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Please, test your knowledge on drugs and drug abuse by taking the 2014 National Drug IQ Challenge. Answer the questions of the quiz and check your answers working in pairs.

1. In 2009, what percentage of 16 or 17-year-olds drove under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

A.1.2% B. 3.6% C. 6.3% D.10.7%

2. Which of the following statements about the popular ADHD drug Adderall is true?

A. It can make a person smarter.

B.It can help a person focus, even if they don‘t have ADHD.

C.It causes your body to need less sleep.

D.None of the above.

3. Some young people who abuse opioid painkillers like OxyContin switch to heroin—True or False?



4. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the U.S. It causes:

A.About 1 in every 5 early deaths B.About 1 in every 20 early deaths C.About 1 in every 100 early deaths D.About 1 in every 200 early deaths


Read the following words and check your



substance [‗sʌbstins], envelope [‗envələʊp], parcel [‗pa:sil], external [iks‘tə;nəl], size [saiz], granular [‗grenjulə:], liquid [‗likid], gaseous [‗gæzəʊs], health [hælθ], touching [‗tʌtʃiŋ], duty [‗djuti], expert [‗ekspə:t], chemical [‗kæmikəl] expertise [‗ekspə:taiz], cause [kɔ:z] burn [bə:n], poisoning [‗poizəniŋ], poisonous [‗poizəəs], smuggling [‗smʌgliŋ]


Try to remember the words below, please:

external signs –

an officer on duty –

a granular substance –

зовнішні ознаки

черговий офіцер

гранульована речовина

a size of an object –

a suspicious substance –

a chemical expertise –

розмір об’єкту

підозріла речовина

хімічна експертиза

to cause burns –

to cause poisoning –

a gaseous substance –

спричиняти опіки

спричиняти отруєння

газоподібна речовина

a solid substance –

a state of health –

a medical expert –

тверда речовина

стан здоров’я

медичний експерт

to restrict touching –

drug trafficking –

an illicit substance –

заборонити доторкання

обіг наркотиків

заборонена речовина

a poisonous substance –

a substance of unknown

a liquid substance –

отруйна речовина

origin – речовина невідомого рідка речовина




an envelope –



a parcel –

smuggling –

згорток/ бандероль


Please, use the key words and complete each sentence. Read the story.

1. That evening Dan Brown

2. He was screening the

was the ___________ in the

luggage and suddenly noticed a

Sfax airport.

suspicious ________.

3. Dan opened the parcel and

4. Officer Brown called a

saw a lot of small ________.

_________ immediately.

5. Together they opened one of the envelopes and discovered

_____________ inside of it.

7. She decided to take the envelopes for ____________.

9. All the content of the parcel turned out to be ___________.

11. The second envelope contained parts of _______ that looked like bronze.

6. The medical expert looked at it and claimed that that was


8. During the expertise the scientists opened all of the envelopes that had various ___.

10. The first envelope was full of some unknown __________.

12. The third envelope was bigger than the others, it contained bottles with ______.

13. At last the experts found a metal can on the bottom of the parcel. There was ______


15. The specialists _________

them immediately.

14. All of the substances found there turned out to be _______.

16. Because those substances might have _______ or


17. The officer pulled the owner of the parcel out of line and charged him with ______.

19. Please, mind that suspicious substances may damage ______.

18. After investigation of that crime the smuggler might have been charged with _______ as well.

20. Never touch them and call up the police at that particular moment!

Please, do a small quiz to find out whether you can distinguish a suspicious substance or not.

1. Which is the distinctive mark of a suspicious substance?

a) red color b) enormous size c) strange smell d) strange noise

2. Choose the words that characterize a substance.

a) gaseous or liquid b) healthy or unhealthy c) big or small d) nice

3. Which are the effects a suspicious substance may cause?

a) change of pulse b) insomnia c) burns and poisonings d) arrest


Put the sentences in the correct order according to the previous story. Please, try to retell the story.

At last the experts found a metal can on the bottom of the parcel. There was a gaseous substance there.

Never touch them and call up the police at that particular moment!

That evening Dan Brown was the officer on duty in the Sfax airport.

The officer pulled the owner of the parcel out of line and charged him with smuggling.

The first envelope was full of some unknown granular substance.

During the expertise the scientists opened all of the envelopes that had various external signs.

The third envelope was bigger than the others, it contained bottles with liquid substances.

