.docxThe shot
My curiosity was strongly excited. “You didn't fight him? - I asked. “Circumstances must be separated you?” “I did, - replied Silvio, "and here is a trophy of our duel."
Silvio stood up and reached out of a packing a red cap with a gold galloon (the French call it “bonnet de police”). He wore it ; there was a hole from a projectile on it, about a couple of inches from the forehead.
“As you know, - continued Silvio, “I served in one of the Hussar regiments. And you know my character I used to be a leader, this passion is inherent in me from a young age. The riot was in fashion In our time, and I was the first Brawler to the army. The drunkenness was our pride. I even surpassed the glorious Burtsov, who was sung by Denis Davydov. Duels in our regiment occurred every minute, and I took part in it or was just an eyewitness. My comrades adored me, while the regimental commanders, who were constantly being changed, looked at me, as a necessary evil.
I was quietly (or maybe anxious) enjoying my reputation, but suddenly a young man from the wealthy and noble family, I will not mention his name, joined our regiment. I have never met such a brilliant lucky man. ! Imagine youth, intelligence, beauty, most rabid cheerfulness, the most carefree courage, a famous name, endless and uncountable amounts of money, and imagine to yourself, how he impressed all of us.
My supremacy was shaken. Dazzled by my reputation, he began to seek my friendship but I received his advances coldly , so he left me with no regret. I hated him. His success in the regiment and in the society of the women led me to the terrible despair. I began to look for a quarrel with him; on my epigrams he replied with epigrams, which always seemed to me more unexpected and sharp-witted than mine and which, of course, were more funny compared to mine: he was only joking, while I was gloating. Finally, once at the ball of a polish landlord, seeing him as the subject of lust of all ladies, and especially of the mistress of the house, who was associated with me, I whispered some flat rudeness in his ear. He flushed and gave me a slap in the face. He blushed and gave me a slap in the face. We rushed our swords; ladies fainted; we were pulled apart; and the same night we went to fight.
It was at dawn. I stood at the appointed place with my three seconds. With unexplained impatience I waited my opponent. The spring sun rose and a hot day and was close. I saw him in the distance. He was on foot in uniform with saber, followed by one second. We went towards him. He approached; holding the cap, full of cherries. The seconds measured twelve paces for us. I had to shoot first, but the excitement of anger in me was so strong that I was afraid my hand would strike me and gave him the right of first shot: my opponent did not agree. So we decided to cast lots: he got the first number as always. He took aim and shot through my cap. Then it was my turn. His life was finally in my hands; I looked at him greedily, trying to catch one shadow of anxiety...He stood under the gun and picking out the ripest cherries from his cap and spitting out he stones, which flew to me. I was furious by his indifference. I thought that it would be useless to dispossess him of life, which he didn't appreciate. A spiteful thought flashed in my mind. I let down my pistol.
“Death does not bother you” i said to him: «you wish to have your breakfast; Idon't want to disturb you”. "You don't disturb me, " he objected, please, shoot, although, as you like. Shot is yours and I'm always ready for your service..” I turned to the seconds and told them, that I wasn’t going to shoot. The fight ended. I resigned and retired to this place. Since then, every day I think about revenge and now my hour has come. ... "
Lady – peasant Mistress into Maid
In the one of our outlying provinces was the estate of Ivan Petrovich Berestov. In his youth he used to serve in the guard, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to his village and he is there to this day. He was married to a poor gentlewoman, who died in childbirth while he was out of town. Soon he found solace in the property. He built the house on his own plan, opened a cloth factory, tripled revenues and began to consider himself as the smartest man in the whole neighborhood. Neighbors, who visited him with their families and dogs, did not dare to argue with him. On weekdays he walked in a a velveteen jacket, on holidays wore a frock made from the homemade cloth; he wrote down a consumption by his own and read only the Senate Bills.
Actually, he was loved although he was considered proud. Grigoriy Muromsky, who was his nearest neighbor, didn't manage well with him. He was a real russian nobleman. Muromsky lost the majority of his estate in Moscow, became widowed and left in his last village, where he continued to play the rogue, but in the new way. He bred the English garden, which demanded almost all of the remaining incomes. Grooms were dressed like English jockeys. Madam from England cared for his daughter. Even fields he handled in the English method. But the russian bread is not obtained in the foreign style. And even though his expenses declined, earnings didn't increase; even in the village he found a new arrears. For all his vices, he wasn't a silly man, because he was the first, who established his estate to the Board of Trustees in his province: this turnover was extremely complicated and brave then. He was convicted by many people, but Berestov was the strictest from all of them. Hatred of was the hallmark of his character. Anglomania of his neighbor was so clear and Berestov couldn't talk about it indifferently and often criticized him. When the guests praised his possessions, he always said with a smile: "Yes, sir! - He said with a sly grin;. our possessions are not the same as owning of Grigory Ivanovich . And we can not splurge in English style. These and similar jokes were brought to the attention of Grigoriy Ivanovich with additions and explanations. Anglomaniac was as impatient to the critique as our journalists. He became mad and called his irritant bear and provincial. When the son of Berestov came to his village, the relations between these two owners were as follows.
