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books / Lesson 2 abridged

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Oral Topic: In the Computer Room

I. Упражнения на повторение звуков, букв, правил чтения

1. Повторите правила чтения следующих букв и буквосочетаний, прочтите упражнения в чтении.

Правила чтения

Упражнения в чтении


[gz] перед ударной гласной –exam

e`xist, e`xact, e`xample, e`xamine, e`xecutive, e`xult, e`xert

[ks] в остальных случаях – text

next, six, fix, ex`cept, ex`cel, `axis, `complex, `execute


[ʤ] jump

just, joke, jam, job, join, jet, Ja`pan Ju`ly, `justify


[j] в начале слова – yes

yet, you, year, yoke, youth, yell, `yellow, `yesterday

[ı] в конце слова в безударном положении – `city

`story, `copy, `party, `any, `many, `sorry, `faculty, `symmetry


[f] в словах латинского и греческого происхождения – `phrase

`photo, `telephone, `graphic, `phase, `sphere, `physical, `telegraph, `symphony, `paragraph






[i:] (в открытом слоге)

she, these, theme, eve, mete;

tea, clean, weak, peace, sea, please, treat, heap, re`lease, mean;

reel, week, speed, screen, meet, ex`ceed;

re`ceive, de`ceive, seize, re`ceipt;

field, piece, chief, grief, thief, priest, fiend, wield

Правила чтения

Упражнения в чтении






[υ], [u:]

[υ] book, look, hook, took;

[u:] room, proof, too, tool, boom, pool;

[υ] could, would, should;

[u:]group, soup, pouf, joule, troupe, `cougar, `souvenir;

[υ] put, full, bush, bull, push;

[u:] rule, rude, flute, rue, true, blue; fruit, juice


[w] when

[h] перед о who

while, why, where, white, wheel, what, wheat, whence;

whose, wholly, whom,

`wholesome, `wholesale


[n] knife

know, knot, knob, knee, knelt, knap, knit


[ı] в безударном положении – e`lect [ı`lekt]

`system, re`cord, de`pend, `planet, de`ny, de`partment, `helpless, en`joy, pre`tend



a (an)


в конце слова – reader [`ri:də]

артикль – a disk [ə`dısk]

при редукции гласных в без­ударном положе-нии faculty [`fækəltı]

`teacher, `doctor, com`puter, `monitor, `user, `cursor, `printer, `number, `laser;

a book, an end, a file, an age, a screen, a `program, an eagle;

ag`reed, a`bout, a`side, con`trol, co`nnect, suc`cess, `difficult, `data



[ŋ] song

[ŋk] link

long, wing, `evening, `interesting, `sliding, `timing, `ringing

bank, ink, thank, drink, junk, blank, sink, `thinker



еа читается [е] перед - sure

`pleasure, `measure, `treasure, `leisure




`function,ِ combi`nation, coِ ordi`nation, po`sition;

`pension, `version, ex`cursion;

`session, op`ression

2. Прочтите следующие слова:

joint, `wisdom, imp`ression, lead, pro`long, `actor, thing, think, glue, `measure, re`peat, a`bility, `enter, `phobia, thieve, route, brute, `looping, be`tween, pe`ripheral, ex`pose, e`xotic, June, yard, `policy, `portion, graph, `juicy, shook, which, known, de`gree, `ceiling, stream, `differ, ad`dress, niece, could, root, `tinker, ِ defi`nition, `taxi, e`xactly, `factory, seek, soon, `whisper, knives, `goodness, `comma, sup`pression, whom, `telex.

II. Лексика

3. Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на ударение. Постарай­тесь перевести их без словаря.

Interesting [`ıntrıstıŋ], type [taıp], combination [ِ kɒmbı`neı∫(ə)n], micro-computer [ِ maıkrəυkəm`pju:tə], nerve [nɜ:v], coordination [kəυِ ɔ:dı`neı∫(ə)n], control [kən`trəυl], arithmetic [ə`rıθmetık], logic [`lɒʤık], process [`prəυses], function [`fлŋk∫(ə)n], instruction [ın`strлk∫(ə)n], operation [ِ ɒрə`rеı∫(ə)n], disk, cassette [kə`set], special [`spe∫(ə)l], cursor [`kɜ:sə], graphics [`græfıks], excursion [ıks`kɜ:∫(ə)n].

4. Прочтите слова школьного минимума. Вспомните их значения.

Ability (n), across (adv, prep), any (a), bad (a), de­pend (v), desk (n), differ (v), fine (a), hope (v), know (v), lesson (n), move (v), next (a), only (adv), other (a), own (a), point (n), room (n), see (v), show (v), some (a), together (adv).

5. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания. Обратите внимание на употребление существительного слева в качестве оп­ределения.

