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  1. Components of a typical machine

A modern machine typically includes the following components:

  • connections to piped hospital oxygen, medical air, and nitrous oxide. Pipeline pressure from the hospital medical gas system (wall outlet) should be around 400 kPa (60 psi; 4 atmospheres).

  • reserve gas cylinders of oxygen, air, and nitrous oxide attached via a specific yoke with a Bodok seal. Many newer machines only have oxygen reserve cylinders. The regulators for the cylinders are set at 300 kPa (45 psi; 3 atmospheres). If the cylinders are left on and the machine is plugged into the wall outlet, gas from the wall supply will be used preferentially, since it is at a higher pressure. In situations where pipeline gases are not available, machines may safely be used from cylinders alone, provided fresh cylinders are available.

  • a high-flow oxygen flush which provides pure oxygen at 30 litres/minute.

  • pressure gauges and regulators to protect the machine components and patient from high-pressure gases.

  • flow meters ("rotameters") for oxygen, air, and nitrous oxide, which are used by the anaesthetist to provide accurate mixtures of medical gases to the patient. Flow meters are typically pneumatic, but increasingly electromagnetic digital flow meters are being used.

  • one or more vaporizers to accurately add volatile anaesthetics to the fresh gas flow.

  • a ventilator.

  • an anaesthetic monitor to monitor the patient's heart rate, ECG, blood pressure and oxygen saturation (additional monitors are generally available to monitor temperature, arterial blood pressure, central venous pressure, depth of anaesthesia, etc.).

  • devices to monitor the concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide (capnograph), and volatile anaesthetic agents delivered to the patient (and breathed out).

  • a breathing attachment, most commonly a circle system.

  • a scavenging system to remove expired anaesthetic gases from the operating room. Scavenged gases are usually vented to the atmosphere.

  • suction apparatus.

There is generally a small work bench built into the machine where airway management equipment is kept within ready reach of the anaesthetist.

1. давление в газопроводящих шлангах

2. система подачи медицинского газа (настенная разводка)

3. анестезиологические баллоны с газами

4. уплотнитель (уплотнитель Бодока)

5. расходомер (прибор для измерения текучести жидкости и газов)

6. высокая концентрация кислорода

7. измерители давления

8. испарители

9. газовый поток

10. анестезиологический кардиомонитор

11. сердечный ритм

12. ЭКГ - электрокардиограмма

13. кровяное давление

14. насыщение кислородом

15. центральное венозное давление

16. глубина наркоза

17. дыхательный контур

18. система очистки

19. аспиратор

20. оборудование для поддержания проходимости дыхательных путей

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