He graduated from the University and decided to join the army, but his father didn’t agree with this decision. To civilian service, the young man felt helpless. They did not yield to each other, and the young Alex began to live for the time being a gentleman, grew his mustache, just in case. Alex was really well done. It would be a pity if he would never wear the military uniform, because he had a very slim stature and if he, instead of ride on horse, spent his youth, bent over the stationery papers. On the hunt, he was always the first, even though he didn't see the road, so the neighbors thought, that he would be a bad head clerk. The young ladies looked at him, some of them even fell in love, but Alex was not interested in them, so they thought that he had a amour with someone else....
Those of my readers, who didn't live in the village, can't even imagine how beautiful are these country charm ladies! Brought up in the pure air, in the shade of their apple gardens, with knowledge of the world and life they take from books. For ladies ring of bell is already an adventure, a trip to the nearest town relies era in the life, and visiting guest leaves a long, and sometimes eternal remembrance. It is easy to imagine what an impression made Alexey among our ladies. For the first time he appeared in front of them gloomy and disappointed, told them about the lost joys and his faded youth; moreover he wore black ring with the image of a dead head. All this was new in that province. The young ladies went crazy about him. The most interested in him was the daughter of my anglomaniac, Lisa (or Betsy as her father called her. Their fathers didn't visit each other, she was not familiar with Alexey, while the other young neighbors talked about him all the time. She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened her tanned and very pleasant face. Lisa was the only child and, therefore, pampered child. Her playfulness and pranks admired her father and despare her Madam, miss Jackson, who was prim forty years damsel, she bleached her face and painted her eyebrows with kohl, twice a year she reread Pamela, received two thousand rubles for that and was dying of boredom in this barbarous Russia.
gentle, meek, mild
So the whole winter passed in some waiting for something. I loved looking at her furtively, as she was siting, at the table. She worked, laundry, and in the evenings sometimes read books which she took out of my bookcase. Selection of books in the bookcase had to testify in my favor. She almost did not go anywhere. Before nightfall, after dinner, I deduced her every day for a walk, and we did walking tour for a relaxing break or for health promotion; but not completely silent as before. I just tried to pretend that we do not keep silent and speak, but our conversations weren’t so long. I did it on purpose, and for her, I thought, I have to "give some more time". Of course, it is strange that only at the end of winter, I realized that I like to look at her, none of her glance for the whole winter, I did not catch on me, I thought that she is timidity. Besides, she had the appearance of a timid gentleness, such powerlessness after an illness. No, better to wait and - "and suddenly she will come to you ..."
This idea fascinated me irresistible. I will add one thing, sometimes I seem to on purpose fanned himself and really takes your mind and spirit to that as if it fell on the offense. And so it went on for several times. But my hatred could never mature and become stronger in my soul. Yes, and I felt as if it was just a game. Even then, though, and I broke the marriage, buying a bed and folding screens, but never, never I couldn't see her as criminal. And not because I judged her crime frivolous but because it made sense to completely forgive her since the first day, even before even bought a bed. In short, this oddity from my side, because I morally strict. On the contrary, in my eyes she was so defeated, was so humiliated, so crushed that I painfully regret her, although sometimes I strongly liked the idea of her humiliation. The idea of this inequality ...
That winter I had occasion on purpose to make a few good deeds. I forgave two debts, which I gave to a poor woman with no mortgage. And I did not tell my wife about it, and not for her to know, but that woman herself came to thank me, and almost on her knees. Thus It was announced; I thought, she had learnt about the woman with real pleasure.
But spring was close, was already April , a double glazing was taken out, and the sun was as bright beams illuminate our silent room. But the veil hung in front of me and blinded my mind. Fatal, terrible pall! How it happened, it all suddenly fell from my eyes, and I suddenly begun to see clearly and understood everything! Was it the case, whether the day has come such a term, whether solar beam lighted in my stupefied mind thought and conjecture? No, not thought and not guess were there, and suddenly began to play one vein it was deaden vein, it shook and came to life and lit up the whole my sodden soul and my devilish pride. Then I just suddenly jumped up from my seat. And it happened suddenly and abruptly. It happened before in the evening, about five o'clock in the afternoon.