She decided to take the envelopes for a chemical expertise.

Dan opened the parcel and saw a lot of small envelopes.

Please, mind that suspicious substances may damage the state o health.

All of the substances found there turned out to be illicit substances.

Officer Brown called a medical expert immediately.

The second envelope contained parts of a solid substance that looked like bronze.

All the content of the parcel turned out to be poisonous substances.

After investigation of that crime the smuggler might have been charged with drug trafficking as well.

Because those substances might have cause burns or poisonings.

He was screening the luggage and suddenly noticed a suspicious parcel.

Together they opened one of the envelopes and discovered a suspicious substance inside of it.

The specialists restricted touching them immediately.

The medical expert looked at it and claimed that that was a substance of unknown origin.



Please read the dialogue and try to fill in the table below with the information according to the dialogue. In pairs, try to act out one of the dialogue.

“A suspicious neighbour”

Inspector: Good morning sir. Can I ask you several questions about your neighbour, Mr. Perkins?

Witness: Good morning officer. Yes, I‘m ready to answer all your questions.

Inspector: OK. When did you see Mr. Perkins last time?

Witness: I saw him last Sunday night.

Inspector: Was he alone or with someone else?

Witness: He entered his house with two other men.

Inspector: Did the other men have any distinctive features?

Witness: I didn‘t notice anything special, except that they were Mexicans.

Inspector: OK. Did they carry anything suspicious?

Witness: Oh... I think, yes. Mr. Perkins and one of the men were carrying large carton boxes.

Inspector: Good. And the last question. Have you ever noticed Mr. Perkins behaving in a strange way? If yes – how did he behave?

Witness: Yes, there was an extraordinary situation a few weeks ago. Mr. Perkins came to my place and asked for some food. I invited him to have a dinner with me and... he ate a lot, I must say. Maybe he‘s ill...

Inspector: Maybe, sir. Maybe... Thank you for information. You‘ve been very helpful. Take care!

When did Mr. Perkins appear last time?

Who did he come home with?

What did they carry ?

How did the suspect behave?


1. Please, read the sentences and choose one of the words from the word bank to fill in the gaps.

substance gaseous health poisonous chemical burns envelope granular

1.The officer found a suspicious _____________ in the pocket of one of the suspects while frisking him.

2.Last Sunday Miss Pole received an __________ which contained a poisonous substance.

3.Touching suspicious substances may cause ___________.

4.The state of __________ of one of the victims was critical.

5.It is necessary to make a _____________ expertise in case of finding substances of unknown origin.

6.The can contained a ______________ substance that caused poisoning of three people who were nearby at the moment of opening the can.

7.Uranium is in the list of ____________ substances.

8.Drugs are mostly _____________ substances.

2. Please, write down the phrases below in your native language:

a state of health of a patient___________________________________

drug trafficking is banned ____________________________________

all the drugs are illicit substances ______________________________

the experts restricted touching the object _______________________

always mark external signs of the substances ____________________



Please, read the text below and answer the questions according to the text.

El Chapo, Most-Wanted Drug

Lord, Is Captured in Mexico

MEXICO CITY — Just before 7 a.m. on Saturday, dozens of soldiers and police officers descended on a condominium tower in Mazatlan, Mexico, a beach resort known as much as a hangout for drug traffickers as for its seafood and surf.

The forces were following yet another tip about the whereabouts of one of the world‘s most wanted drug kingpins,

Joaquin Guzman Loera — known as El Chapo. With an army of guards and lethally enforced loyalty, he reigned over a worldwide, multibillion-dollar drug empire that supplied much of the cocaine and marijuana to the United States despite a widespread, years long manhunt by American and Mexican forces.

Mr. Guzman faces a slew of drug trafficking and organized crime charges in the United States, which had offered $5 million for information leading to his arrest in the hopes of dealing a crippling blow to an organization that is the country‘s top provider of illicit drugs.

Some Mexicans greeted the news of his capture with a shrug as drug violence continues. There is also uncertainty over what to believe about Mr. Guzman. ―He was somebody who existed,‖ said Gustavo Colin in Mexico City, ―and didn‘t exist.‖

1. What was the suspect arrested for?


-drug trafficking;


2. Where was El Chapo from?

-from the USA;

-from Indonesia;

-from Mexico.

3. How much money was offered for the information?

-$ 5,000;

-$ 5,00;

-$ 5,000,000.