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Уч.пос. Кузякин А.С., Попова Т.Г. Английский язык для управления цепями поставок

2.45 Mб

Roberto: We also get preferential treatment for parking on the days we carpool.

Loreto: How would it work? Do we set up a schedule and take turns driving?

Roberto: Why don’t I swing by and pick you up tomorrow morning and we can talk more about it?

Loreto: If you don’t mind picking me up en route, that would be great. By the way, how do you know where I live?

Roberto: Oh, I asked around. See you tomorrow.

(From ESL Podcast 480)

Ex. 11 Questions for discussion

1.Do you think P&G and similar companies will change their supply systems away from large, single-category regional production sites? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of doing so?

2.If you were the head of logistics at a large international manufacturer of consumer goods, what arguments would you use before your executive board to explain the need to rethink the company's supply-chain system, based on the information in the article?

Unit 12 A new distribution model

Finding better ways to deliver the goods

by Rod Newing

Increased transport costs due to oil-price rises can change the economics on which supply chains were built.

Traditional strategies were aimed at reducing the amount of money tied up in inventory and the number of warehouses. However, this was often at the expense of increased frequency of deliveries and longer transport distance, and therefore higher emissions.

Strategies, such as just-in-time, lean manufacturing and even low-cost country sourcing, must be re-evaluated in the light of fuel prices. ‘We have entered a new era where different supply-chain strategies are needed to produce high performance’,


says Past the Tipping Point, a recent report from Accenture and i-log, a French business software company.

Jonathan Wright, a supply chain consultant at Accenture, explains that tippingpoint analysis is an end-to-end assessment of the supply chain. The aim is to understand at what point inventory should be held further forward in the supply chain to reduce transport costs.

Moving inventory closer to demand lowers transport and emissions at the expense of higher inventory costs. ‘The tipping point occurs at different fuel prices, depending on the type and nature of the product,’ he says. ‘The tipping point will be lower with a low-cost bulky product, such as soft drinks or paper. There will always be areas where just-in-time is the right thing to do and others where it is history.’

Kimberly-Clark's Network of the Future places distribution centres closer to its key customers and markets, reducing the number of delivery trips. Its strategy aims for 70 per cent of products to be made and sold in the same country. In the US alone in 2007, it saved nearly 2.8m miles and 500,000 gallons of fuel.

There is usually a carbon trade-off between more energy-efficient, centralised warehouses and transport costs, but, generally, cost and carbon reduction go together.

Professor Alan McKinnon, Director of the Logistics Research Centre at Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University, has identified nine ways of reducing carbon in freight transport, most of which will also reduce costs. These are: switch from road and air to rail or water; reduce the number of links in supply chains; reduce average journey length; increase average vehicle loading; reduce empty running; increase vehicle capacity; reschedule deliveries to off-peak periods; use more fuel-efficient vehicles; and use lower carbon fuels.

Sharing distribution centres and deliveries is a powerful way to reduce cost and carbon footprint. Judy Black-burn, Head of the UK Logistics team at consultancy Kurt Salmon Associates, says that when two competing companies have merged their logistics operations and vehicle deliveries, transport costs have fallen by 15 to 25 per cent, saving 300,000 – 400,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

‘Current supply-chain designs are primarily aimed at improving on-shelf availability, reducing cost and supporting sound financial figures, according to The 2016 Future Supply Chain: Serving Consumers in a Sustainable Way, a report by the Global Commerce Initiative of manufacturers and retailers and Capgemini, the consultancy firm. ‘In future, the industry must design for additional parameter, such as reduction in CO2 emissions, reduced energy consumption, and reduced traffic congestion.’


The report forecasts that finished products will be shipped to shared warehouses in which multiple manufacturers store their products. Shared transport will deliver to city hubs and regional consolidation centres. Final distribution to stores, pick-up points and homes will use consolidated deliveries.

Ex. 1 Translate the article above using the vocabulary and comments





at the expense of – за счет



increased frequency of deliveries –


возросшая частота поставок



longer transport distances – более


длинные маршруты перевозок



emissions – объем выхлопа


emissions n.pl. harmful gases that are sent




out into the air

just-in-time – точно в срок



lean manufacturing –


lean manufacturing n. a method of




production that aims to cut costs while




keeping quality high by producing only the




quantity of goods that has been ordered and




by reducing the amount of time and space




that the production process uses

low-cost country sourcing (LCCS) –


поиск поставщиков в странах с


низкой стоимостью








to re-evaluate strategies – оценить


по-новому стратегии




to produce high performance –


добиться высокой эффективности


past the tipping point – после

tipping point n. the moment that one




particular result of a process becomes the




most likely one, after a period when the result




was not sure







программного обеспечения







end-to-end assessment – оценка


полного цикла (сквозная)



