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Cramer C.J. Essentials of Computational Chemistry Theories and Models

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where repeated application of Eq. (4.34) is used in proving that the energy eigenvalue of the many-electron wave function is simply the sum of the one-electron energy eigenvalues. Note that Eqs. (4.32)–(4.36) provide the mathematical rigor behind the Huckel¨ theory example presented more informally above. Note that if every ψ is normalized then HP is also normalized, since | HP|2 = |ψ1|2 |ψ2|2 · · · |ψN |2.

4.5.2The Hartree Hamiltonian

As noted above, however, the Hamiltonian defined by Eqs. (4.32) and (4.33) does not include interelectronic repulsion, computation of which is vexing because it depends not on one electron, but instead on all possible (simultaneous) pairwise interactions. We may ask, however, how useful is the Hartree-product wave function in computing energies from the correct Hamiltonian? That is, we wish to find orbitals ψ that minimize HP |H | HP . By applying variational calculus, one can show that each such orbital ψi is an eigenfunction of its own operator hi defined by







hi = −




+ Vi {j }











where the final term represents an interaction potential with all of the other electrons occupying orbitals {j } and may be computed as

Vi {j } = j i
















where ρj is the charge (probability) density associated with electron j . The repulsive third term on the r.h.s. of Eq. (4.37) is thus exactly analogous to the attractive second term, except that nuclei are treated as point charges, while electrons, being treated as wave functions, have their charge spread out, so an integration over all space is necessary. Recall, however, that ρj = |ψj |2. Since the point of undertaking the calculation is to determine the individual ψ, how can they be used in the one-electron Hamiltonians before they are known?

To finesse this problem, Hartree (1928) proposed an iterative ‘self-consistent field’ (SCF) method. In the first step of the SCF process, one guesses the wave functions ψ for all of the occupied MOs (AOs in Hartree’s case, since he was working exclusively with atoms) and uses these to construct the necessary one-electron operators h. Solution of each differential Eq. (4.34) (in an atom, with its spherical symmetry, this is relatively straightforward, and Hartree was helped by his retired father who enjoyed the mathematical challenge afforded by such calculations) provides a new set of ψ, presumably different from the initial guess. So, the one-electron Hamiltonians are formed anew using these presumably more accurate ψ to determine each necessary ρ, and the process is repeated to obtain a still better set of ψ. At some point, the difference between a newly determined set and the immediately preceding set falls below some threshold criterion, and we refer to the final set of ψ as the ‘converged’ SCF orbitals. (An example of a threshold criterion might be that the total electronic energy change by no more than 10−6 a.u., and/or that the energy eigenvalue for each MO change by



no more than that amount – such criteria are, of course, entirely arbitrary, and it is typically only by checking computed properties for wave functions computed with varying degrees of imposed ‘tightness’ that one can determine an optimum balance between convergence and accuracy – the tighter the convergence, the more SCF cycles required, and the greater the cost in computational resources.)

Notice, from Eq. (4.36), that the sum of the individual operators h defined by Eq. (4.37) defines a separable Hamiltonian operator for which HP is an eigenfunction. This separable Hamiltonian corresponds to a ‘non-interacting’ system of electrons (in the sense that each individual electron sees simply a constant potential with which it interacts – the nomenclature can be slightly confusing since the potential does derive in an average way from the other electrons, but the point is that their interaction is not accounted for instantaneously). The non-interacting Hamiltonian is not a good approximation to the true Hamiltonian, however, because each h includes the repulsion of its associated electron with all of the other electrons, i.e., hi includes the repulsion between electron i and electron j , but so too does hj . Thus, if we were to sum all of the one-electron eigenvalues for the operators hi , which according to Eq. (4.36) would give us the eigenvalue for our non-interacting Hamiltonian, we would double-count the electron–electron repulsion. It is a straightforward matter to correct for this double-counting, however, and we may in principle compute E = HP |H | HP not directly but rather as

E =







2 ψ 2


2 i=j


i |rij j dri drj











where i and j run over all the electrons, εi is the energy of MO i from the solution of the oneelectron Schrodinger¨ equation using the one-electron Hamiltonian defined by Eq. (4.37), and we have replaced ρ with the square of the wave function to emphasize how it is determined (again, the double integration over all space derives from the wave function character of the electron – the double integral appearing on the r.h.s. of Eq. (4.39) is called a ‘Coulomb integral’ and is often abbreviated as Jij ). In spite of the significant difference between the non-interacting Hamiltonian and the correct Hamiltonian, operators of the former type have important utility, as we will see in Sections 7.4.2 and 8.3 within the contexts of perturbation theory and density functional theory, respectively.

