapers to the guests Кому, в какое время отнести газеты |
List of messages, faxes or other information which need to be given to the guests. Rooming list and time Кому, какие messages, письма или информацию передать в номера |
Taxi orders information (where, when, for whom, who ordered and name of taxi company) Кому, на какое время, в какой службе такси и куда заказаны такси за ночное время |
List of all items (with description) left on the reception (when, for whom, when and who will pick it up, where it situated) Отданные на ресепшн вещи (с описанием) – (кем оставлены, для кого, когда и кто заберет и где конкретно лежит) |
Any other unsolved guests requests (room numbers, time of request, who is dealing with this case and etc.) Все другие нерешенные просьбы гостей (№ комнаты, время поступления просьбы, кто занимается вопросом) |
Blocked rooms, unpaid rooms, not authorized c/c, guests who need to be cached and etc. Заблокированные комнаты, неоплаченные номера, у кого не авторизуются кредитки, гости, которых надо поймать |
Flowers (or whatever) orders and delivery (time, when it should be in the hotel, for whom, who will pay for it and when) Заказ и доставка цветов (или чего там еще) когда, ко скольки, для кого и кто платит за это |
Продолжение прилож. 1
Wake-up List
4:00 |
4:15 |
4:30 |
5:00 |
5:15 |
5:30 |
5:45 |
6:00 |
6:15 |
6:30 |
6:45 |
7:00 |
7:15 |
7:30 |
7:45 |
8:00 |
8:15 |
8:30 |
8:45 |
9:00 |
9:15 |
9:30 |
9:45 |
10:00 |
10:15 |
10:30 |
10:45 |
11:00 |
Olympia Garden
MORNING SHIFT CHECK LIST Date: ______________________
Time |
Tasks |
Responsible person |
07:00 |
Shift hand over. Checking float and open 3 cashier desks |
Room assignment (check groups and assign individuals, profile merge) |
Print emergency report |
Trace follow up |
Prepare HK report (print all groups) |
Going through early arrivals and VIP arrival (update vip excel file) |
Check wake-up call & luggage down (inform bell-boy) |
08:00 |
Provide HK with detailed info (group rooming, early\late arrl\dep, extra beds, etc.) |
Going through all departures (bill control, print back-ups, close DB) |
09:00 |
Put MOD sign (on weekends) |
Check-out all departures from Electronic Courier. |
Print Departure Extended report (previous day) and check with Elektronniy kurier |
No Show checking (call to res. dep. If needed) |
Check reception e-mail & personal mailbox if it exists |
10:00 |
Group arrival preparation (keys) |
Check group passports if they registered or not – follow up |
Check foreign & Russian registrations, inform reg. person accordingly or follow up by yourself. |
11:00 |
Guest’s birthday. Present VIP treatment order |
12:00 |
Departure check: in case of new late c\o inform HK; call to departure rooms |
Check if all PMs are closed (if you have any problems inform FOM) |
12:30 |
Daily control of all printing materials (key pockets, envelopes, luggage tags, etc.) |
Counting s-vouchers |
Daily control of the newspaper’s shelf-newspapers, city guides and maps should be there. |
13:00 |
Departure check: send bell-boy or ask HK to check the rooms, in case of luggage Block the key |
Check HK status of arrival rooms: call HK and make changes if needed |
14:30 |
Shift hand over. |
15:00 |
Settle settlements. Cashier close. Check float in 3 cashier desks |
15:30 |
Coffee break |
16:00 |
Приложение 2