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Учебник по английскому.docx
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  1. 11. high priced

  2. B. Словосочетания с этими прилагательными и приведите свои примеры.

  3. Упражнение 3. А. Прочитайте текст и найдите слова, означающие:

  4. height, propelling force, wished, be greater than, pressing, what remains, force di­rected forward, remain in space at one place, spending or using, thrust without losses, braking, small (not serious or important).

  5. Solar Sails

  6. If we are going to open the solar system to rapid economic travel, we need to find advanced space propulsion systems. Solar sails may be among the keys to future interplanetary flights.

  7. Solar sail propulsion uses large, lightweight reflectors attached to spacecraft that react to the light pressure from solar photons to obtain thrust. By tilting (наклонять) the sail to change the force direction, the light pressure can be used to increase the orbital speed of the spacecraft, sending it outward from the Sun, or de­crease its orbital speed, allowing it to fall inward.

  8. 251

  9. A new type of solar sail, called a solar photon thruster, has a large sail that always faces the Sun for maximum light collection. The collector sail has a slight curvature (кривизна) that focuses the sunlight down onto a much smaller sail, which redirects the sunlight to provide the net thrust vector desired. Besides being more efficient than a standard sail, a solar photon thruster can be launched at Shuttle altitudes. Standard sails can only operate above 1,000 km where the light pressure exceeds the atmospheric drag.

  10. Were a solar sail made light enough, it could «hover» without orbiting, the light pressure from the solar photons balancing the gravity attraction of the Sun and/or Earth. Then it would be possi­ble to use solar sails first for communication, broadcast, and weather satellites, second for scientific stations hovering over the Sun and the rest of the solar system, and third for transporting cargo to and from Earth, the planets, and asteroid belt — without an expenditure of fuel.

  11. B. Найдите к словам в колонке а антонимы из колонки в.

  12. А В

  1. long a. absence

  2. forward b. permanent

  3. increase с. rapid

  4. heavy d. short

  5. slow e. lightweight

  6. invisible f. complexity

  7. changing g. rearward

  8. with h. inward

  9. simplicity i. visible

  10. rise j. without

  11. presence k. decrease

  12. outward 1. fall

  1. C. Составьте словосочетания глаголов из колонки а и существительных из колонки в.

  2. А В

  1. launch a. study, investigation, research, ех-

  2. promote periment, test

  3. conduct b. speed, thrust, pressure, cost, drag

  4. increase/lower с satellite, spacecraft, space sta-