At this point it is appropriate to think about our Hartree-product wave function in more detail. Let us say we have a system of eight electrons. How shall we go about placing them into MOs? In the Huckel¨ example above, we placed them in the lowest energy MOs first, because we wanted ground electronic states, but we also limited ourselves to two electrons per orbital. Why? The answer to that question requires us to introduce something we have ignored up to this point, namely spin.

4.5.3 Electron Spin and Antisymmetry

All electrons are characterized by a spin quantum number. The electron spin function is an eigenfunction of the operator Sz and has only two eigenvalues, ±h/¯ 2; the spin eigenfunctions



are orthonormal and are typically denoted as α and β (not to be confused with the α and β of Huckel¨ theory!) The spin quantum number is a natural consequence of the application of relativistic quantum mechanics to the electron (i.e., accounting for Einstein’s theory of relativity in the equations of quantum mechanics), as first shown by Dirac. Another consequence of relativistic quantum mechanics is the so-called Pauli exclusion principle, which is usually stated as the assertion that no two electrons can be characterized by the same set of quantum numbers. Thus, in a given MO (which defines all electronic quantum numbers except spin) there are only two possible choices for the remaining quantum number, α or β, and thus only two electrons may be placed in any MO.

Knowing these aspects of quantum mechanics, if we were to construct a ground-state Hartree-product wave function for a system having two electrons of the same spin, say α, we would write

3 HP = ψa (1)α(1b (2)α(2)


where the left superscript 3 indicates a triplet electronic state (two electrons spin parallel) and ψa and ψb are different from one another (since otherwise electrons 1 and 2 would have all identical quantum numbers) and orthonormal. However, the wave function defined by Eq. (4.40) is fundamentally flawed. The Pauli exclusion principle is an important mnemonic, but it actually derives from a feature of relativistic quantum field theory that has more general consequences, namely that electronic wave functions must change sign whenever the coordinates of two electrons are interchanged. Such a wave function is said to be ‘antisymmetric’. For notational purposes, we can define the permutation operator Pij as the operator that interchanges the coordinates of electrons i and j . Thus, we would write the Pauli principle for a system of N electrons as

Pij [q1(1), . . . , qi (i), . . . , qj (j ), . . . , qN (N )]


= [q1(1), . . . , qj (i), . . . , qi (j ), . . . , qN (N )]


= − [q1(1), . . . , qi (i), . . . , qj (j ), . . . , qN (N )]


where q now includes not only the three Cartesian coordinates but also the spin function. If we apply P12 to the Hartree-product wave function of Eq. (4.40),

P12[ψa (1)α(1b (2)α(2)] = ψb(1)α(1a (2)α(2)


= −ψa (1)α(1b (2)α(2)


we immediately see that it does not satisfy the Pauli principle. However, a slight modification to HP can be made that causes it to satisfy the constraints of Eq. (4.41), namely


3 SD = √ [ψa (1)α(1b (2)α(2) ψa (2)α(2b (1)α(1)] (4.43)




(the reader is urged to verify that 3 SD does indeed satisfy the Pauli principle; for the ‘SD’ subscript, see next section). Note that if we integrate |3 SD|2 over all space we have

3 SD 2 dr11dr22 = 1 |ψa (1)|2 |α(1)|2 |ψb(2)|2 |α(2)|2dr11dr22


− 2 ψa (1b(1) |α(1)|2 ψb(2a (2) |α(2)|2 dr11dr22

+|ψa (2)|2 |α(2)|2 |ψb(1)|2 |α(1)|2dr11dr22

=1 (1 − 0 + 1)


= 1


where ω is a spin integration variable, the simplification of the various integrals on the r.h.s. proceeds from the orthonormality of the MOs and spin functions, and we see that the prefactor of 2−1/2 in Eq. (4.43) is required for normalization.

