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Cultures have developed particular styles of teaching

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Cultures have developed particular styles of teaching. Therefore, moving from one country to another to study may present surprises for students. In some cultures, it is rude for students to ask their teachers questions. Questioning the teacher is like saying the teacher has not done a good job explaining the subject. In some cultures students learn through rote memorization and believe that what the teacher says is always the truth. In some cultures pupils are taught to think for themselves. The role of the teacher is to stimulate their thinking, to get them to ask questions, to challenge, even to argue with the teacher, and to come to their own conclusions.

Grades are often calculated differently, not only in different countries, but also in the same country. In some parts of the world, grades depend on the status of your family and not on your ability on a subject. Though, most typically teachers consider the following areas when computing grades:

  • tests - formal written examinations;

  • quizzes - short tests, sometimes given to students without telling them in advance;

  • homework - work the students are expected to do individually at home;

  • class participation - active involvement in the class, shown by asking and answering questions;

  • research paper - a written report that requires finding information in the library;

  • attendance - going to class every time it meets;

  • promptness - coming to class at exactly the time the class is scheduled to begin and handing in work when it is due;

  • attitude - showing interest in the class and respect for the teacher, the subject, and the other students; also, waiting your turn to speak, not interrupting, raising your hand to ask a question.

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