ONLY five minutes late
(from the story "The Meek")
And is not it? Is this believable? How can you say that this is possible? For what, why this woman died?
Oh, believe me, I know: but for what she died is still a question. She maybe was afraid of my love, asking herself seriously: to accept or reject this love, and found no better solution than death. I know, I know, there is nothing to break my head: she gave too many promises, scared that it is impossible to keep all the promises - It's clear. There are several circumstances completely terrible.
Because for what did she die? It is still a question without answer. Question is knocking in my mind is knocking. I would have left her alone, so if she wanted to stay so. She did not believe that, that's what! No - no, I'm lying. Just because it was necessary to be honestly, to love so overwhelmingly love and not as a merchant would have loved. And as She was too chaste, too pure to agree to such love, which the merchant wants, and then she wouldn't have wanted to deceive me. Did not want to deceive "sublove" disguised as love, or a quarter-love. We are honest, that's what! The width of the heart had wanted to instill then, remember. A strange thought.
Terribly curious whether she respected me? I do not know whether she despised me , or not? I do not think she despised me. Strangely horrible why I have never thought _ during the whole winter, she despises me? I was supremely confident in the opposite until the moment when she looked at me then with a stern surprise. It was then that If I would have realized at once that she despises me.
I got it irrevocably forever! Oh, let, let be despised me, even a lifetime, but - let her be alive, alive! Just now she's still goes and talks. I do not understand how she threw herself out of the window! And how could If I would have suppose that even in five minutes earlier? I called Lukerya. Now I would not let go Lukerya, no way!
Oh, we could come to terms. We just scared out of the habit during the winter from each other, but can we _ again to get used? Why, why we could not get together and start a new life again? I am generous, she too - that's point of connections! A few more words, two days, no more, and she would have understood.
The main thing it's pity that all this is the case is a simple, barbaric, rigid case. That's hurt! Five minutes, only five minutes late! If I would have come in five minutes before that - and momentarily flashed past would like a cloud, and it would never did come to her mind. And would have ended so that she would understood. And now again the empty rooms, again I am alone. There pendulum knocks, it does not care, it was not sorry. There is no one - here's the trouble!
Му'аллака Имруулькайса состоит из несколькихтельных частей. В первой лоэт предается воспоминаниям, нахлынувшим на него при виде остатков покинутого становища, где некогда он испытал любовь и горечь разлуки. Во второй части он рассказывает о своих любовных приключениях, свидании с Унайзой и коротко останавливается на событиях «Дня Дарат Джульджуль». Третья часть касыды рисует жизнь в пустыне: поэт описывает ночь, охоту, своего коня, грозу.
Главные темы поэмы — любовь и природа. Образ «лирического героя» Имруулькайса, храброго бедуинского воина, раскрывается в том, как он преодолевает трудности кочевой жизни в пустыне и добивается любви Унайзы. Попутно упоминаются различные люди и события, описания невзгод и испытаний сменяются рассказом о радостях и удачах, и в результате перед слушателем возникает красочная картина жизни аравийской
Им-руулыкай'С по праву считается у арабов непревзойденным мастером дескриптивной лирики. Поэт провел в пустыне большую часть жизни, любил и знал" природу Аравии, поэтому васфам Имруулькайса свойственна удивительная точность наблюдений. Рисуя конкретную и вместе с тем обобщенную картину жизни 'бедуинов, поэт лишь воспроизводит свой личный опыт,избегая поэтических преувеличений. Каждая деталь однооб-
разной и суровой жизни аравийских кочевников обретает для Имруулькайса высокое поэтическое значение, которое он передает в простых и точных, лаконичных и .вместе с тем красочных образах. Описания Имруулькайса не статичны, в его поэме аравийская степь с ее флорой и фауной предстает перед читателем в непрерывной динамике
Любовная лирика Имруулькайса иосит наивно-чувственный характер. Поэт подробно рассказывает о свиданиях с возлюбленной, описывает ее внешность столь же обстоятельно, как и внешность любимого скакуна, упоминает . детали ее туалета и украшения. Ничто не кажется ему .недостойным подробного описания. Описание возлюбленной и сцены свиданий перемежаются у наго с диалогом влюбленных — прием, который позднее широко использовали средневековые мастера любовной лирики.