4.5.4 Slater Determinants

A different mathematical notation can be used for Eq. (4.43)




ψa (1)α(1)







ψa (2)α(2)





where the difference of MO products has been expressed as a determinant. Note that the permutation operator P applied to a determinant has the effect of interchanging two of the rows. It is a general property of a determinant that it changes sign when any two rows (or columns) are interchanged, and the utility of this feature for use in constructing antisymmetric wave functions was first exploited by Slater (1929). Thus, the ‘SD’ subscript used in Eqs. (4.43) –(4.45) stands for ‘Slater determinant’. On a term-by-term basis, Slaterdeterminantal wave functions quickly become rather tedious to write down, but determinantal notation allows them to be expressed reasonably compactly as, in general,







· · ·

χN (1)






· · ·

χN (2)










= √

. .










N ! .



. .






χ1(N )

χ2(N ) · · ·

χN (N )


where N is the total number of electrons and χ is a spin-orbital, i.e., a product of a spatial orbital and an electron spin eigenfunction. A still more compact notation that finds widespread use is

SD = |χ1χ2χ3 · · · χN




where the prefactor (N !)−1/2 is implicit. Furthermore, if two spin orbitals differ only in the spin eigenfunction (i.e., together they represent a doubly filled orbital) this is typically represented by writing the spatial wave function with a superscript 2 to indicate double occupation. Thus, if χ1 and χ2 represented α and β spins in spatial orbital ψ1, one would write

SD = ψ12χ3 · · · χN


Slater determinants have a number of interesting properties. First, note that every electron appears in every spin orbital somewhere in the expansion. This is a manifestation of the indistinguishability of quantum particles (which is violated in the Hartree-product wave functions). A more subtle feature is so-called quantum mechanical exchange. Consider the energy of interelectronic repulsion for the wave function of Eq. (4.43). We evaluate this as















3 SD


3 SDdr11dr22



|α(2)|2 dr11dr22





|ψa (1)|2 |α(1)|2 r12 |ψb(2)|2














− 2






ψa (1b(1) |α(1)|2


ψb(2a (2) |α(2)|2 dr11dr22







|ψa (2)|2 |α(2)|2 r12 |ψb(1)|2 |α(1)|2 dr11dr22















= 2


|ψa (1)|2 r12 |ψb(2)|2 dr1dr2




















− 2



ψb(2a (2)dr1dr2



ψa (1b(1)





+|ψa (2)|2

=1 Jab − 2


=Jab Kab

1 |ψb(1)|2 dr1dr2



ψa (1b(1) ψa (2b (2)dr1dr2 + Jab



Equation (4.49) indicates that for this wave function the classical Coulomb repulsion between the electron clouds in orbitals a and b is reduced by Kab, where the definition of this integral may be inferred from comparing the third equality to the fourth. This fascinating consequence of the Pauli principle reflects the reduced probability of finding two electrons of the same spin close to one another – a so-called ‘Fermi hole’ is said to surround each electron.

Note that this property is a correlation effect unique to electrons of the same spin. If we consider the contrasting Slater determinantal wave function formed from different spins


SD = √ [ψa (1)α(1b (2)β(2) ψa (2)α(2b (1)β(1)] (4.50)




and carry out the same evaluation of interelectronic repulsion we have


SD r12 SDdr11dr22





|ψa (1)|2 |α(1)|2 r12 |ψb(2)|2

|β(2)|2 dr11dr22















ψb(2a (2)α(2)β(2)dr1 1dr22



ψa (1b(1)α(1)β(1)








|ψa (2)|2 |α(2)|2 r12 |ψb(1)|2 |β(1)|2 dr11dr22













= 2



|ψa (1)|2 r12 |ψb(2)|2 dr1dr2
















− 2 · 0







|ψa (2)|2 r12 |ψb(1)|2 dr1dr2
















=1 (Jab + Jab )


= Jab


Note that the disappearance of the exchange correlation derives from the orthogonality of the α and β spin functions, which causes the second integral in the second equality to be zero when integrated over either spin coordinate.