Computer room, computer instruction, computer information, nerve centre, coordination centre, control centre, control function, mouse function, arithmetic and logic processes, Information Science and Computer Engineering Department.

6. Прочтите и запомните значения новых слов:

1. screen [skri:n] – экран

The screen of a computer is very much like a TV screen. A computer screen is made up of a large number of dots (точек).

2. keyboard [`ki:bɔ:d] – клавиатура

A keyboard is an obligatory (обязательная) part of any personal computer. The keyboard of this personal computer has 102 keys (клавиш).

3. unit [`ju:nıt] – 1) устройство, блок; 2) единица; 3) модуль

A system unit is a main part of the computer. It has an arithmetic unit for mathematical operations. He knows the names of all computer units. A byte is the basic unit of information.

4. processor [`prəυsəsə] – процессор

A processor is the nerve centre of the computer system. A central processor has three main sections. The central processing unit (CPU) is another name for the central processor.

5. terminal [`tɜ:mınəl] – терминал

A terminal is a combination of a screen and a keyboard. A terminal doesn’t have its own processor. Large computers are hosts (главные машины) to terminals.

6. control [kən`trəυl] – 1) управление, контроль; 2) управлять

A processor controls all computer units. A control generator is that part of the control unit which generates control signals.

7. communicate [kə`mju:nıkeıt] – передавать, сообщать(ся)

communication [kəِ mju:nı`keı∫n] – сообщение, связь

A terminal has the ability to communicate with the processor of a large computer. The processor has a communication with all computer units.

8. perform [pə`fɔ:m] – выполнять, исполнять

performance [pə`fɔ:məns] – выполнение, исполнение

The processor performs all the arithmetic and logic processes. The performance of mathematical operations depends on the arithmetic unit.

9. record [rı`kɔ:d] – записывать

recorder [rı`kɔ:də] – записывающее устройство

We record programs on magnetic disks. They have cassette recorders in the computer rooms. It is a new type of magnetic recorders.

10. monitor [`mɒnıtə] – монитор

A monitor is very much like a TV set. We have ten computers with colour monitors.

11. input [`ınpυt] – ввод

An input unit is a section of the computer which takes in data. A mouse (мышь) is a special input device (устройство).

Ant. output [`aυtpυt] – вывод

Input and output devices are peripherals (периферийные устройства).

12. disk drive [dısk draıv] – дисковод

This computer has two disk drives. We use a disk drive to take in some information.

13. print (v) – печатать

printer – печатающее устройство

This journal often publishes information about computer engineering. A printer is an output device. The rate (скорость) of the laser printer is 10 or more pages per minute.

14. button [bлtn] – кнопка

A mouse has two or three buttons on the top (крышка). These buttons control the cursor of the screen.

15. user [`ju:zə] – пользователь

This keyboard is very comfortable for the user. Input units are means of communication between the computer and the user.

7. Замените слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами:

1. This (устройство) performs mathematical and logical operations. 2. А (дисковод) is an input device. 3. This keyboard is very comfortable for the (пользователь). 4. The (экран) of this computer is white-black. 5. The central processor is the nerve centre of the computer for the coordination and (управление) of all computer units. 6. This computer has a colour (монитор). 7. A computer can (записывать) information on hard or floppy disks. 8. I have an interesting article about laser (принтеры). 9. A mouse has two or three (кнопки) for the control of text and graphics functions. 10. А (клавиатура) is a part of any terminal. 11. The signals of the control generator tell the arithmetic unit which operation to (выполнить). 12. Satellite (связь) is very popular today.

8. Заполните пропуски соответствующим словом из активного словаря:

1. Use this ... to control the cursor. 2. If you want to run a program put the diskette in the ... . 3. There are 84 keys on the ... of the computer. 4. A central ... coordinates and controls the activities of all other units. 5. An … is the part of a computer that puts out information. 6. A ... is a combination of a screen and a keyboard. 7. We use magnetic disks to ... information. 8. The function of this unit is to ... different arithmetic operations. 9. Input and output units are means of ... between the computer and the user. 10. The ... of a computer can serve (служить) as an electronic blackboard and demonstrates an idea, a concept or a process. 11. ... unit is a section of the computer which takes information from outside. 12. One of the forms of computer output is output on paper with the help of the ... . 13. This programming language is very helpful for the ... .

9. Прочтите слова, назовите способы образования имени существительного от глагола:

to combine – combination, to communicate – communication, to impress – impression, to profess – profession, to depend – dependence, to instruct – instruc­tion, to differ – difference, to perform – performance, to attend – attendance, to discuss – discussion, to express – expression, to decide – decision, to divide – division.