; Изобразительные средства Имруулькайса близки к фольклорным: возлюбленная сравнивается то с прекрасной! газелью, то со страусенком, ее стройность — с ремнем верблюжьего поводка и со стеблем тростника и т. д.:
Лирический герой Имруулькайса отправляется на свидание всегда тайно, опасаясь родственников возлюбленной и соглядатаев и тем самым подвергая опасности и себя, и свою возлюбленную:
Образ смерти-хищника, естественный для бедуинского поэта, хорошо знакомого с природой Аравии, неоднократно встречается в поэзии Имруулькайса и под его влиянием проникнет позднее и в сочинения средневековых поэтов. Не менее популярным у поэтов последующих веко»в станет излюбленный Имруулькайсом- образ судьбы как страшного врага человека, подстерегающего его на каждом шагу, властвующего над живой) и
мертвой природой и сметающего целые царства.
4.Арсенал стилистических средств Имруулькайса весьма разнообразен. Язык его, как, впрочем, почти у всех доисламских поэтов, отличается выразительностью и меткостью. Другим поэтическим средствам он предпочитает сравнения, причем материал для них черпает из окружающей природы.
Подруга поэта прекрасна, -как.«•высеченное из камня изваяние», лик «ее все освещает (вокруг, «подобно светильнику», а ее «гибкий стан» подобен «пальмовой ветви», с которой «свисают гроздья фиников» [38, 141], или «стволу пальмы» [38, 65]. Гнедой скакун Имруулькайса быстроног, «подобно антилопе», а стадо антилоп, в свою очередь, похоже на «табун .коней)». Высокие плечи быстроногой верблюдицы Имруулькайса «подобны горе», а ноги антилоп напоминают «полосатые йеменские-одежды» [38, 145]- Его благородная кобылица походит «на оперившуюся птицу» и т. д. [38, 160].
Таким образом, в своей совокупности сравнения Имруулькайса образуют некую замкнутую систему, в целом воспроизводящую (картины жизни Аравии.
Как и iB поэзии других народов, стоявших на сходном уровне культурного развития, IB древнеарабекой поэзии широко применялись олицетворения. При описании аравийской фауны Имруулыкайс постоянно наделяет животных человеческими чувствами, мыслями и речью. Он с ними беседует, как с друзьями, поверяя им свои горести:
Я пересекал голые, как брюхо дикого осла, ущелья, в кото-
рых, словно отверженный, обремененный семьей бродяга, рыскал
воющий волк.
На его завывания я отвечал: «Наше положение незавидно,
если у тебя ничего нет в запасе.
Оба мы, что ни приобретаем, раздаем другим, а тот, кто по-
ступает так, как мы, отощает» [54, 105—106].
Часто 'прибегает Имруулькайс к психологическому параллелизму, причем сопоставление душевного состояния поэта с явлениями природы (разрастается в яркие картины.
Ночь подобно морской волне накрыла меня покрывалом тре-
вожного беспокойства, чтобы испытать меня.
И я сказал ей, когда она, потягиваясь, [словно зверь], отда-
лила свой конец от начала:
«О долгая ночь, просветишься ли ты зарей? Впрочем, и утро
едва ли облегчит [мои страдания]!» [54, 10О-—101].
В этиих строчках поэт,'Пребывающий в мучительных раз-
думьях, сравнивает томительно тянущуюся ночь с потягиваю-
щимся зверем. Это неожиданное для горожанина уподобление
понятно и естественно для бедуина, хорошо знавшего повадки"
Имруулькайс, рисуя художественные образы, искусно пользовался 'возможностями «могучей музыки слова». Повторением согласных звуков и звукоподражанием он предельно усиливал выразительность речи, создавал своеобразное музыкальное сопровождение проходящей теме, выражая мелодикой стиха чувства гнева, горя, тревоги, страсти и т. д. Например, когда поэт рассказывает о том, как он едет верхом, или описывает своего коня или быстроногую верблюдицу,— в стихе слышится топот скачущего животного.
Комбинация из согласных р, с, к, л в последних рифмующихся словах каждого стиха 'создает «цокающий» звук, напоминающий стук копыт.
5.Разработанным Имруулькайсом стилистическим фигурам, так же как и касыдной композиции, арабские поэты подражали на протяжении всего средневековья. Его влияние чувствуется не толыко у древнеарабоких поэтов (Тарифа, Зухайр), но и у поэтов более позднего времени, собственно «классического» периода (аль-Бухтури, Абу Таммам). .,Средневековая арабская критика высоко оценивала творчество Имруулькайса и ставила его обычно выше всех других доисламских поэтов. Арабская традиция считает Имруулькайса создателем касыды со всеми ее композиционными элементами — оплакиванием следов кочевья, воспоминанием о возлюбленной и т. д. Шедевром Имруулькайса арабскими средневековыми филологами признается его муаллака. В Средние века арабы объявляли муаллаку Имруулькайса непревзойдённым образцом и даже художественным эталоном.