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Please, read the recommendations of the police officer. What is their main purpose? Add some of your recommendations.

1.Lock your doors!

2.Never leave the keys in the ignition or in the vehicle!

3.NEVER warm up the engine of your vehicle during your absence!

4.Never leave your wallet or other personal items in your car!





Read the following words and check your pronunciation:

vehicle [ʹvi:ıkl], auto [ʹɔ:tɔ], theft [θeft], identification [aıdentıfıʹkeıʃ(ə)n], licence [ʹlaıs(ə)ns], engine [ʹendӡın], key [ki:], ignition [ıgʹnıʃən], recover [rɪ'kʌvə], idle

[ʹaıdl], enter [ʹentə], joyride [ʹdӡɔıraıd], recover [rıʹkʌvə], witness [ʹwıtnıs], immediately [ıʹmi:djətlı], stolen vehicle bulletin ['stəulən 'viːɪkl 'bulɪtɪn], spike strip [spaɪk strɪp]


Try to remember the words below, please:

to run the engine –

to idle – працювати

a running engine –

заводити двигун


заведений двигун

to enter the car –

to drive off – від’їхати

to call the police –

сідати в автомобіль


викликати поліцію

to fill out the stolen vehicle bulletin –

a rental car – to fit the description –

скласти протокол про викрадення


відповідати опису

транспортного засобу



to use spike strips –

to recover the car –

to arrest – арештовувати


повернути автомобіль


шиповані смуги



a high speed chase –

a gas station – автозаправна teenagers – підлітки

гонитва на високій швидкості


keys in the ignition –

ключі у замку запалення


joyride – поїздка


на автомобілі


(без дозволу власника)

транспортний номер

Please, use the key words and complete each sentence. Read the story.

1. Last summer my friend with other tourists visited London.

2. They travelled by a _______.

3. Once they arrived at the

4. They left the vehicle with a


__________ for a while.









5. The rental car was _____ for

6. Suddenly, some teenagers

a few minutes.


7. They noticed the ________.

9. ... because they didn’t even have to _______________.

11. My friend ______ at that very moment.

8. They ______ immediately,

10. They stole the car for a ___.

12. At first, the police officer asked the _____ of the stolen


13. And filled out the _______.

15. In 5 minutes, the police

noticed a car that ________.

17. Finally, the police___them.

14. After that, the officer ordered to start a ___________.

16. They had to use _______ to stop the teenagers.

18. And _______ to my friend.


Put the sentences in the correct order according to the previous story. Please, try to retell it.

Once they arrived at the gas station.

They noticed the keys in the ignition.

They left the vehicle with a running engine for a while.

Last summer my friend with other tourists visited London.

They drove off immediately, because they even didn’t have to run the engine.

Suddenly, some teenagers entered the car.

They stole the car for a joyride.

They travelled by a rental car.

And filled out the stolen vehicle bulletin.

They had to use spike strips to stop teenagers.

At first, the police officer asked the VIN of the stolen car.

Finally, the police officers arrested them.

After that, the officer ordered to start a high-speed chase.

And recovered the rental car to my friend.

In 5 minutes, the police noticed a car that fit the description.

My friend called the Police at that very moment.

The rental car was idling for a few minutes.



With a partner, act out the roles below. Then switch roles.

Officer 1: Is it the bulletin about a stolen Charlotte Impreza?

Officer 2: Yes. A tourist left it running outside the gas station.

Officer 1: It was a blue rental car, wasn’t it?

Officer 2: I think so. Let me see. Yes. Why?

Officer 1: Doesn’t the car in front of us fit the description?

Officer 2: That’s it! Do you think we can recover it without an incident?

Officer 1: As long as those kids don’t start a high-speed chase.

Officer 2: I’ll radio the patrol up the street to get a spike strip ready, just in


With a partner, act out the roles below based on the previous dialogue.

Then, switch roles.

Officer 1: You are a patrol officer. Talk to Officer 2 about:

-a stolen car bulletin

-the make and model

-the car in front of you

Officer 2: You are a patrol officer. Confirm Officer’s 1 description of the stolen vehicle.


1. Complete the word or phrase with the same meaning as the underlined part.

1. The police got back Mr. Cole's car four days after it was stolen.

__ e _ _ v _ _

2. People traveling away from home need to be aware of bad neighborhoods in the area.

_ _ u _ _ s _ _

3. The sheriff used a device that had sharp points to stop the reckless driver.

s _ _ _ e _ t _ _ p _

4. Leave the car in its operational mode while I run into the store.

_ u _ _ i _ _

2. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).


_ key




_ ignition


_ joyride




_ rental car

Athe mechanism that starts a vehicle's engine

Bto let an engine run while the vehicle is not moving

Cthe act of stealing a car and driving it at high speeds for entertainment

Da vehicle a person pays to use

Ea piece of metal with grooves that operates a mechanism

Fa combination of letters and numbers that identifies a vehicle



Please, read the stolen vehicle bulletin.

Answer the questions.


Make: Charlotte

Model: Impreza

Year: 2011

Color: White

License plate number: CXR 269

Vehicle identification number (VIN): JH4NA1157MT061832

Incident Information: At approximately 1:30 pm, a tourist driving a rental car arrived at the gas station on the corner of 3rd Street and Main. He left the engine running with the keys in the ignition and entered the building. While car was idling, witnesses say two teenage boys entered the vehicle and drove off. It is believed the vehicle was taken for a joyride. If the vehicle is recovered, Sunset Rental Cars should be notified immediately. Do not use spike strips to stop the vehicle unless absolutely necessary.

1. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1.What types of cars are stolen most often in your country?

2.What are some ways to discourage auto theft?

2. Read the bulletin. Then, mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

1.The tourist owned the vehicle that was stolen.

2.The keys were in the ignition when the car was stolen.

3.The car was likely stolen so that it could be sold for parts.