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TRANSLATION THEORY - study of translation, which is aimed to investigate the translation process and give the theoretical explanation of it.
GENERAL THEORY OF TRANSLATION - a subdivision of the thanslation theory, whose object is general notions typical of translation from any language.
SPECIFIC THEORY OF TRANSLATION - a subdivision of the translation theory that deals with the regularities of translation characteristics of particular languages.
SPECIAL THEORY OF TRANSLATION - a subdivision of the translation theory that pays attention to texts of vatious registers and genres.
TRANSLATION - 1) a means of interlingual comunication; switching of a language code that transfers an idea from the ST to the TT withthe help of equivalents; process of rendering information from one language to another; 2) the result of this process.
INTERPRETATION - 1) rendering or discussing the meaning of the text; 2) translation of the oral speech.
TARGET LANGUAGE - a language into which the translation is made.
SOURCE LANGUAGE - a language from which the translation is made.
ADEQUATE TRANSLATION - a type of translation which conveys the ideas, the form and some additional background which helps t he receptor to feel the same way as the native speaker of the SL does when listening or reading.
EQUIVALENT TRANSLATION - a type of translation which conveys the meaning and the form of the ST by means of equivalents.
EQUIVALENCE - a degree of similarity between source and target texts, muasured on a certain level.
EQUIVALENT - a word in the TL which somehow correspond to some word in the SL, and vice versa.
PERMANENT EQUIVALENT - an equivalent which directly corresponds to a certain word in the SL and completely conveys the meaning of the SL word (one-to-one correspondence).
OCCASIONAL EQUIVALENT - an occasional substitute for the SL word depending on the contextual meaning.
VARIABLE EQUIVALENT - one of several equivalents corresponding to the same word in the SL, which conveys the meaning of the SL word partially (one-to-many correspondence).
TRANSLATION MODEL - a conventional description of mental operations on speech and language units, conducted by a translator, and their explanation.
PRAGMATICS - the relations of the sign and its users; the analysis of language in terms of situational context within which utterances are made, including the knowledge and beliefs of the speaker and the attitude between speaker and listener.
COMMUNICATIVE EFFECT - an effect on the receptor, which is achieved to inform the receptor of something or cause some feelings.
DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE - a concept aimed at complete naturalness of expression and trying to relate the receptor to modes of behaviour relevant within the context of his own culture.