4.5.5 The Hartree-Fock Self-consistent Field Method

Fock first proposed the extension of Hartree’s SCF procedure to Slater determinantal wave functions. Just as with Hartree product orbitals, the HF MOs can be individually determined as eigenfunctions of a set of one-electron operators, but now the interaction of each electron with the static field of all of the other electrons (this being the basis of the SCF approximation) includes exchange effects on the Coulomb repulsion. Some years later, in a paper that was critical to the further development of practical computation, Roothaan described matrix algebraic equations that permitted HF calculations to be carried out using a basis set representation for the MOs (Roothaan 1951; for historical insights, see Zerner 2000). We will forego a formal derivation of all aspects of the HF equations, and simply present them in their typical form for closed-shell systems (i.e., all electrons spin-paired, two per occupied orbital) with wave functions represented as a single Slater determinant. This formalism is called ‘restricted Hartree-Fock’ (RHF); alternative formalisms are discussed in Chapter 6.

The one-electron Fock operator is defined for each electron i as




nuclei Zk

+ ViHF{j }


fi = −









where the final term, the HF potential, is 2Ji Ki , and the Ji and Ki operators are defined so as to compute the Jij and Kij integrals previously defined above. To determine the MOs using the Roothaan approach, we follow a procedure analogous to that previously described for Huckel¨ theory. First, given a set of N basis functions, we solve the secular equation





· · ·









· · ·









. .




















FN 1 ESN 1

FN 2 ESN 2

· · · FN N ESN N




to find its various roots Ej . In this case, the values for the matrix elements F and S are computed explicitly.

Matrix elements S are the overlap matrix elements we have seen before. For a general matrix element Fµν (we here adopt a convention that basis functions are indexed by lowercase Greek letters, while MOs are indexed by lower-case Roman letters) we compute

Fµν =

µ 2 2




µ rk

















+ λσ

Pλσ (µν|λσ )


(µλ|νσ )













The notation µ|g|ν where g is some operator which takes basis function φν as its argument, implies a so-called one-electron integral of the form

µ|g|ν = φµ(gφν )dr. (4.55)

Thus, for the first term in Eq. (4.54) g involves the Laplacian operator and for the second term g is the distance operator to a particular nucleus. The notation (µν|λσ ) also implies a specific integration, in this case

(µν|λσ ) =


φλ(2σ (2)dr(1)dr(2)


φµ(1ν (1) r12


where φµ and φν represent the probability density of one electron and φλ and φσ the other. The exchange integrals (µλ|νσ ) are preceded by a factor of 1/2 because they are limited to electrons of the same spin while Coulomb interactions are present for any combination of spins.

The final sum in Eq. (4.54) weights the various so-called ‘four-index integrals’ by elements of the ‘density matrix’ P. This matrix in some sense describes the degree to which individual basis functions contribute to the many-electron wave function, and thus how energetically important the Coulomb and exchange integrals should be (i.e., if a basis function fails to contribute in a significant way to any occupied MO, clearly integrals involving that basis




function should be of no energetic importance). The elements of P are computed as








Pλσ = 2


aλi aσ i


where the coefficients aζ i specify the (normalized) contribution of basis function ζ to MO i and the factor of two appears because with RHF theory we are considering only singlet wave functions in which all orbitals are doubly occupied.

While the process of solving the HF secular determinant to find orbital energies and coefficients is quite analogous to that already described above for effective Hamiltonian methods, it is characterized by the same paradox present in the Hartree formalism. That is, we need to know the orbital coefficients to form the density matrix that is used in the Fock matrix elements, but the purpose of solving the secular equation is to determine those orbital coefficients. So, just as in the Hartree method, the HF method follows a SCF procedure, where first we guess the orbital coefficients (e.g., from an effective Hamiltonian method) and then we iterate to convergence. The full process is described schematically by the flow chart in Figure 4.3. The energy of the HF wavefunction can be computed in a fashion analogous to Eq. (4.39).

Hartree –Fock theory as constructed using the Roothaan approach is quite beautiful in the abstract. This is not to say, however, that it does not suffer from certain chemical and practical limitations. Its chief chemical limitation is the one-electron nature of the Fock operators. Other than exchange, all electron correlation is ignored. It is, of course, an interesting question to ask just how important such correlation is for various molecular properties, and we will examine that in some detail in following chapters.

