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Can you explain what the following items are used for? Don’t name them. Let other cadets guess what object you are talking about.

Read the following words and check your pronunciation:

chief [ʧiːf], uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm], badge [bæʤ], leather ['leðə], bullet ['bulɪt], proof [pruːf], equipment [ɪ'kwɪpmənt], duty ['djuːtɪ] belt [belt], restraint [rɪ'streɪnt], highlight ['haɪlaɪt], baton ['bæt(ə)n], disperse [dɪ'spɜːs], crowd [kraud], dangerous ['deɪnʤ(ə)rəs], pistol ['pɪst(ə)l], advantage [əd'vɑːntɪʤ], holster ['həulstə], tie [taɪ], securely [sɪ'kjuəlɪ], prevent [prɪ'vent], glove [glʌv], boot [buːt], handcuffs ['hændkʌfs], mace [meɪs]


Try to remember the words below, please:

a chief inspector –

a uniform – форма

a badge – жетон

головний інспектор



gloves – перчатки leather boots – шкіряні чоботи a bullet-proof vest –

куленепробивний жилет

equipment – амуніція

a duty belt – портупея

handcuffs – кайданки

a restraint - обмежувач


a zip-tie – пасок-змійка

a flashlight – ліхтарик to highlight in darkness –

to slap handcuffs –

підсвітити у темряві

закрити кайданки

a baton – кийок

to disperse a crowd –

to prevent from moving –


розігнати натовп

запобігти рухам

to use a pistol –

to keep in a holster –

to keep close at hand –

застосовувати пістолет

тримати у кобурі

тримати напоготові

a dangerous profession –

securely equipped –

the main advantage –

небезпечна професія

безпечно екіпірований

головна перевага


Please, use the key words and complete each sentence. Read the story.

1. I’m Jim Henry – a ______

2. Every day I put on my ____,

______ of New York Police.

____, ____ and other equipment

to fulfill my professional duties.


3. I have a ______ on my chest so you can identify me as a representative of the Police.

4. Policeman profession is one of the most __________.

5. So I must be _______ to save

6. Let’s study in details my

my life at my daily work.

professional ___________.

7. Quite often I get in fire attacks and a ________helps to stop bullets.

9. The main advantage of the duty belt is that I can keep everything I need _________.

8. The second necessary item of my equipment is a


10. Yesterday I had to defend myself using a ______.

11. I always keep it in a

12. In cases when criminals

______ on my duty belt.

attack I _____ on their hands.

13. Handcuffs help to

14. I can also use a _____ or a


prevent criminals from ____.

_____ instead of handcuffs.


15. Sometimes police officers have to _____________.

16. Finally, I would like to mention two more items I need:

16. In such situations we may use a ________.

17. I use a flashlight when I need to ______________.

18. I often use a _________, because there is a knife, scissors and other different tools inside.

19. There are also a lot of other tools; I have just mentioned the basic __________ of any police officer.


Put the sentences in the correct order according to the previous story. Please, try to retell it.

Let’s study in details my professional equipment.

In such situations we may use a baton.

I use a flashlight when I need to highlight in darkness.

I have a badge on my chest so you can identify me as a representative of the Police.

So I must be securely equipped to save my life at my daily work.

The main advantage of the duty belt is that I can keep everything I need close at hand.

I always keep it in a holster on my duty belt.

Handcuffs help to prevent criminals from moving.

I’m Jim Henry – Chief Inspector of New York Police.

There are also a lot of other tools; I have just mentioned the basic equipment of any police officer.

I often use a multi tool, because there is a knife, scissors and other different tools inside.

Sometimes police officers have to disperse a crowd.

I can also use a zip-tie or a restraint instead of handcuffs.

Every day I put on my uniform, gloves, boots and other equipment to fulfill my professional duties.

Finally, I would like to mention two more items I need: a flashlight and a multi-tool.

In cases when criminals attack I slap handcuffs on their hands.

The second necessary item of my equipment is a duty belt.

Yesterday I had to defend myself using a pistol.

Quite often I get in fire attacks and a bullet-proof vest helps to stop bullets.

Policeman profession is one of the most dangerous.



Please, practice the dialogue between a senior and junior officer. Pay attention to the highlighted words and phrases. Try to remember them.

Officer 1: Tell me what happened today when you discharged

your firearm.


Officer 2: Yes, sir. I arrived at the scene of the robbery and left the


Officer 1: It says in the report the suspect drove his van directly

toward you.

Officer 2: Correct. I thought he was going to hit me.


So I moved to the side of my car and signaled him to stop.


Officer 1: And he continued to drive toward you.


Officer 2: Exactly. He didn’t heed my order. I thought it best


to draw my pistol.


Officer 1: Did you fire then?


Officer 2: Negative. I decided to give a verbal warning first.


Officer 2: Then I fired a shot at his vehicle.

Officer 1:And that is when he swerved and crashed into a tree.

Officer 2: Correct. I didn’t know if he was armed, so I approached the vehicle with my weapon drawn.

Officer 1: Did you fire any additional shots?

Officer 2: Negative. That wasn’t necessary. He was unarmed and cooperated.


Choose the correct word for each blank.

badge / handcuffs

A.The criminal couldn't move because of the __________.

B.Robert wears his ___ on his uniform.

gloves / bulletproof vests

A.These ____ protect officers' hands.

B.Modern ____ can stop most bullets

flashlight / restraints

A.The _______ prevented him from moving.

B.Use your _________if it is too dark outside.

2. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).


__ zip tie


__ radio


__ duty belt


__ baton


__ multi-tool


__ boot

Aa device with many uses

Ba strap that holds an officer's tools

Ca device used for communication

Dequipment that protects the foot

Ean item that binds suspects' hands

Fa blunt weapon



Please, read the page from a police equipment company’s website. Then, choose the correct answers.

Strong Arm Police Equipment Suppliers

Current Inventory










Badge: standard five point star.



Engraving extra.




Boots: black, leather, reinforced toe



and sole. Avail, sizes M 7-13 W 4-12



Bulletproof vest: adjustable size, fits



over uniform. Optional




front/back plates extra.

Call for







Duty belt: adjustable, holds up to ten










Flashlight: lightweight, 20 cm length,



uses C batteries (not included).



Gloves: black leather. Avail sizes S,



M, L, XL.




Handcuffs: stainless steel.







Holster: all leather. Locking belt clip.



Specify gun make and model when







Multi-tool: 9 useful tools in one!



Case included.




Radio: five channels. Rechargeable.






Restraint (pair): nylon web. 12 cm.







Zip tie (pack of 12): white.







Click here to place an order.

Strong Arm is committed to complete customer satisfaction.

Call 1-888-499-5999 or email us for assistance at any time.

1. What is the purpose of the webpage?

A.to list products available;

B.to show a completed order;

C.to state required equipment;

D.to describe a business.

2.Which item is NOT sold with all its needed parts?

A. zip tie;

B. multi-tool; C. handcuffs; D. flashlight.

3.What is true of the bulletproof vest?

A. It is the most expensive item;

B.It includes plates in all models;

C.It is available in multiple sizes;

D.It can only be ordered by phone.

4.How much does the duty belt cost? How many items can it hold?

5.What equipment does a law enforcement officer have in our country?