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Please, look at the photo of a crime scene. Try to find and name as many pieces of evidence as you can.

Please, fill in the table with the information you’ve just gathered.

The piece of evidence

The probable cause; ideas about the chain of events.










Read the following words and check

your pronunciation:


piece [pis], evidence [„evidəns], fingerprints [„fiŋgəprints], forensic [fə‟rænsik] medical [„mædikəl] examination [ikzemi‟neiʃn], expert [„ækspət], search [„sə:tʃ], evidence [„ævidəns], interview [intə:‟vju], reveal [ri‟vi:l] mystery [„mistəri], cigarette [sigə‟ret] stub [stʌb], traces

[„treisiz] of [ɔv] lipstick [„lipstik], hide [haid], leave [l:v], untouched [ʌn‟ta:tʃt], barrier [„bæriə:] tape [teip], crime [kraim] scene [si:n], body [„bʌdi] materials [mə‟ti:riəls], hair [həa], tire [„taiə] track

[træk], footprint [„futprint]


Try to remember the words below, please:

the barrier tape of

an inspector –

a medical expert –

the crime scene –


медичний експерт

стрічка, що огороджує



місце скоєння злочину



forensic medical examination

– to search for evidence –

a piece of evidence –

судово-медична експертиза

шукати речові докази

речовий доказ

hair –

a cigarette stub –

a footprint –


недопалок цигарки

відбиток ноги

fingerprints –

traces of lipstick –

a tire track –

відбитки пальців

сліди від помади

слід від шини

to use the K-9 unit –

to leave the crime scene

to reveal the mystery –


untouched –

розкрити таємницю

кінологічний підрозділ

залишити місце скоєння



злочину недотòрканим


to interview the suspect –

опитувати підозрюваного


to hide the facts –

body materials –

приховувати факти

фізичні матеріали

Please, use the key words and complete each sentence. Read the story.

1. That morning the whole city

2. _____ Baldwin arrived to the

was shocked by the news about

park at 5 a.m.

the murder in the Central Park.


3. Baldwin crossed the______

and started working.

4. The victims were two people: a man and a woman. The medical experts claimed the time of their death to be at 3 a.m.

5. Baldwin started to ________.

7. It seemed strange, because it wasn‟t dirty and had the

________ on it.

9. One of them was a piece of dark _____ on the coat of the victim, who was blond.

11. Those footprints led him to another detail – a __________.

6. The first thing that came to his eye was a “fresh” ____________.

8. There were also other ______.

10. The inspector noticed several

_______ not far from the road.

12. Inspector Baldwin told the officers to _________________.

13. Then he decided to ______.

14. The track led the inspector to a small cottage not far from the city.

15.A young dark-haired 16. “I‟m close to _______ of

woman opened the door.

that murder”, Baldwin thought.

17. Inspector Baldwin introduced himself and started to ______.

18. Although the woman behaved very calmly, she seemed to ____________.

19. At last, the inspector claimed that he had found her

______ at the crime scene.

20. The woman denied everything, so Baldwin decided to make the ________________.

To be continued...


Put the sentences in the correct order according to the previous story. Please, try to retell the story.

That morning the whole city was shocked by the news about the murder in the Central Park.

Then he decided to use the K-9 unit.

The woman denied everything, so Baldwin decided to make the forensic medical examination.

Inspector Baldwin introduced himself and started to interview the suspect.

Inspector Baldwin arrived to the park at 5 a.m.

The track led the inspector to a small cottage not far from the city.

Baldwin crossed the barrier tape of the crime scene and started working.

Baldwin started to search for evidence.

There were also other pieces of evidence.

At last, the inspector claimed that he had found her body materials at the crime scene.

“I‟m close to reveal the mystery of that murder”, Baldwin thought.

Although the woman behaved very calmly, she seemed to hide the facts.

The first thing that came to his eye was a “fresh” cigarette stub.

The inspector noticed several footprints not far from the road.

It seemed strange, because it wasn‟t dirty and had the traces of lipstick on it.

The victims were two people: a man and a woman. The medical experts claimed the time of their death to be at 3 a.m.

