- •Модуль 3, Іноземна мова (2012)
- •I distinctly recalled hearing someone move about upstairs.
- •I’m filling … for Joe for a few days.
- •If the value of imports exceeds the value of exports then trade balance is …
- •If the world price of a commodity is … the domestic price, the will be an incentive to export the commodity.
- •I think … went well.
If the world price of a commodity is … the domestic price, the will be an incentive to export the commodity.
а) above
б) below
в) up
г) down
* Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
A family is in poverty if its income is less than one half of the …
а) real income
б) median income
в) gross income
г) national income
* Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
A tax is … if persons with higher incomes pay a higher fraction of their income in taxes as do persons with lower incomes.
а) direct
б) progressive
в) proportional
г) regressive
* Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
Sometimes the lack of jobs is a consequence of the business
а) frictional unemployment
б) structural unemployment
в) cycle unemployment
г) phase unemployment
* Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:
We consider that government spending, taxes and subsidies are the … of the government.
а) economical activities
б) domestic affairs
в) local policy
г) fiscal activities
* Choose the right option:
How long have you been looking for …? Have you found a job to your taste?
а) employer
б) employment
в) employee
г) employ
* Choose the right option:
What is the legal age of … in your country?
а) retirement
б) retiring
в) retire
г) retiring
* Choose the right option:
Jerome works … than me.
а) more hard than
б) more hardly
в) much harder
г) more harder
* Choose the right option:
Before you accept a job, it is important that you agree with the … of the contract.
а) conditionals
б) conditions
в) conditioners
г) conditioning
* Choose the right option:
His sister works in a bank as a financial ….
а) informer
б) banker
в) counselor
г) adviser
* Choose the right option:
Sandra took the job as a way of … useful experience.
а) catching
б) giving
в) gaining
г) raising
* Choose the right option:
Many business executives … stress in their work.
а) create
б) have
в) experience
г) make
* Choose the right option:
Mary was … when the company closed down.
а) hired
б) dismissed
в) redundant
г) fired
* Choose the right option:
Martin chose a … in computers.
а) job
б) career
в) promotion
г) occupation
* Choose the right option:
Henry went for a(n)… .
а) pension
б) promotion
в) interview
г) sack
* Choose the right option:
Thomas got a … at sixty-five.
а) promotion
б) job
в) pension
г) salary
* Choose the right option:
Shirley got a … increase.
а) career
б) job
в) pension
г) salary
* Choose the right option:
Robert got the …. He is upset.
а) promotion
б) job
в) pension
г) sack
* Choose the right option:
Nelly earned a decent weekly ….
а) payment
б) fee
в) wage
г) salary
* Choose the right option:
Silvia went into ….
а) management
б) pension
в) qualification
г) experience
* Choose the right option:
Jane has the right … for the job.
а) reference
б) pension
в) qualification
г) diploma
* Choose the right option:
Ronald has two years relevant ….
а) reference
б) pension
в) qualification
г) experience
* Choose the right option:
Grace accepted a(n) … for a job.
а) salary
б) wages
в) offer
г) promotion
* Choose the right option:
Mr. Brown took a young person as a ….
а) employee
б) trainee
в) teacher
г) tutor
* Choose the right option:
Alison won ….
а) salary
б) promotion
в) pension
г) offer
* Choose the right option: