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Судоводы - 9 семестр / Видищева Т.В., Монастырская О.И. - English in Maritime Business and Law (2014)

22.39 Mб
trucks, wagons, ships, aircraft and trains
traffic routes, networks, nodes (stations, bus terminals,

docs not necessarily occur. A multimodal transport network is thus a potential set of options available for intermodalism.

The below scheme^ illustrate two alternatives to freight distribution. The first is a conventional point-to-point multimodal network where origins (A, B and C) are independently linked to destinations (D, E and F). In this ease, two modes (for example road and rail) are used. The second alternative involves the development of an integrated intermodal transport network. Traffic converges at two transshipment points, rail terminals, where loads are consolidated. This can result in higher load factors and/or higher transport frequency, especially between terminals. Under such circumstances, the efficiency of such a network mainly resides in the transshipment capabilities of transport terminals.

Intermodal freight transport involves the transportation of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation (rail, ship, and truck), without any handling of the freight itself when changing modes. The method reduces cargo handling, and so improves security, reduces damages and losses, and allows freight to be transported faster.

A tr a n s p o r t m o d e is a c o m b in a tio n o f th e fo llo w in g : 1) T r a ffic in f r a s tr u c tu r e :

airport terminals), etc.

2) V e h ic le s a n d c o n ta in e r s :

3) A s ta t io n a r y o r m o b ile w o r k f o r c e

4) P r o p u ls io n s y s te m and power supply

The emergence of intermodalism has been brought about in part by technology and requires management units for freight such as containers, swap bodies. pallets or semi­ trailers.

I he most important feature of intermodalism is the provision of a service with one ticket (for passengers) or one bill of lading (for freight). This has necessitated a revolution in organization and information control. At the heart of modern intermodalism there are data handling, processing and distribution systems that are essential to ensure the safe, reliable and costeffective control of freight and passenger movements being transported by several modes. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is an evolving technology that is helping companies and government agencies (customs documentation) cope with an increasingly complex global transport system.


R o a d r a ile r
d ra y a g e ,

Large integrated transport carriers provide door-to-door services. The limits of intermodality are imposed by factors of space, time, form, pattern of the network, and the type and characteristic of the vehicles and terminals.

Interm odal Vehicles are:

Rail tran sp o rt

The modem container cars also are specifically built as a small articulated "unit", most commonly in components of three or five.

2) C ontainer ships

Container ships are used to transport containers by sea. These vessels are custom-built to hold containers. Some vessels can hold thousands of containers. Their capacity is often measured in TEU or FEU.

3 ) T ru c k in g

Trucking is frequently used to connect the "linehaul" sea and railsegments of a global intermodal freight movement. This specialized trucking that runs between ports, rail terminals, and inland shipping docks, is often called and is typically provided by drayage companies or by the railroads.

A unique form of intermodal unit has been developed in the rail industry, particularly in the US. is essentially a road trailer that can also roll on rail trucks.

4 ) B a r g e s

Barges utilise Ro-Ro vessels to transport freight on large inland waterways such as the Rhine/Danube in Europe and the Mississippi River in the USA. Barge shipping offers a low cost solution to inland distribution where navigable waterways penetrate to interior markets. High labor costs and the slowness of loading planes, that require a very rapid turnaround, made the industry very receptive to the concept o f a lo a d in g u n it o f s ta n d a r d

d im e n sio n .

A common form of intermodal transport is unaccompanied delivery. The longest distance is covered by rail, and the distribution from the terminal to the final destination takes place by road. The lorry deposits the loading unit at the railway station and upon arrival by train the unit is picked up by a vehicle and travels to its final destination.

In accompanied transport, entire lorries or articulated vehicles are transported by rail on special low-loader wagons. The drivers travel on the same train in a sleeping car. It should be mentioned that freight load may be operated more efficiently when we use the traditional modes including rail, inland waterways and short-sea shipping transport - feeder shipping on one hand, and “owe- stop-shopping”facilities on the other hand.

1.What is the reasonfor using different modes?

2.How did the maritime sector influence the development o f intermodalism?

3.What are the types o f transportation network?

4.What's the difference between transportation networks? Explain using 2 schemes.

5.What are the components o fa transport mode?

6.What are the examples o f different transport modes?

7.What's the main function o f EDI?

8.What are the most popular intermodal vehiclesfor a) sea and inland waterways; b)Road transportation.

Exercise 2. Comment on the following issues

1.Describe the largest ports of the world (their layout, port facilities, cargo terminals, types of cargo which can be handled, etc).

2.Name the advantages of intermodal and multimodal transportation in modem world trade.

3.Describe the role and the use of containers in transport network. Name their types.

Exercise 3. 3.1. Read the container company's reply to an enquiry. Answer the questions. Translate into your native language

Dear M r Pike

Thank you fo r your fa x o f IS Match.

The Europe sails from Tilbury on March 26 and will arrive in Hamburg on March 28, which appears to suit your schedule fo r delivery. Please note, however, that the vessel closesfo r cargo on 24 March.

You will see from our list o f tariffs that charges are calculated by cubic metre or cubic kilogram and that we offer substantial rebatesfo r regular shipments.




container fo r your consignment would be a half-height

container which

is 20yx

8 'x

4* or, in metres 6.1.x 2.4 x 1.3. This can carry a payload

o f 18,300

kg. It

has a


removable top, and will protect

the metal against all







I suggest that, as the consignment is to be loaded from

lorry to ship and then

transferred again, you should use our combined transport bill. This would cover the goods from point o f acceptance to point o f delivery. I f you would like to go ahead on this basis, please complete the attached export cargo shipping instructions and the export cargo packing instructions and return them to us as soon as possible. Although we accept door-to-door responsibility, we would advise you to take out an all-risk insurance policy, and send a copy o f this and three copies o f the commercial invoice to us.

The cargo should be marked on at least two sides with a shipping mark which includes the destination port. This should correspond with the mark on your shipping documents.

I look forward to receiving your instructions.


Davis Muner


Customer Service Manager


International Containers pic


London WW 1H 9BN ___________________________


1.How are the freight charges estimated?

2.Is there any advantage in the exporter making regular shipments?

3.When does the Europe close for cargo?

4.What type of container does Mr Muner recommend?

5.What sort of liability will the shipping company accept?

6.Does the exporter need to insure the cargo?


Exercise 3.2. Compose an enquiry to the container company using the above mentioned information.

Exercise 4. Read the text and find the words which have the similar meaning to the following definitions

-Differentfrom others;


- To include smth. as a part o f a subject;

- In or under the sea and notfar from the coast; - Important;

- To be close to a particular number, amount or time; - Relating to one or particular country, home;

-Variety o f smth.


- Protection o f natural things to be destroyed or spoilt;

-To become bigger in amount, number, degree;

-Involving more than one nation, foreign.

P o r ts a n d s e r v ic e s in th e U n ite d K in g d o m

The ports sector is diverse, embracing a wide range of activities that are critical to many parts of the UK economy. Ports are part of the vital transport networks, which support domestic and international trade. They, also embrace fishing, passenger, leisure, car ferry operations and support for the offshore industry as well as the provision of coastal defences, conservation and environmental services. In total, well over 90% of the UK’s international trade by volume (75% by value) moves through them. Freight movements through UK ports have increased by 33% over the last 20 years and several UK ports rank amongst the top European ports by freight volume.

The UK ports sector comprises ports, harbours, private terminals, stevedoring companies and specialist labour supply organisations, in total around 500 companies employing approximately 25,500 people.

(from “Maritime. Sea vision ”)

Exercise 5. Translate the articlefrom Russian into English

Инвестиционный план EC

Европейский союз одобрил инвестиционный план ( стоимостью 50 млрд евро) по развитию транспорта, энергетики и цифровых сетей в Европе.

Фонд финансирования (Connecting Europe Facility) для модернизации транспортной инфраструктуры в странах ЕС включает в себя проекты соединения 83 основных портов с автомобильными и железными дорогами. В настоящее время всего 35 портов Европы и 20 крупных аэропортов должным образом соединены с национальными железными дорогами. Кроме того, узкие места пересечения границ стали серьезным препятствием для эффективных мультимодальных перевозок.


ЕС и Европейский инвестиционный банк изучают возможность привлечения средств рынка капитала для финансирования данных проектов.

(from Lloyd’s List)

P a r t 2

Listening comprehension

Watch the video clip by the International Chamber of Shipping publicizing the shipping industry.

Exercise 7. You are going to hear information about International Shipping industry.

Underline the words the speaker uses.
















goods freeze





Liable fo o d

h a lf







Exercise 8. Listen to the text again. Complete the gaps in the transcript

The International

Shipping Industry

carries__________ of world trade. It is the life

blood of the global economy. There are around______________________ merchant ships

____________ internationally, transporting every kind o f ____________ . Without shipping intercontinental trade the _________ transport o f ______ materials and the import and export of affordable food and manufactured goods would simply not be possible. Half the

world would


and the other half would

_________ .





high ________

assets that can cost




of dollars

______________ . Their


operation a n d _____________ are


to the continual

health of the world economy. And as world trade grows the international shipping industry has responded to the demands for its services. _____________ estimates show annual freight rates of more than ________________________ , which represents approximately 5% of th e _____________________________ economy. It is the availability, low cost and the efficiency of maritime transport that has in large part been responsible for recent

_________________improvements in global ______________________.

Exercise 9. Listen to the information about the international character o f shipping.

The shipping industry today is truly international, flying the flags o f over 150 different nations and manned by over a million seafarers o f most nationalities. It is also one o f the safest, cleanest and most efficiently run industries.

The speaker enumerates the ways of achieving success in shipping.

Put them in order.



- navigation rules



- UN role



- enforcement of IMO conventions


- global framework of regulations

_____ 1_____

- construction standards



- crew qualifications




Exercise 10. Listen to the second extract o f this part and fill in the gaps

Nations also have the power to detain foreign ships in port if they do not

_________________ the regulations, a serious sanction port states are not afraid to use. As a result, although the nature of the sea means that ships are exposed to considerable physical risk, _____________ ______________ of the shipping industry and its

_______________________ performance are impressive. Serious maritime accidents have more than ______________ in the last ten years. At the same time it’s the amount of maritime trade has alm ost__________________ . The quantity o f _______ ____________ is now running at less than 10% of the level in the early _______ , and carbon dioxide

__________________ from cargo ships are a fraction o f the equivalent figure for aircrafts.

Exercise 11. You are going to hear an extract about the worldfleet.

Listen to the recording and complete the chart Add the missing types ofships

There is a wide variety o f merchant ships trading internationally and they fa ll into a number o f categories.

Types of ships

Cargo transported

Cargo capacity

Container ships



Bulk carriers






Exercise 11. You are going to hear an extract about the efficiency ofshipping. Focus on figures.

Listen to the text and define if thefollowing statements are true orfalse. Correct the wrong ones.

Continuous improvements in technology and efficiency have made the costs o f moving goods by sea very competitive.

1. Over the last 50 years US wholesale prices have risen by almost 700%.

2. During the same period bulk shipping costs have increased by just 70%.

3.Transporting crude oil from the Middle East to USA is half a cent per gallon.

4.Shipping a can of beer from Australia to Europe costs about 10 cents.

5.Over three fourths of world shipping tonnage is associated with energy and metal industries.___________________________________________

Exercise 12. Listen to the second extract of this part. Fill in the appropriate prepositions

As we’ve seen shipping is almost the safest and most environmentally friendly forms of commercial transport. It was ______________ the very first industries to adopt the


international safety standards, which have been widely implemented________________ the International Maritime Organisation.

______ recent years the world has seen a major shift__________ industrial production in Asia, this has in turn brought significant improvement______ global standards of living. It is only the international shipping industry and the low costs and the efficiency_______

moving goods______ sea that has made this possible. Shipping is indeed the life blood of global economy.





Bulk cargoes - массовые грузы

Crude oil carrier - судно для перевозки сырой нефти

Product carrier - судно для перевозки нефтепродуктов

Gas carrier - судно для перевозки сжиженных газов

Clean tanker - «светлый» танкер

Dirty tanker - «темный» танкер

Petrol - бензин

Petroleum - нефть

Nafta - лигроин

Jetfuel - топливо для реактивных двигателей

Gazoil - газолин, дизтопливо

Fuel oil - мазут флотский

Low sulfur - мазут сернистый

LSWR - восковидные осадки

CBFS - сажевые кормовые прибавки

MR Product carrier - судно для перевозки нефтепродуктов среднего размера

LR product carrier - океанское судно для перевозки нефтепродуктов

LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) - сжиженный природный газ

LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) - сжиженный нефтяной газ

Bauxite - бокситы

Alumina - глинозем

Handysize - ходовой размер

Chilled meat - охлажденное мясо

Chilled mercandize - замороженные и охлажденные продукты

Loose cargo - груз россыпью

Palletized cargo - пакетированный груз, перевозимый на специальных поддонах

Pre-sling cargo- груз в стропах

Multipurpose ship - многоцелевое судно

Awkward cargo - негабаритный груз

Heavy cargo - тяжеловесное судно

Rolling cargo - колесный груз

Ro-Pax - грузопассажирские суда

Ferry - паром

Cargo handling gear - грузовое устройство

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions

Cargoes transported by sea are divided into bulk cargoes and other cargoes. Bulk cargoes are subdivided into liquid cargoes and dry ones.


Ships which cany liquid cargoes may

be: crude

oil carriers, product carriers,

chemical and gas carriers.



Crude oil carriers are of the following types:


1. Panamax (55 -

70,000 DWT) - which dimensions allow to pass through the Panama





2. Afram ax (75 -

120, 000 DWT) which

had to round Africa from the ports of the

Persian Gulf before the Suez Canal reconstruction;


3. Suezmax (120 -200,000 DW T) which


allow them to pass through the

Suez Canal after its reconstruction;



4.VLCC - Very Large Crude Carrier (200 - 320,000 DWT);

5.U L C C - Ultra Large Crude Carrier (320, 000 D W T -m ore).

Product carriers may be of various types due to the kinds of liquids they carry: clean tankers and dirty tankers. Clean tankers carry petrol, nafta, kerosene, jet fuel, gazoil.

Dirty tankers carry fuel oil, low sulfur, LSWR and CBFS. In case of necessity after thorough cleaning of tanks they may carry various oil products, mineral and vegetable oils. Thus, their most important characteristics in connection with transportation are as follows: DWT adequate to shipments (consignments) to carry, common of them are of 25-40,000 tons. The product carriers for the above consignments are called Handy (25 - 40,000 DWT). There are also Medium Range - MR product carriers (up to 50,000 DWT) and Long Range - LR product carriers - over 50,000 DWT.

Gas carriers are called LNG - Liquefied Natural gas and LPG - Liquefied Petroleum


Dry bulk include iron ore, coal, grain, phosphates, timber, bauxite/alumina. They are transported by bulk carriers. The latter are grouped as follows:

Handysize (10,000 - 34,999 dwt);

Handymax (35,000 - 49,999 dwt);

Panamax (50,000 - 79,999 dwt);

Capesize (80,000 -199,000 dwt).

The vessels carrying both liquid cargoes and dry bulk are called combination carriers/combi/combiships. They may be ore/oil carrier; ore/bulk/oil - OBO carrier, product/oil/bulk/ore - carrier - PBOBO ship.

There are other types of cargo.

1. Containerized cargoes may be general, liquid, bulk, gas. The vessels carrying them are container ships that may be divided into

- 1st generation (400 TEUs - twenty feet equivalent unit);

-2nd generation ( up to 700 TEUs);

-3rd generation ( up to 3000 TEUs panamax);

-4th generation (postpanamax - over 4,500 teus).

2.Refrigerated cargoes are carried by frig ships, refrigerated ships and include chilled meat ships; ships good to carry frozen meat and fish’, chilled merchandize ships; banana ships, fruit/vegetable ships.

3.General cargoes include loose cargoes; palletized cargo; pre-sling cargo. These cargoes are carried by multipurpose ships and general cargo vessels.


Соседние файлы в папке Судоводы - 9 семестр