Furthermore, from a practical standpoint, HF theory posed some very challenging technical problems to early computational chemists. One problem was choice of a basis set. The LCAO approach using hydrogenic orbitals remains attractive in principle; however, this basis set requires numerical solution of the four-index integrals appearing in the Fock matrix elements, and that is a very tedious process. Moreover, the number of four-index integrals is daunting. Since each index runs over the total number of basis functions, there are in principle N 4 total integrals to be evaluated, and this quartic scaling behavior with respect to basis-set size proves to be the bottleneck in HF theory applied to essentially any molecule.

Historically, two philosophies began to emerge at this stage with respect to how best to make further progress. The first philosophy might be summed up as follows: The HF equations are very powerful but still, after all, chemically flawed. Thus, other approximations that may be introduced to simplify their solution, and possibly at the same time improve their accuracy (by some sort of parameterization to reproduce key experimental quantities), are well justified. Many computational chemists continue to be guided by this philosophy today, and it underlies the motivation for so-called ‘semiempirical’ MO theories, which are discussed in detail in the next chapter.

The second philosophy essentially views HF theory as a stepping stone on the way to exact solution of the Schrodinger¨ equation. HF theory provides a very well defined energy, one which can be converged in the limit of an infinite basis set, and the difference between that



Choose a basis set

Choose a molecular geometry q(0)

Compute and store all overlap,

one-electron, and two-electron Guess initial density matrix P(0) integrals

Construct and solve Hartree–

Fock secular equation

Replace P(n−1)

with P(n)

Construct density matrix from

occupied MOs



Choose new geometry according to optimization algorithm


Is new density matrix P(n)


sufficiently similar to old


density matrix P(n–1) ?



Optimize molecular geometry?





Does the current geometry

Output data for

satisfy the optimization

unoptimized geometry




Output data for optimized geometry

Figure 4.3 Flow chart of the HF SCF procedure. Note that data for an unoptimized geometry is referred to as deriving from a so-called ‘single-point calculation’

converged energy and reality is the electron correlation energy (ignoring relativity, spin–orbit coupling, etc.). It was anticipated that developing the technology to achieve the HF limit with no further approximations would not only permit the evaluation of the chemical utility of the HF limit, but also probably facilitate moving on from that base camp to the Schrodinger¨ equation summit. Such was the foundation for further research on ‘ab initio’ HF theory, which forms the subject of Chapter 6.

Bibliography and Suggested Additional Reading

Frenking, G. 2000. “Perspective on ‘Quantentheoretische Beitrage¨ zum Benzolproblem. I. Die Elektronenkonfiguration des Benzols und verwandter Beziehungen” Theor. Chem. Acc., 103, 187.



Hehre, W. J.,

Radom, L., Schleyer, P. v. R., and Pople, J. A. 1986. Ab Initio Molecular Orbital

Theory , Wiley: New York.

Levine, I. N. 2000. Quantum Chemistry , 5th Edn., Prentice Hall: New York.

Lowry, T. H. and Richardson, K. S. 1981. Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry , 2nd Edn., Harper & Row: New York, 82 – 112.

Szabo, A. and Ostlund, N. S. 1982. Modern Quantum Chemistry , Macmillan: New York.


Berson, J. A. 1996. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 35, 2750. Frenking. G. 2000. Theor. Chem. Acc., 103, 187.

Gobbi, A. and Frenking, G. 1994. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 9275. Hartree, D. R. 1928. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 24, 89, 111, 426. Huckel,¨ E. 1931. Z. Phys., 70, 204.

MacDonald, J. K. L. 1933. Phys. Rev., 43, 830.

Mo, Y. R., Lin, Z. Y., Wu, W., and Zhang, Q. N. 1996. J. Phys. Chem., 100, 6469. Roothaan, C. C. J. 1951. Rev. Mod. Phys., 23, 69.

Slater, J. C., 1930. Phys. Rev., 35, 210.

Zerner, M. C. 2000. Theor. Chem. Acc., 103, 217.

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