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Методические указания1.rtf
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Вопросы и задания

I. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

              1. What is the role of industrial electronics of today?

              2. During what period did the major development in industrial electronics take place?

              3. What are the requirements concerning the use and maintenance of electronic equipment?

              4. How does electricity flow inside a radio tube?

              5. What action is said to be electronic?

              6. How can electrons be made to jump through space in ordinary air?

              7. Why isn't common incandescent lamp considered to be electronic?

              8. Why is the fluorescent lamp considered to be electronic?

    1. Верны ли следующие утверждения?

        1. The role of industrial electronics has sharply decreased since World War II.

        2. The action is said to be electronic when electricity flows in the copper wire or other metal parts.

        3. It is more difficult for the electrons to flow across the space from which air has been removed than through the ordinary air.

        4. In any fluorescent lamp electricity flows entirely within the metal filament.

III. Составьте аннотацию к тексту, используя подходящие клише из предоставленных ниже:

review is presented, possibilities are analyzed, results are evaluated, the behaviour of ... is discussed, results are reported, the significance of … is examined, the properties of ... have been investigated.


4. Страдательный залог. Объектный инфинитивный оборот. Полифункциональные слова as, that, should.

I. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие страдательный залог; определите время глагола:

              1. The substances obtained were subjected to a chemical change.

              2. Some weather sputnics will be launched this year.

              3. Substances can be changed from one state to another.

              4. The positive particle in the nucleus was given the name of the "proton".

              5. We were shown a number of experiments illustrating the presence of high-energy particles in the cosmic radiation.

              6. The early works of Tsiolkovsky were followed by a number of very important works in the field of astronautics.

              7. The modern scientific forecasts of weather can be fully relied upon.

              8. The neutron is completely uneffected by a magnetic field.

              9. A gas may be looked upon as the vapour of a liquid with a very low boiling point or very great vapour pressure.

              10. According to the law of conservation of energy, the energy present in the universe has always existed.

              11. In our scientific age great progress is being made in the study of outer space.

II. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие инфинитивный оборот:

        1. Wе know Franklin to have invented the lightning rod.

        2. We expect most bodies to expand when heated.

        3. Here is another example to be considered.

        4. Up to the middle of the 18th century the measurement of temperature and that of the quantity of heat were considered to be one and the same thing.

        5. The substances to be burnt must be raised in temperature till the ignition point is reached.

        6. When the bodies are brought into contact, we expect the warmer body to get cold while the colder one will be warmed.

        7. We know heat to be a form of energy.

        8. We know Coulomb to have made direct measurements of the attractive and repulsive forces between the electrified object.

        9. One expects a voltmeter to have very high resistance.

        10. We know Lomonosov to have worked on the problems of electricity.

III. Переведите предложения, содержащие полифункциональные слова as, that, should:

  1. Atoms make up the air that man breathes, the food that he eats, the ground on which he walks.

  2. A further discovery was that the atoms combined in small numbers and formed molecules.

  3. The physical form of an element has no connection with that of the compound.

  4. It is necessary that an engineer should know the properties of engineering materials.

  5. While making an experiment a physical quantity should be recorded just as accurately as it has been measured.

  6. We were told we should make experiments under the directions of a skilled instructor.

  7. I should like to carry on my research work in the field of engineering materials.

  8. As the radium decomposed, it passed through several stages forming new substances, lead being the final product.

  9. If conductors are connected in parallel, the electron stream splits as it enters the parallel wires.

  10. As mercury is commonly used in barometers, air pressure is often recorded in centimeters of mercury.

  11. As the atmosphere is principally heated from below, the temperature normally decreases as the altitude increases by several thousand feet.

  12. As far as we know, the oil that we obtain will not last more than a few centuries.


The word television comes from the Greek word “tele” which means "far", and the Latin word "visio" - "seeing". It enables us to see stationary and moving objects at great distances. We know television to be widely used both in everyday life and in industry, in scientific work, etc.

The progress of television since 1929 up to the present time has been rapid. Television requires pictures to be sent by means of electricity. Pictures are made up of light and darkness. We should have some device which will change light into electricity, so that we can send it over wires or by radio. A number of different devices will do this for us, one of them being the photoelectric cell.

The photoelectric cell is a special kind of electronic tube in which light will cause an electric current to flow. If there is no light, there will be no current, but when there is light on the photoelectric cell, the current will increase as the light is made brighter. Even with a very bright light the amount of current is exceedingly small, but that does not matter because we can amplify the current of the photoelectric cell and obtain as much current as we require. If we amplify the current sufficiently, we can cause it to light an electric lamp and make the lamp's light proportional to that shining on the photoelectric cell.

It seems natural to consider sending sections of the picture, one after another, natural because we do this ourselves when we read. If we look at a page in a book, we get no meaning from it until we start to scan it one word at a time along the line of print. As our eyes move, we see words appear one after the other until we read the end of the line when our vision jumps quickly to the line below. When we have reached the last line of the page, we start again at the top of the next page. In this way we scanned the pages line by line.

The same method can be used for pictures to be sent by electricity. The sensitive spot of the photoelectric cell can be moved across the field of the picture, one spot at a time, line by line until the whole picture has been covered. If the reproducing lamp is moved in the same way, the picture will be built up, one spot at a time and line by line. The fundamental method of transmitting pictures by television, therefore, consists in analyzing the picture into elements, sending their equivalent light values by electrical means, reconverting them into light elements and reassembling the picture again. The whole process must be carried out so rapidly that the eye sees a continuous picture.

In 1928 television in colour was first demonstrated, taking advantage of the fact that red, green and blue are primary colours from which every visual colour can be built up by combination. At present, colour TV is being widely introduced, replacing the black and white TV. The future certainly belongs to colour TV.

In the early days of TV, sets were physically large but screens were small, and, in fact, the 10-inch version reigned supreme for a long time. As TV reached more people, the demand for a larger screen soon followed and set picture size went up considerably. For a short period of time even this was not enough, and projection systems became the vogue.

At present there are in current use portable TV sets and living room sets. These are ac-powered and use vacuum-tube circuits. There are also fully portable sets, that is, sets that are not dependent on the ac-line as a source of power for operation (although they all can be operated in this fashion, if desired).

The key to the fully portable TV set is the transistor and the low-power-consumption cathode ray tube (CRT). As is well known, the transistor is perfectly capable of full operation at reasonably low supply voltage (about 12v.) and a lot of basic research has gone into the development of a low-power CRT.

Лексико-грамматический комментарий

so that – так чтобы

a number of – ряд

cause – вызывать, заставлять

that does not matter – это не имеет значения

as much as – столько сколько

one word at a time – по одному слову за раз

take advantage of – воспользоваться, использовать

reign supreme – доминировать

set picture size – размер телевизионного изображения

become the vogue – стать модным, популярным

be in current use – использоваться в настоящее время

ac-powered – работающие от переменного тока

dependent on the ac line for operation - их функционирование

зависит от линии переменного тока

low supply voltage – низкое напряжение питания

a lot of basic research has gone – для разработки экономичных into the development КЛТ потребовалось провести

of a low-power CRT - множество фундаментальных исследований