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Please, look through the pictures and try to describe what you see. Can you find suspicious objects? Why do you think they are suspicious?

Read the following words and check your pronunciation:

suspicious object [sə´spiʃəs ´ɒbdʒikt], panic [´pænik], fix an appeal [fiks ən ə´pi :l], keep calm [ki :p ka :m], cordon [´kɔ:dn], danger zone

[´dændʒɜ: zəʊn], to call up the police [kɒ :l ʌp ðə pə´li :s] unattended [ˌʌnə´tendid], anonymous posting [ə´nɒniməs ´pəʊstiŋ], location [ləʊ´keiʃən]


Try to remember the words below, please:

a suspicious object –

to find an unattended object –

an anonymous posting –

підозрілий предмет

знайти предмет, залишений

анонімне повідомлення


без нагляду


a box –

a parcel –

a plastic bag –



поліетиленовий пакет

to fix an appeal –

external features –

location –

зафіксувати звернення

зовнішні ознаки


to cordon the location –

danger zone –

to restrict an action –

загородити місцезнаходження небезпечна зона

не дозволяти робити,

здійснювати що-небудь

to panic –

to keep calm –

to call up the police –

удаватися в паніку

зберігати спокій

викликати наряд поліції


Please, use key words and complete each

sentence. Read the story.

1. This is a report about a

2. Today at 5 p.m. a police


officer received an ________.

3. A man told that he found an ________________.

4. The police officer asked the man about the _____________

of the object.

5. It was a ______________.

6. Its ___________ was the 7th North Street/ 9.

7. The officer ___________.

9 .Then he _______________

8. And __________some

_______. He told not to touch it and keep away from it.

10. The policemen ________.

11. They also asked the

12. People should stay away

people nearby not to ______.

from the ___________.

13. They should also______.

14. As a result, the suspicious object was taken to the department and there was no more danger.


Put the sentences in the correct order according to the previous story. Please, try to retell the story.

People should stay away from the danger zone.

Then he called up the police.

They should also keep calm.

Its location was the 7th North Street/ 9.

The police officer asked the man about the external features of the object.

As a result, the suspicious object was taken to the department and there was no more danger.

They also asked the people nearby not to panic.

The policemen cordoned the location.

The officer fixed an appeal.

And restricted some actions. He told not to touch it and keep away from it.

It was a parcel.

This is a report about a suspicious object.

A man told that he found an unattended object.

Today at 5 p.m. a police officer received an anonymous posting.



Please, look at the pictures and try to say, which of these objects look suspicious? Try to describe the objects.



Please read the dialogue and between a police officer and a citizen who found a suspicious object. In pairs, try to act out a similar dialogue.

Officer: New York central police department. Officer Johnson. How can I help you?

Citizen: Good evening, Mr. Johnson. My name is Louis Anderson. I want to tell about an unattended suspicious object.

Officer: Ok, Mr. Anderson. Please, tell me what is this object?

Citizen: It is a huge blue metal box.

Officer: What is the size of this box?

Citizen: I’m not sure... But I think it is about 50 sm high and 1 m wide.

Officer: Where is this object located?

Citizen: It is exactly in front of my yard – Downhill Street 11.

Officer: Good. Mr. Anderson, please, keep calm and stay at home. Do not touch the object and stop all the movement and work around it. I am going to send the patrol police car to see the box.

Citizen: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. You’ve been very helpful.


1. Please, read the sentences and say whether they are true or false according to the text above. Find the proof in the text.

1. The policemen received a call from a woman, whose name was Kate Wilson.


2.The story is about a suspicious black bag left unattended.


3.The unattended bag was located at the 7th South Street/ 9.


4.First of all, the police should keep the people calm.


5.The policemen should cordon the danger zone.


2. Please, try to translate the sentences into the English language, using the key words.

1. Поліція затримала підозрюваного, котрий вчора залишив анонімне повідомлення про неіснуючий підозрілий предмет.


2.Залишена без нагляду сумка є підозрілим предметом.


3.Для ефективного проведення операції необхідно огородити небезпечну зону.


4.Будь ласка, повідомте про місцезнаходження підозрілого предмета.


5.Перш за все, необхідно зафіксувати звернення.




Please, read the newspaper article. Then choose the correct answers.



A possibly hazardous object, which stopped traffic in Greece on Tuesday afternoon, is now in the building of the Monroe County Sheriff's Office's Hazardous Device Squad for further evaluation.

«Greek police investigated a "suspicious object" outside the house on Long Pond Road, and temporarily cordoned a part of Long Pond, from I-390 to Edge mere Drive», said Sgt. Jared Rene of the Greek Police Department.

Residents were told to stay in their homes and keep calm.

«As of 7:30 p.m., police report that residents and vehicular traffic can proceed without restriction. No injuries were sustained during the incident and no one is in the police office at this time», Rene said.

1. The suspicious object was found:

-on Monday;

-on Thursday;

-on Tuesday.

2. The object was located:

-outside a house;

-inside a house;

-outside a shop.

3. Residents were told to:

-leave their homes;

-stay in their homes;

-stay in their gardens.