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2. Find the Russian and English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

a) to run short of smth; to treat smb well; an open-plan office; to be distracted by smb; to adorn; to subsidise; to yield further cost savings; to be off sick; to stick around; commoditised; recruitment and training costs; “business intelligence”; in-house expertise; to apply computers in education; technology-savvy generation;

b) выплачивать дотации; предлагать великолепные условия для занятия спортом; затраты на подбор и обучение персонала; интеллектуальные ресурсы предприятия (корпоративный интеллект); годовой доход; собственный опыт; выявление мошенничества; отмывание денег; пополнять запасы.

3. Read the article once again more carefully. Answer the questions to the text.

1) What do the M&Ms symbolise for the co-founder and boss of SAS?

2) How does Jim Goodnight try to bring the best out of employees? What has he done to make the process of work pleasant?

3) What special facilities does the company offer?

4) How does the company gain from providing the employees with all the facilities?

5) What is Mr. Goodnight guided by in managing people? What does his motto mean?

6) How can you prove that by treating the employees well the company succeeds in business?

7) What else except for benefits keeps people at SAS and encourages them to work hard?

8) What is done in the company in order to prevent the employees from getting bored?

9) What is Mr. Goodnight’s philosophy?

4. Prepare the article resume. Unit 4 “Pay”

I. Vocabulary

Study the following words and word combinations. Find their Russian equivalents.


(v.) to pay; (n.) a pay

to join __ a company


a golden parachute [‘pærə,ςu:t]

a top senior executive

a severance [‘severəns] deal

to be referred as…

pay deals

a fat cat

a remuneration committee

(= AmE compensation committee)

an enormous [i’no:məs] pay package



to fall considerably

in limbo

to strike a lavish deal

to cushion a fall

pharmaceutical [,fa:mə’sju:tikəl]

to reward not superior performance but just being there

to reject a report

a component in the pay

to treat smb (as…)

to set up a deal

to do smth for the purpose of

a one-way bet


positions are filled rather than advertised

no binding force

to make a fuss [fΛs]

shareholder discontent

poor corporate performance

Listening (p. 37)

total compensation

a part-owner

share value

market fluctuations

a phenomenal amount of money

to reach objectives or goals

to amount to ….$

to appraise

to evaluate

to outperform other companies

Additional Vocabulary

a controversial court case

to point out

a breach of a contract

to measure CEO performance


an overspend on

to be behind schedule

data processing

to come in under/on budget

to hit/ meet the deadline

to extend the deadline

to negotiate a two-day extension

a tight [tait] deadline

to call on

to buy up

to step down

to get ahead

to set up

to look after

to go under

to break down

to call off

to catch up