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31. The assessment of Kazakhstan into Russian empire: the main stages and their features.

Relation of Kazakh-Russian in the beginning of XVIII century and at the end of XVII century was that Russia continued the aggressive policy. In the 50s of XVI century the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates have been liquidated. Thus, southeast borders of Russia have approached closely to the lands of the Kazakh khanate. In the end of XVI century on the Russian-Kazakh border has begun building of Russian cities, fortresses, advanced posts, the Cossack villages, redoubts and beacons. Some military constructions have been constructed directly in territory of Kazakhstan. In 1620 the Jaitsky small town (Uralsk), in 1645 Guryev (Atyrau) has been put. Russian government has begun at once practical realization of a problem of joining of Kazakhstan: in 1714 expedition of colonel Buhgoltsa goes to East Kazakhstan, building of fortresses in a valley of Ertis was an overall objective. In 1716 has been put fortress Omsk, also in 1917 - Zhelezinsky, in 1719 - Semipalatinsk, and in 1720 - Ust-Kamenogorsk. At the same time expedition Bekovich-Cherkassk investigated east coast of Caspian sea and has made a card of Priaralja(Приаралья). Petr I charges to I.Kirillov and the translator of Board of foreign affairs of Mametu Tevkelev to develop the project of reduction of Kazakhs in the Russian citizenship. However Petr I death has prevented realization of this project in a life. The Kazakh party in the beginning of XVIII century directs some embassies to Russia with the requirement to stop attacks of Russian citizens - Cossacks, the Bashkir, Kalmyk on Kazakh lands and the offer to conclude a military alliance against Zhongars. Russian government, on the one hand, promised to Kazakhs the help, with another, ordered to the Siberian administration not to quarrel with Zhongars and even to try to adjust with them trading relations. In the end 1731 Abulhair khan and batir Bogenbaj have directed the representatives to Middle zhuz, promising to khan Semeke to provide in case of acceptance of the Russian citizenship safety of region by means of Russian armies. Semeke has accepted the offer of ambassadors of Abulhair. In 1732 the structure of Russia included some part of the Middle zhuz. Semeke was going to observe the contract with the Russian empire: has made attacks on the Bashkir - feudal lords of the Russian citizens. Threat of Zhongaria has induced influential feudal lords of the Middle zhuz repeatedly to address to Russia with the request to accept them in its structure. Anna Ioanovna's reading and writing from June, 10th 1734г. The request of Semeke and its supporters was satisfaction. In 1740 Abulmambet and influential sultan Ablaj have taken the oath of citizenship khan of Middle zhuz. The text of its oath did not differ from previous «oath promises». Sultan Ablaj in addition to that, encouraged Tatischev though the young sultan the hopes connected typing experience in political strike and with Tsins Empire. The Third under the account the oath of Abulhair on citizenship of Russia which has taken place in August 1742, had no that value which its oaths in 1731 had and 1738.

Interest of Russian state to Kazakhstan has especially increased from second half 15-16 centuries, after an establishment trading and diplomatic relations of Russia with the Central Asian khanates.

  1. The Kazakh revolt of Small Horde under the leadership of Sirim batyr (1783-1797).

After the death of Khan Abylai central authority weakened, the Kazakhs and the Younger Zhuz formed a khanate, which was led by the son of Sultan Kaip Batyr. In 1775 the royal government reorganized the local administration. Kazakh steppe has been divided into two parts and subordinated to the Siberian and Ufa general-governor. According to the decree in 1782 between the nomadic and Yaik and Edil disposed Nuraliev Khan and his closest relatives. It started because of severe winter lack of fodder sexacerbated the situation. In these circumstances, at the beginning of 1785 in ayuls of Younger Zhuz begins mass movement, which soon escalated into the war of liberation. Start of hostilities. At the head of the Kazakh party orders rose movement 1773-1776 biennium. Batyr Sirim Datuly of the genus baybakty. Already by early 1785 in his division there were over 6 thousand people. Imperial Government sent to the area of guerrillas encampment punitive detachments. In mid-February 1785 squads Sirim Datuly, avoiding a direct meeting with chasteners, using guerrilla methods. In summer 1785 the flame of the struggle was reached by the main part of the Younger Zhuz. The imperial government had decided to begin negotiations with the rebel sergeant birth. In autumn 1785, a congress of elders, this was taken recourse to the imperial

administration. The rebels launched the following requirements: to return the territory between the Kazakhs and Yaikom Edilem; halt raids Ural Cossacks in the Kazakh steppe, remove from power the Khan Nuraliev. In 1786 Khan Nuraliev was removed from power. Under pressure from the imperial administration was chosen by Khan's brother Nuraliev - Eraly. Sirim Datuly led a strong fight against a new placeman Russia. During the summer 1792 hostilities spread to the entire territory of the Younger Zhuz. Dzhigitov raw troops attacked, not only at 184 military installations fortified border, but auly biev and elders, the movement changed. The autumn of 1792 made a failed assault on raw Iletsk town, after which the movement took the form of guerrilla warfare. In summer 1794 Eraly Khan died, and only two years later, in the presence of small quantities of biev Khan Younger Zhuz was proclaimed sultan Esimov, son Nuraliev Khan. Spring of 1797 one of the raw troops attacked Khan aul, disbanded its defenders. Yesimov himself was killed. After that, the colonial administration decided to make concessions and to the steppes Khan council with representatives from the nobility. The head of council has become the Sultan Ayshuak. In August 1797 the first meeting of the Council, which arrived with the squad and raw in the 7 thousand people. After the representatives of Russia agreed on the terms of the Kazakh side, raw declared an end to the war and its entry into the Council. So ended yet another major national movement in the history of Kazakh people - anti-war that lasted 14 years. She had great historical significance as a result of the Kazakhs have been able to return to the land between Yaik and Edil, also barred the raids of the Ural Cossacks in the Kazakh steppe.

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