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Please, try to match the type of firearm with the models used by U.S. Police.

A.Rifle Car 9mm, Rifle HK416-14, Rifle M4, Rifle Remington 700

B.Beretta 92FS, 9mm, Glock 17, 9mm, Smith & Wesson, model 4506 .45 caliber, Kimber Classic .45 caliber

C.Benelli M4 Shotgun, Remington 870 Shotgun, Heckler & Koch, 416D caliber 5.56 mm, Smith & Wesson M&P 15T Rifle, Bushmaster BCW A3F16M4


Submachine Guns

D. 519 CS Handtoss Grenade, White Smoke-110



HC, M7 CS gas grenade



E. MP5, Heckler & Koch MP5K


Read the following words and check your pronunciation:

standard issue ['stændəd 'ɪsjuː], ammunition [ˌæmjə'nɪʃ(ə)n], firearm ['faɪə(r)ɑːm], revolver [rɪ'vɔlvə], pistol ['pɪst(ə)l], magazine [ˌmægə'ziːn], bullet ['bulɪt], rifle ['raɪfl], cartridge ['kɑːtrɪʤ], shotgun ['ʃɔtgʌn], shell [ʃel], deadly force ['dedlɪ fɔːs], use of force continuum [juːz əv fɔːs kən'tɪnjuəm], verbal command ['vɜːb(ə)l kə'mɑːnd], comply [kəm'plaɪ], strike [straɪk], hard hand [hɑːd hænd], pepper spray ['pepə spreɪ], mace [meɪs], K-9 unit [keɪnaɪn 'juːnɪt], baton



Try to remember the words below, please:

ammunition – боєприпаси firearm – вогнепальна зброя

a revolver –



a pistol – пістолет

a rifle – гвинтівка

a shotgun – рушниця

a magazine – магазин

a bullet – куля

a cartridge – набій

a shell – гільза

a pepper spray –

K-9 unit – кінологічний


перцевий балон


deadly force

taser – електрошокер

hard hands – груба сила

вогонь на ураження




Please, use key words and complete each sentence.

1. All officers will be given at

2. Patrol officers receive a 9

least one standard issue

mm semi-automatic ________.



3. SWAT team officers are

4. Detectives receive a .38

also issued an assault

caliber ________.



5. Each patrol car will have

6. All officers should have

one ___________.

extra ___________.

7. Patrol officers are issued

8. Each magazine holds 10

two additional ___________.


9. Officers should follow the regulations for the use of


10. There are situations when police officers use less harmful methods such as ___________.

11. When suspects show strong resistance, police officers may utilize ______.

13. When suspects do not

comply with __________....

12. If it is not available, use of batons and ____ is acceptable.

14. … police officers can use



Put the sentences in the correct order according to the previous story. Please, try to retell it.

Detectives receive a .38 caliber revolver.

If it is not available, use of batons and K-9 units is acceptable.

Patrol officers are issued two additional magazines.

All officers will be issued at least one standard issue firearm.

Officers should follow the regulations for the use of deadly force.

When suspects show strong resistance, police officers may utilize taser.

When suspects do not comply with verbal commands, police officers can use hard hands.

Patrol officers receive a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol.

Each patrol car will have one shotgun.

Each magazine holds 10 bullets.

Police officers can use a chemical agent such as pepper spray.

SWAT team officers are also issued an assault rifle.

All officers should carry extra ammunition.




Please, look at the pictures and try to find out the right order of the “force continuum”.

Explain your decision.

Fill in the blanks with the word below:

standard issue, shell, shotgun, magazine, ammunition, use of force continuum, K-9 unit, hard hands, mace, soft hands, verbal commands

1.A gun cannot fire without ________ in it.

2.Most guns eject the _________ after a shot is fired.

3.Cartridges can be stored in a(n) ________ for later use.

4.All officers receive a(n) ________ weapon.

5.A(n) _________ is not useful for long-range shots.

6.The officer’s actions followed the ____________.

7.The ___________ is hiring a new dog trainer.

8.The chemicals in ___________ hurt the eyes.

9.Using ____________ can bruise suspects.

10.The officer gave _________ to the suspects.

11.____________ is the lowest level of physical force.



Please, read the passage from a training manual and answer the questions.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A.choosing an appropriate level of force;

B.selecting a conducted energy weapon;

C.rendering a suspect immobile;

D.training methods for police officers.

2. When should empty hand control be used?

A.when soft hands are ineffective;

B.if a suspect shows resistance to mace;

C.after verbal commands don’t work;

D.only when a CEW is not available.

3. What can you infer about batons?

A.They are not always available to officers;

B.They are more harmful than chemical agents;

C.They are only for use while protecting lives;

D.They are the favored weapon of most officers.