One of them was a piece of dark hair on the coat of the victim, who was blond.

Those footprints led him to another detail – a tire track.

Inspector Baldwin told the officers to keep the crime scene untouched.

A young dark-haired woman opened the door.


Please, fill in the blanks with the words from the word bank. If you manage to do the task correctly, you will find another piece of evidence.

body materials evidence

leave the crime scene untouched

reveal the mystery tire track use the K-9 unit

1.Inspector Baldwin found the woman‟s____________ at the crime scene.

2.The police officers usually_________________ when it‟s necessary to find the suspects.

3.It is sometimes very difficult to _____________of a crime.

4.If someone doesn‟t ______________, the crime may never be investigated.

5.Inspectors always start their work from searching for some pieces of


6.The ____________ led the police officers to the crime scene.

Please, write down the key letters from each word in the order that you put them in the exercise above. Write down the key word. That’s the new piece of evidence!

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____



Please read the dialogues and try to fill in the table below with the information according to the dialogues. In pairs, try to act out one of the dialogues.

Dialogue # 1. The inspector questioned Camilla Woods.

Inspector: What were you doing from 11 p.m. till 2 a.m. yesterday evening?

Camilla: I was staying at home with my boyfriend, Alex Fenimore.

Inspector: Did you stay with him all night?

Camilla: Yes. He left my house in the morning.

Inspector: How can you prove it?

Camilla: You can ask Alex, he will prove it. Camilla

Inspector: How can you explain the fact that your hair and a cigarette stub were found at the murder crime scene earlier this morning?

Camilla: (Starts crying) Look, inspector Baldwin! I didn‟t do anything bad!

You didn‟t mean to... I...I...

Inspector: Thank you, Miss Woods. You have to stay in the police custody until the investigation ends.

The medical experts, who were staying at the crime scene, phoned inspector Baldwin and claimed that they had found another piece of evidence – a bullet. But it wasn’t used to kill anyone. Someone had just

made one shot into the ground.


Dialogue # 2. Next the inspector questioned Alex Fenimore.

Inspector: What did you do last night, Alex?


Alex: My girl-friend Camilla Woods and I stayed at


her place.


Inspector: Did you go out?


Alex: No, we were staying at home the whole night




Inspector: Why did you shoot into the ground in the


Central Park last night?


Alex: What?! Don‟t tell me I am a suspect! I‟ve just told you that I was staying at home the whole night.

Inspector: Listen, Alex. We know everything, so it‟s better for you to cooperate. So, why did you shoot into the ground last night?

Alex: I am not going to say a single word without a lawyer.

Inspector: Ok, you have a right for it. I‟m going to call the lawyer.





1. What did they do



last night?








What time was it?








Did they go out?








Evidence against






Please, try to guess what happened last night in the Central Park. Did

Alex and Camilla commit the murder? Why do you think so? Name the

pieces of evidence against these people and give your reasons.

Dialogue # 3. The inspec or interviewed Camilla Woods for the second time.

Inspector: Camilla, tell the truth, please. What happened last night in the Central Park?

Camilla: Alex and I were staying at home till 9 p.m. Then we decided to go for a walk in the park.

Inspector: What happened next?

Camilla: We started quarrelling and Alex was behaving very aggressively. He tried to kill me. He beat me several time on my head.

Inspector: Did anyone see that?

Camilla: Unfortunately, a young couple was walking by, and the young man

tried to protect me... and.. and... (cries).

Inspector: Who was it? Do you know him?

Camilla: No, he was just a passer-by.

Inspector: Ok, continue. What happened next?

Camilla: Alex was very angry. He was drunk and started fighting with the young man..

Inspector: And?

Camilla: At last Alex took out a gun and made a shot! But he made a shot into the ground.

Inspector: But why is the young couple dead? Who killed them?

Camilla: Ok, inspector, if I‟m going to tell the truth, will you decrease my punishment?

Inspector: It depends on what you are going to tell. Continue.

Camilla: Alex killed the young man, and he forced me to help him to kill the

woman as well. Then we hid the corpses...

Inspector: Thank you for information, Miss Woods.