to hold further forward in the supply






chain – продвинуть далее вперед по


цепи поставок (т.е. ближе к








to lower transport costs – снизить


транспортные расходы




inventory costs – расходы по


хранению запасов





to occur – наступать




type and nature of the product – тип


и характер продукта




low-cost bulky product

– дешевый

bulky adj. something that is bulky is bigger

громоздкий продукт



than other things and is difficult to carry or








soft drinks











of the

future – сети


(снабжения) будущего




key customers and markets –


ключевые потребители и рынки



delivery trip – рейс по доставке



to aim for – быть нацеленным на



to save fuel – сэкономить топливо

fuel n. a substance, such as coal, gas, or oil







that can be burnt to produce heat or energy

carbon trade-off – компромисс


trade off n. the act of balancing two things

углеродному выбросу



that you need but which are opposed to each




















reduction n. when prices, costs, etc. become

углеродного выброса



lower or are made lower















to identify ways – установить пути












to switch from road to rail –




с автодорог



железные дороги





link in chain – звено в цепи



average journey length – средняя


длина маршрута












average vehicle loading – средняя

vehicle n. car, bus, etc.

загрузка транспортного средств






empty running n. when trucks run without







carrying goods

vehicle capacity – грузовместимость

capacity n. 1. the amount of space a

транспортного средства



container has to hold things





reschedule v. to arrange a new time or date

перестроить поставки



for an event

off-peak periods – непиковые часы,

off-peak adj. Off-peak hours or periods are

часы затишья






the times when fewer people want to do or









use something


vehicles –


fuel-efficient adj. A fuel-efficient engine or





vehicle burns fuel in a more efficient way







than usual, so that it uses less fuel

lower carbon fuel – топливо с более


низким содержанием углерода



to share distribution centres and


deliveries – совместно использовать


оптовые базы и транспорт




carbon footprint – углеродный след

carbon footprint n. a measurement of the

(выброс диоксида углерода в

amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that a







company’s activities produce

logistics team – группа логистов














to merge logistics operations – слить

merge v. when two or more companies or

воедино логистические операции


organizations combine to form one bigger










to fall by 15% - упасть на 15%





– окись












primarily – в первую очередь



on-shelf availability – коэффициент

on-shelf availability n. having products on

готовности к продаже



the shelf and available for sale in a shop

to support sound financial figures –







финансовые показатели




Serving consumers in a sustainable

































Инициативная группа



производителей и


















to design for additional parameters –

parameters n.pl. a set of fixed limits that





control the way something is done


дополнительных параметров




energy consumption

– потребление















traffic n. the vehicles that are on a road at a

транспорта на дорогах



particular time


finished product – готовый продукт









используемый склад






multiple – многочисленный




to store – складировать



store v. to put things somewhere and keep








them until you need them








используемый транспорт





city hub – городской узел







consolidate v. to join things together into one

комплектования мелких грузов


















pick-up point – пункт самовывоза

pick up v. to collect something or someone








from somewhere













централизованная) доставка




Ex. 2 Which of the following statements are true and which are false?


1. Oil price rises because of the increased transport costs.


2.Traditionally logistics managers tried to decrease inventory at the same T/F time increasing frequency of deliveries.

3.At different times high performance can be achieved by similar supply T/F chain strategies.

4.Tipping-point analysis implies thorough research of the opposite ends of T/F any given supply chain.

5.The aim of tipping point analysis is to define the right time to move T/F inventory closer to where there is demand for it, be it manufacturing facilities or households.



The tipping point analysis is applicable to all areas of business.



Just-in-time method of organizing a supply chain is already a history.



Many tons of fuel can be saved by producing and consuming locally.



Supply chain costs grow when carbon emissions are reduced.


10.Rail and water deliveries produce less carbon emissions than road T/F

and air.

11.Sharing distribution centers and merging logistics operation T/F increases supply chain costs.

12. On-shelf availability is going to stay the only parameter to support T/F sound financial figures of any retail company in future.

Ex. 3 Translate from Russian into English

1.Возможность иметь меньшие запасы компенсировалась необходимостью совершать большее число рейсов грузового транспорта.

2.Мы вошли в эру диверсификации стратегий поставок для достижения максимальной эффективности бизнеса.

3.Переломный момент может наступить при различных ценах на топливо в зависимости от типа и характера продукта.

4.Одним из способов уменьшения углеродного следа является увеличение загрузки грузового транспорта.

5.Готовые продукты будут доставляться на совместно используемые оптовые базы при помощи совместно используемого транспорта.

Ex. 4 Find words or phrases in the article which match these meanings.

1locked away (so that it can't be used for anything else): t_____ __

2considering: i__ ___ _____ ___

3from start to finish: e______________

4the moment when one particular result of a process becomes the most likely one, after a period when the result was not sure: t___________ ______

5taking up a lot of space: b________

6an acceptable balance between two very different things: t____________

7the extent to which a truck has a full load: v__________ __________

8when trucks travel without carrying goods: e__________ _______

9less busy times of day for travelling: o__________ __________

10the amount of carbon emissions an activity produces: c__________


11joined part of their operations together: m_________

12factors, limits on how much should be allowed: p______________

13when several deliveries are combined together: c_______________

Ex. 5 Use the words and phrases from Exercise 4 to complete these sentences.


1.It is expensive to store ______ products in a warehouse, as they take up a lot of


2.For environmental reasons, most transport companies are trying to reduce their_________ ______.

3.One way to reduce carbon emissions is to deliver in ____-_____ periods, when there is less traffic.

4.Another way is to avoid ______ _______, when trucks return to a warehouse with no goods.

5.A third way is to increase average _________ _________by making sure that trucks have as full a load as possible.

6.The traditional strategy of supply chains was to avoid having too much capital

______ __ in inventory.

7.Supply chains in the future will have to take new ________ into account, such as carbon emissions and road congestion.

8.In the planning of distribution systems, it is often necessary to make a _____-

_____ between inventory costs and transport costs.

9.In the future, deliveries from different suppliers will be ________ so that trucks can carry full loads.

10.Some companies have ________ their logistics operations in order to reduce transport costs.

11.The ________ _______ of when it is cheaper to store goods closer to the customer rather than using just-in-time delivery depends on the transport cost and the type of product.

12.The company had to rethink its supply chain strategy ___ ____ ______

___new developments

13.in just-in-time management.

14.The consultant carried out an ____-____-____ assessment of the supply chain to understand more clearly the impact of holding inventory.

Ex. 6 Complete the phrases from the article using the prepositions in the box. at at between by from in in of of on on to to to to

1the economics _____which supply chains were built

2the amount of money tied up _____inventory

3___ the expense _____increased transport frequencies

4___ the light ____ fuel prices.

5to understand _____ what point inventory should beheld further forward in the supply chain

6depending _____ the type and nature of the product

7places distribution centres closer ____ its key customers


8a trade-off ____ more energy-efficient, centralised warehouses and transport


9switch ____ road and air ____ rail or water

10reschedule deliveries ___ off-peak periods

11transport costs have fallen ____ 15 to 20 percent

12final distribution ____ stores, pick-up points and homes will use consolidated deliveries.

Ex. 7 Match the sentence halves to form definitions.

1.A method of production that aims to cut costs by producing…

2.The activity of finding and buying materials, parts or products...

3.A system, especially for manufacturing,...

a)... from areas of the world where manufacturing costs are lower.

b)... where things are done, supplied or made only when they are needed.

c)... only the quantity of goods that has been ordered and by reducing the amount of time and space that the production process uses.

Ex. 8 Match each definition from Exercise 7 with the strategy for reducing the costs of production that it describes.


ii)lean manufacturing

iii)low-cost country sourcing

Ex. 9 Listen to the dialogue “Creating an Online Store” and commentaries coming after it. Give English definitions to the words and expressions in bold print. Learn the dialogue by heart and dramatize it with another student in class.

Kay: I’d say we’re well on our way to establishing our new online store.

Greg: I can’t wait for this to get off the ground. Orders will pour in and we’ll make money hand over fist.

Kay: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s see where we are in our preparations.

Greg: All right. We’ve created a marketing plan that includes several ways to drive traffic to our website.

Kay: That’s great. We’ve also installed a shopping cart and a secure way to process orders.

Greg: We can use that system to track orders, right?


Kay: That’s right. All customer information will be captured and we’ll have a database of information we can mine later.

Greg: That’s great. We already have a place to house the inventory and a way to track it.

Kay: Right you are. Now all we need is one last thing.Greg: We need to find a product to sell.

Kay: Yeah. Any ideas?Greg: No, none. You?

Kay: Nope. But as soon as we do, we’ll be the next big thing in ecommerce.

Greg: Definitely!

(from ESL Podcast 832)

Ex. 10 Questions for discussion

1.If you were to choose only three most effective out of the nine ways of reducing carbon emissions in freight transport mentioned by Professor McKinnon in the article, which would they be and why?

2.To what extent do you agree with the findings of the report The 2016 Future Supply Chain that, in future, companies will use shared warehouses close to customers and deliveries will be consolidated? Why?

Unit 13 Managing changes in demand

Make sure you have your Christmas stock in

by Alison Maitland

Every year at Christmas, muсh-advertised products disappear from the shelves long before most people have done their Christmas shopping, leaving consumers disappointed and frustrated.

Forecasting the right quantity of a product and getting it to the right place at the right time is a tough challenge for businesses, especially when the item is new. ‘It is the exciting products that are hard to forecast,’ says Martin Smith, Head of the

Manufacturing Industries Practice at PA Consulting.