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К.р. Английский язык.doc
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XII. Прочтите предложения и выполните задания a) и b).

a) Подчеркните слова, оканчивающиеся на \emph{-s (-es)}. Определите функцию этих окончаний, обозначив буквой: P (possession) - притяжательный падеж существительного, V (verb) - глагол в третьем лице единственного числа в Present Indefinite и N (noun) - множественное число существительного.

b) Найдите случаи употребления существительных в функции определения. Выделите их, как указано в модели: Summer Gardens.}

Britain's climate is mild. It often rains, and fogs are quite frequent. The Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current, crosses the Atlantic Ocean and warms the seas around the British coast. Winter temperature seldom falls below zero.

XIII. Переведите текст устно. Укажите видо-временную форму выделенных в тексте глаголов.

The Doctor's Advice

Once an old gentleman went (Past Indefinite) to see a doctor. The doctor examined

(..................................................) him and said “What can I do? Medicine won't help

(..................................................) you. You must have a complete rest. Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, and you may smoke just one cigar a day.”

“Thank you very much,” said the old gentleman, “I shall do (....................................................) everything you say.”

A month later the gentleman came (..................................................) to the doctor again. “How are (......................................) (......................................) you?” said the doctor, “I am (.......................................)

very glad to see you. You look (....................................................) much younger.”

“Oh, doctor,” said the gentleman, “I feel quite well now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early, I drank a lot of milk, I walked (.........................................................) a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you told (....................................................) me to smoke one cigar a day, and that one cigar a day almost killed me at first. It's no joke to start smoking at my age.”

XIV. Поставьте письменно восемь вопросов по содержанию текста (см. Упр.XIII): по два вопроса с глаголами в Present, Past и Future Indefinite и два вопроса с модальными глаголами.

  1. ................................................................................................................................................

  2. ................................................................................................................................................

  3. ................................................................................................................................................

  4. ................................................................................................................................................

  5. ................................................................................................................................................

  6. ................................................................................................................................................

  7. ................................................................................................................................................

  8. ................................................................................................................................................