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Англійська мова / 4. THE SHORT STORY

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Most people think of a story as a plot, a sequence of events that make up a story. However, the content of a story is not only the plot. It includes the development of the characters, theme or topic, and structure too. In fact, the actions that make up the plot must be significant; they must be somehow related to the meaning of the story. Conflict is the necessary element of plot – a clash of ideas, actions, desires. This conflict may occur between two people, between a person and the world around him or her. Also, the conflict is more likely to be a matter of judgment in a well written story. The “good” and the “bad” elements are more difficult to define than in a poorly written story.

Furthermore, between the development of the conflict and the end of the story, there must be a change in the central character, another character, or the action. The moment at which that happens is called the climax. At the climax, the excitement is the highest, the audience is anxious to know what will happen, and the story could develop any of several ways. The climax is the turning point; after the climax, the story comes to an end. A writer tells the plot to the readers in two ways – through the action, dialog, and interaction of the characters or through narrative, telling the story. A good writer is more likely to use action and dialog to develop the story than to tell the story.

However, in some modern stories, the reader might wonder what the outcome is because the final result often is left to the reader.

The end of a story is determined by several considerations: whether or not it is probable and whether it is successful in presenting and dealing with the topic. Some people insist that a good story must teach the reader something; others are satisfied to be entertained.

The second element in a short story is the characterization – the way that the people in the story are presented. They may be described directly or explained to the reader in terms of the dialog, action, and interactions. Some characters in stories are very well-developed; these are said to be “round” characters. Others are “flat” because they are not developed by the writer. These flat characters serve as background people for the main character or characters. The third part of the story is the theme or topic. This is the purpose that the writer had in beginning to write the story. It is the general statement about life that is the base of the story. The theme is the reason why the story is successful: it presents a part of life and human nature that is capable of being explained in a situation. The reader who is trying to figure out what the theme is should look at the characters and the plot; the problems that these people face are like the problems that ordinary living people will face in everyday life.

Another important aspect of a short story is the point of view. In some stories, the author tells us about the characters. The viewpoint of a character can make a story very interesting because the reader is involved with a personality, not only with a plot.

Comprehension check

1. What does the content of a story include?

2. What’s conflict?

3. When does the climax come to a story?

4. Do readers always know what the outcome is? Why or why not?

5. What’s characterization?

6. What kinds of characters do you know?

7. How does the theme play role in a short story?


1. What are some common themes in the literature of your country?

2. What kinds of characters are used?


1. Reading for pleasure

− Short stories

− Jokes

− Novels

2. Reading for improving knowledge

− Academic books.

− Non-fiction books such as historical, biological, psychological etc.

B. Write a paragraph of about 100 words based on the information given above.

a clash of ideas - зіткнення ідей

short story – коротке оповідання, розповідь

plot фабула, сюжет

make up a story – придумати, скласти історію

climax кульмінаційний момент

conflict конфлікт, зіткнення, суперечність

character герой, персонаж, образ, діюча особа, роль

narrative оповідання, повість, виклад (фактів, подій)

outcome результат, наслідок

consideration обговорення, міркування, важливість, значущість

characterization характеристика, опис характеру, мистецтво створення характерів

“round” character – суперечливий персонаж

to figure out – визначати

viewpoint of a character - точка зору персонажа


A. Match a term in A with a phrases in B



a. essay

1. a collection of poems or pieces of writing on the same subject or by the same writer.

b. authorship

2. a piece of writing, usually short, on any subjects.

c. pseudonym

3. a type of literature describing imaginary events and people, not real ones.

d. manuscript

4. a plan or an outline of the events in play or novel.

e. plot

5. a person in a novel, play.

f. author

6. the identity of the write of a book.

g. character

7. the writer of a book, play.

h. fiction

8. a document, piece of music, etc that is written by hand, not printed.

i. authology

9. a person’s name that is not her or his real name, esp one used by an author, pseudonym.

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