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Please, look at the picture and try to say where the suspects of the crime were that evening. Who could most easily kill Jeremy?

Read the following words and check your pronunciation:

bodily [‘bʌdili] injuries [‘iŋdʒəriz], disappear [dizə’pi:a], untouched [ʌn’tʌtʃt], alibi [ələ’bai], trace [treis], armed [a:md], run [rʌn] away [ə’wei], victim [‘viktim], evidence [‘evidəns], stolen [‘stəʊlən] item [‘aitim], applicant [‘eplikənt], fingerprints [‘fiŋgə:prints], cordon [‘kɔ:dn] crime [kraim] scene [si:n], investigate [investi’geit] circumstances [‘sə:kʌmstənsiz] of [ʌv] crime [kraim]


Try to remember the words below, please:

to cause bodily injuries –

to disappear –

to keep the crime scene

нанести тілесні


untouched –



залишити місце злочину




to have an alibi –

to leave traces on the body –

the number of suspects –

мати алібі

залишити сліди на тілі

кількість підозрюваних

to be armed –

to run away –

a victim –

бути озброєним



evidence –

a list of stolen items –

an applicant of a crime –

речовий доказ

список вкрадених речей

заявник злочину

fingerprints –

to cordon a crime scene –

to investigate the

відбитки пальців

огородити місце скоєння

circumstances of a crime –



розслідувати обставини




an inspector –

a murder –

a witness –





Please, use the key words and complete

each sentence. Read the story.

1. ________ Davis arrived at

2. The _________ were at the

the country house at 9 a.m.


3. Inspector Davis came to

4. The ______ was a man, Mr.

that house to investigate a




5. He died because someone had ____________ to him.

6. After that the killer ______.

7. Inspector



8. There was a great _______

everyone in



because the house was full of



people the previous night.

9. Two of the suspects had an


11. That means that he may have left ______ on the rifle.

10. There were three facts that narrowed the number of suspects: the killer _______

with a rifle.

12. The killer left ______: a red scarf.

13. The medical experts said that the victim had _______

of the killer.

15. But it turned out that he

had __________...

14. First of all, the inspector decided to talk to the

________, Mr. Cooper.

16. That is how inspector Davis started ___________ in the country house.

Please, answer the questions according to the text above.

1.What happened in the country house?

2.Who was the applicant of the crime? Is this person a suspect? Why?

3.Why did the victim die?


Put the sentences in the correct order according to the previous story. Please, try to retell the story.

Inspector Davis arrived at the country house at 9 a.m.

Inspector Davis came to that house to investigate a murder.

But it turned out that he had run away...

There was a great number of suspects because the house was full of people the previous night.

The killer left an evidence: a red scarf.

The victim was a man, Mr. Taylor.

That means that he may have left fingerprints on the rifle.

Inspector Davis asked everyone in the house to keep the crime scene untouched.

Two of the suspects had an alibi.

There were three facts that narrowed the number of suspects: the killer was armed with a rifle.

The medical experts said that the victim had left traces on the body of the killer.

He died because someone had caused bodily injuries to him.

The witnesses were at the kitchen.

After that the killer disappeared.

That is how inspector Davis started to investigate the circumstances of the crime in the country house.

First of all, the inspector decided to talk to the applicant of the crime, Mr. Cooper.



Please read the dialogues and try to fill in the table below with the information according to the dialogues. In pairs, try to act out one of the dialogues.

Dialogue # 1. The inspector questioned Barbara Travers.

Inspector: What did you do after dinner yesterday evening?

Barbara: After dinner? I played cards with Gordon, and then I went to bed.

Inspector: What time was that?

Barbara: It was about half past eleven. I remember I looked at my watch.

Inspector: Did you hear anything in your father’s room?

Barbara: No. I didn’t hear anything. Barbara

Inspector: Did you have any problems with your father?

Barbara: No. No problems at all. My father was a wonderful man and a perfect father.

Inspector: Thank you, Miss Travers.

Dialogue # 2. Next, the inspector questioned Gordon Smith. Inspector: What did you do after dinner, Gordon?

Gordon: I played cards with Barbara. Then she went to bed.

Inspector: Did you go to bed then?

Gordon: No, I stayed in the sitting room and I had a glass of whisky. Then I went to bed.

Inspector: What time was that?

Gordon: I don’t remember exactly. I didn’t look at the time.

Inspector: Did you hear anything during the night?

Gordon: No, I didn’t. I was very tired and I slept very well.

Inspector: You and Mr. Travers were business partners, weren’t you?

Gordon: Yes, that’s right.

Inspector: And it’s a very good business,

I understand.

Gordon: Yes, inspector, it is.

Inspector: And now it is your business.


Gordon: Listen, inspector, I didn’t kill Jeremy. He was my partner and he was my friend.

Dialogue # 3. Finally, the inspector questioned Claudia Simeone.

Inspector: What did you do yesterday evening after dinner?

Claudia: I went to my room and had a bath and I went to bed.

Inspector: What time was that?

Claudia: About 11:00.

Inspector: Did you hear anything?

Claudia: Yes, I heard somebody go into

Jeremy’s room. It was about 12:00.

Inspector: Who was it?

Claudia: It was Amanda, his wife.

Inspector: Are you sure? Did you see her? Claudia

Claudia: Well, no. I didn’t see her. But I’m sure it was Amanda.

Inspector: You were Mr. Travers’ secretary, Claudia.

Claudia: Yes, I was.

Inspector: Were you just a secretary?

Claudia: What do you mean?

Inspector: Were you in love with Mr. Travers?

Claudia: No, I wasn’t.

Inspector: The truth, please, Claudia.

Claudia: Very well, inspector. Yes, I was in




love with him and he said he was in love with




me. He said he wanted to leave his wife –




Amanda – and marry me. I was stupid. I




believed him. He used me, inspector! I was




very angry with him!




Inspector: Did you kill him?





Claudia: No, inspector. I loved him.
















1. What did

She went for





they do after

a walk

















2. What time






did they go to


















3. Did they hear







door opened






and closed.











4. Possible

She hated

















Please, try to guess who committed the murder of Jeremy Travers.

Give your reasons.