.docxHallo and welcome to the spiritual science research foundation. Every year on the 31 of October people from many countries around the world will discard their normal every day appearance and for Halloween will enthusiastically эдон costumes that ever sinister if not demonic look. It is a celebration that allows the bizarre devilish dark side to enter everyday life. Some historians believe the origin of this festival had something to do with the believe, that around this time of the year the door to the other world or after life opened enough for the souls of the dead and other such being such as fairies to coming to our world. Фис will lead out and the souls of dead ancestors were backing to attend by setting a place for them at the table. However, along with departed ancestors it was believed that evil spirits to entered into our world, in order to disguise themselves from these evil spirits people would dress up in costumes, that resembled demonic entities so as to ward off any attack. Nowadays Halloween has become a worldwide calendar event and it terms … potential it is second only to Christmas. Some study see, that it’s 8 billion dollar industry that includes scary food, merchandise, costumes and events. In recent years, the zombie walk has also become increasingly popular as part of the Halloween festivities. Adults and children dress up as creatures from the afterlife, such as ghosts, zombies and witches. Houses are decorated by coving pumpkins in the scary faces and putting up other more bad decorations such as skeletons and monstrous creatures. Children go for “trick or treat” collection, which means passing from door to door, asking for sweets all good deeds and threatening to play tricks on those who refuse. It is a day where the people of all ages have a public license to act devilish and for most there is little association with the festival original, spiritual implication. But beyond the seeming fun and frolic “come to my party” what does the Halloween actually do for us at a spiritual level? To be able to truly understand the spiritual implication of any activity one can only do so.. advanced six sense and this is the meaning of spiritual research. In this video we will be sharing with our findings gained through (true) spiritual research. Just as like minded people are attracted to each other, in the spiritual dimension to the rule is like attracts like. So activities that emit distressing vibrations will in fact attract distressing negative energies or demonic entities. To put it plainly, dressing up as some demonic form emits distressing vibrations. So, instead of disguising oneself from evil spirits as was believed by the people when the festival started, one in fact increases once chance of attracting demonic entities. In spiritual terms when we dress up zombies, ghosts and witches for even a day, we are inviting negative energies from the spiritual dimension to enter us. The fact is, the demonic possession is not as all word as we see in the movies, it is far more subtle and most people do not have the ability to understand, that they are being possessed, until they do intense spiritual practice. Through spiritual research we have found that 30 percent of the world’s population is possessed by these negative energies, 50 percent is affected by them to varying degrees, while the remaining 20 percent is not affected. If just being affected by a ghost is bad enough, then being possessed by a ghost has even more serious implications for us. When another entity controls our consciousness, we can suffer from a wide range of problems, such as financial and medical problems, sexual and psychiatric problems, negative and suicidal thoughts. And once a ghost controls us, it can continue to do so, not only in this lifetime, but in the afterlife and many lifetimes to come. When we indulge in an activity, that increases the spiritual impurity within us, such as drinking alcohol, eating non – vegetarian food or dressing up as a zombie. This is what we look like in the subtle, we are surrounded by distressing vibrations. As a result we either help a demonic entity to strengthen their hold over us and our family or at least we invite them to affect or possess us. In the case of Halloween, the people who participate in it increase their risk of being possessed by 30 percent. And the duration of this spiritually negative period can be as much as three weeks. The thing is that not only do people who participate in Halloween get affected, but because the environment has a heightened level of spiritual impurity, society on the whole gets affected. Graveyards and haunted houses are areas with an abundance of distressing energies. Tours around these places have become more popular nowadays. However, for thirty dollars we get more than just a scary thrill. An actually return home with the negative black energy covering, which can last for a long time and produce many unwanted problems in our lives. This (the) same principle also applies, when we watch horror movies. Необъяснимая хрень we have seekers who can see into the spiritual dimension just as we do a physical dimension. When an average person wears a demonic mask and costume these are the subtle vibrations seen around him. We have provided a detailed description of the various vibrations on our website SSRF. Org. The main point is that we attract a lot of distressing vibrations and get affected by them. However, if a person is possessed by a demonic entity the not only does he or she attract negative energy, but also transmits negative energy into the environment. With regards to the believes about the origin of Halloween spiritual research confirms that there is a period during the year when are departed ancestors to come closer to the physical dimension. This happens for the period of a forth night in September or October and is recognized by the Hindu lunar calendar. Departed ancestors need our help in the afterlife and in their effort to be heard by us can cause many problems in our lives. There are many rituals which can be performed during this period to appease and provide spiritual held to our departed ancestors. However, one easy spiritual practice that everyone can do is chat the name of Shree Gurudev Datta. ПОШЛИ ПЕСНОПЕНИЯ. This is the aspect of God which protects us from problems, caused due to departed ancestors. In fact, SSRF recommends that this chant be repeated for at least two hours a day while going about our daily activities throughout the year. This is because through spiritual research we have found the problems caused due to departed ancestors affect almost everyone. We hope this video has given you an understanding of the seriousness of the effect of Halloween and reasons to stop celebrating it. Apart from staying away from activities that generate distressing vibration spiritual practice is the best way to protect ourselves from negative energies.