10. Прочтите и постарайтесь понять следующий диалог:

H.: Hallo, Ann! Haven’t seen you for ages!1

A.: Hallo, Helen! Glad to see you!2 How are you?

H.: Not bad, and what about you?

A.: Fine! Now I am a first-year student of the Information Science and Computer Department.

H.: Good for you!3 It’s very interesting! I know you have lessons in computer rooms.

A.: You are right.4 There are some computer rooms at our department.

H.: And what is there in the computer room?

A.: Well, it depends on the type of the computer room. Let’s go together to one of them.

H.: Agreed.5

A.: (In the computer room). There are ten terminals in this computer room.

H.: And what is a terminal?

A.: It is the combination of a keyboard and a screen.

H.: At a glance6 this terminal is very much like a microcomputer.

A.: Rather.7 The difference is that a microcomputer has its own processor, while a terminal has only the ability to communicate with the processor of a large computer.

H.: And where is the large computer of this computer room?

A.: It is in the next room. By the way8 I hope you know what a processor is.

H.: As far as I know9 it is the nerve centre of the computer system for the coordination and control of all computer units and the performance of all arithmetic and logic processes.

A.: You are not mistaken.10

H.: Have you got any other type of the computer room?

A.: Yes, we have. Let me show you the YAMAHA room.

H.: With pleasure!11

A.: Well, you see we have one teacher’s computer and twelve students’ computers here.

H.: And what is there on the teacher’s desk?

A.: There is a system unit with two disk drives, a monitor, a keyboard, a cassette recorder, a mouse and a printer.

H.: And what about a student’s desk?

A.: There is a system unit with one disk drive, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse.

H.: I’m sorry, what is a mouse?

A.: It is a special input device. It has one or two buttons for the control of many text and graphics functions. By sliding the mouse12 across a desk a computer user moves a cursor to any point on the screen.

H.: Is this blinking arrow13 the cursor?

A.: Yes, it is.

H.: Thank you very much for your interesting excursion. Now I know what the computer room is.

A.: It was a pleasure for me.

H.: So long!14

A.: Bye-bye!


1 Haven’t seen you for ages! – He видела тебя целую вечность!

2 Glad to see you! – Рада видеть тебя!

3 Good for you! – Молодец!

4 You are right. – Ты права.

5 Agreed. – Согласна.

6 At a glance – На первый взгляд

7 Rather. – Пожалуй.

8 By the way – Между прочим

9 As far as I know – Насколько мне известно

10 You are not mistaken. – Ты не ошибаешься.

11 With pleasure! – С удовольствием!

12 By sliding the mouse – Скользя мышью

13 blinking arrow – мигающая стрелка

14 So long! – Пока!

11. Назовите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

факультет информатики и вычислительной техники, экран, клавиатура, микрокомпьютер, процессор, мони­тор, способность сообщаться с процессором большого компьютера, управление всеми блоками компьютера, вы­полнение арифметических и логических процессов, два дисковода, особое устройство ввода, передвигать курсор в любую точку экрана.

12. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

1. I am a first-year student of the ... Science and ... Engineering Department.

2. There are some ... rooms at our department.

3. A ... is the combination of a keyboard and a screen.

4. A processor is the nerve centre of the computer ... .

5. A mouse is a special ... device.

6. By sliding a mouse across a desk a user moves a ... to any point of the screen.

13. Подтвердите или опровергните утверждения, используя вы­ражения «You are right», «Rather», «As far as I know», «You are mistaken»:

Models: 1. – Ann is a student of the Information Science and Computer Engineering Department.

As far as I know she is.

2. – There are 15 terminals in the computer room of Ann’s department.

You are mistaken. There are 10 terminals in the computer room of Ann’s department.

1. A terminal is a combination of keyboard and a screen.

2. Every terminal has its own processor.

3. A processor is the nerve centre of any computer system.

4. The function of the processor is the coordination and control of all computer units.

5. The YAMAHA room has two teacher’s computers and seven students’ computers.

6. There is a system unit with two disk drives, a monitor, a keyboard, a cassette recorder, a mouse and a printer on the teacher’s desk.

7. There is a system unit with one disk drive, a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse and a printer on the student’s desk.

8. A mouse is a special output device.

9. Every mouse has one or two buttons for the control of many text and graphics functions.

10. By sliding the mouse across the screen a computer user moves the cursor.

14. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Are there any computer rooms at your department?

2. How many types of computer room have you?

3. Whit is a terminal?

4. What is the difference between a microcomputer and a terminal?

5. What is a processor?

6. What is there in the YAMAHA room?

7. What is there on the teacher’s desk in the YAMAHA room?

8. What units are absent on the student’s desk in the YAMAHA room. (Compare with the teacher’s desk.)

9. What is a mouse?

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