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ManOfProperty - Parts XI-XII

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Part XI

to turn over a new leaf – to start a new life

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He intended to take an opportunity this afternoon of speaking to Irene. A word in time saved nine; and now that she was going to live in the country there was a chance for her to turn over a new leaf! He could see that Soames wouldn't stand very much more of her goings on!

to disconcert smb — to make sad, confused, pazzled

смущать, расстраивать, сбивать с толку

Irene did not answer, and James, too, ceased speaking. There was something in her silence which disconcerted him; it was not the silence of obstinacy, rather that of acquiescence in all that he could find to say. And yet he felt as if he had not had the last word. He could not understand this.

to be in apple-pie order — to be in a perfect order

быть в идеальном порядке

He went on throwing open doors, and peeping in. Everything was in apple-pie order, ready for immediate occupation. (James in the Robin Hills.)

to be barred out — to be shown the door out

быть выставленным за дверь

Entering his dressing-room, where the gas was also light and burning low, he went quickly to the other door. That too was locked. Then he noticed that the camp bed which he occasionally used was prepared, and his sleeping-suit laid out upon it. He put his hand up to his forehead, and brought it away wet. It dawned on him that he was barred out.

not to spare smb — have no mercy to smb

не щадить кого-то

Bosinney was in love with her! He hated the fellow, and would not spare him now. He could and would refuse to pay a penny piece over twelve thousand and fifty pounds--the extreme limit fixed in the correspondence; or rather he would pay, he would pay and sue him for damages.

to put the matter in smb's hands

Part XII

to be an Irish bull — complete nonsense

полнейшая чушь

A firm of solicitors, Messrs. Freak and Able, had put in a defence on Bosinney's behalf. Admitting the facts, they raised a point on the correspondence which, divested of legal phraseology, amounted to this: To speak of 'a free hand in the terms of this correspondence' is an Irish bull.

to be a merciful pick-me-up

быть спасительным глотком шампанского

Poor little woman, perhaps she was thirsty, certainly she was bored, for Flippard was a wit. To see 'those two' in so unlikely a spot was quite a merciful 'pick-me-up.'

to cheer old things up — to cheere the old ladies up

подбодрить старушек

And it so happened that she was dining that very evening at Timothy's, where she went sometimes to 'cheer the old things up,' as she was wont to put it.

to be in one's mooney way — with a dreamy look

с мечтательным видом

These little self-contained flats were convenient; to be sure, she had no light and no air, but she could shut it up whenever she liked and go away. There was no bother with servants, and she never felt tied as she used to when poor, dear Fred was always about, in his mooney way.

to shiver in one's dignity — to be full of dignity

преисполненный чувства собственного достоинства

"What a charming woman, Mrs. Soames; such a sympathetic temperament! Soames is a really lucky man!" Her anxiety for information had not made sufficient allowance for that inner Forsyte skin which refuses to share its troubles with outsiders. Mrs. Septimus Small, drawing herself up with a creak and rustle of her whole person, said, shivering in her dignity: "My dear, it is a subject we do not talk about!"

to be like a common wench — a simple girl

простая девка

But it could not be such knowledge as this that he was seeking-- the wife of Soames Forsyte sitting in the Park like a common wench! Such thoughts were inconceivable; and from tree to tree, with his noiseless step, he passed.

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