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the degree of ad imagery, attitude toward the brand, and brand cognitions (i.e., product-attribute beliefs). The following statements summarize some of the major findings of the research.

1.The formation of attitudes toward the ad can influence attitudes toward the brand.

2.Emotions elicited by the ad (e.g., positive and negative effect as well as feelings of dominance and arousal) may influence the attitude toward the ad.

3.The content of the advertisement may influence the emotions felt by the consumer.

4.The visual and verbal components of an ad may independently influence the attitude toward the advertisement, the formation of product-attitude beliefs, and time spent viewing the ad.

5.The degree of ad imagery influences feelings and emotions.

6.Attitude toward the ad can influence brand cognitions as well as attitude toward the brand.

Researchers have also found that ads containing high levels of imagery more strongly impact attitudes toward the ad. The term imagery refers to the extent to which an ad causes consumers to imagine their use of the product and to connect the ad to their own feelings and beliefs. Ads that employ concrete words, vivid verbal or pictorial images, instructions for consumers to imagine the use of the brand, and high levels of plausibility have been found to strongly impact consumers’ attitude toward the ad.

Therefore a firm should attempt to create ads that have positive emotional and factual qualities in order to reduce zipping and zapping while TV viewing.

The work on the effects of the attitude toward the ad nicely meshes with the experiential perspective on consumer behaviour. This research shows the importance of feelings and emotions in influencing how attitudes toward the brand are changed. Indeed, research indicates that attitude change may be moderated by the emotions and feelings created by advertising as well as by how the advertising influences consumers' product-attribute beliefs.


Of course, the work on the attitudes toward the ad has major importance for advertisers, who must be concerned with both the pictorial and verbal content of advertisements and how they influence the formation of product-attribute beliefs and the creation of feelings and emotions. In fact, a new term has been developed for advertisements that effectively influence the feelings and emotions of consumers; they are called transformational ads. Such ads transform the experience of using a product or service by attaching feelings and emotions to its use.

II. Give Russian equivalents for:

To purchase a brand; to employ advertising; to develop attitudes; liking or disliking; advertising exposure; imagery vividness; to elicit emotions; a level of plausibility; to reduce zipping and zapping; pictorial and verbal content; experiencial perspective.

III. Reproduce situations where the following wordcombinations may be used:

To influence attitudes; to create positive effects; to cause arousal; to view negatively; to be moderated by.

IV. Give as many word-combinations as possible with the following verbs:

To reduce; to influence; to persuade; to develop; to elicit; to indicate; to investigate; to imagine; to create.

Use the words below:

Attitudes; advertisement; liking and disliking; evidence; relationships; conditions; feelings and emotions; customers; TV viewers; techniques; perspectives; mood; factors; statements: research.

V.Give definitions o f :

a)an attitude toward the ad:

b)transformational ads.


VI. Answer the following questions:

1.What forms of advertising may various firms employ?

2.What are they based on in their attempts to advertise the brand?

3.What do they take into consideration?

4.What kinds of relationships do they investigate?

5.What are the major findings of the research?

6.Are they constructive for constant practical usage?

7.What is understood by the term imagery?

8.What do advertisements employ?

VII. Describe two advertisements that create your positive attitude.

VIII. Describe two advertisements that produce your negative attitude.

IX. Do your attitudes toward the ads influence your perception o f the products? Your purchasing motives?

X.Written tasks:

1.Write an essay on the topic «A Role of Advertising in Human Life».

2.Imagine you are to advertise some brand. How would you do it?


Develop the following situations:

1. You are a deputy of the State Duma. Ask your colleagues:

-what they think about the impact of advertisement on people;

-if advertisement is really necessary;

-if advertisement should be broadcast only on certain channels;

-what kind of advertisement should be banned;

-how they personally react to advertisement, interrupting an interesting programme too often;


- if they are in favour of or against advertising. Tell the colleagues about your attitude to advertising.

2.You want to advertise your products. Ask the advertiser:

-where they dispose their advertisement;

-how much a billboard advertising costs;

-in what way your products can be advertised:

-if it will be appealing;

-when you can strike a deal;

-if they use graphics in advertising.

Express your ideas concerning a good advertisement.

3.You are polling people in the street. Ask the respondents:

-what is their attitude to advertisement;

-what advertisement they like most on TV;

-what attracts them in advertising;

-if there is any ad which irritates them;

-if they would like to forbid advertisement;

-if they don't mind being shot in an advertisement. Tell them about the purpose of this survey. Decide whose answers will be published.

4.You want to know everything about advertisement. Ask your friend-advertising agent:

-what a good advertisement means;

-where it can be put;

-how to persuade a customer to use your services;

-if their service is expensive;

-if he enjoys his work;

-how much time he spends at his work;

if he ever works at odd hours;

-where lie got special education in advertising. Express your opinion concerning a good advertisement.

Decide if you want to become an advertising agent.




Text I

I.Read the text and render its contents in Russian:

What Is Positive Psychotherapy?

The situation of the ill - and not only of the mentally ill - is in many ways like that of a person who for a long time has been standing on only one leg. After some time the muscles become cramped and the burdened leg begins to hurt. He is hardly able to retain his balance. Not only the leg hurts: the whole musculature, unaccustomed to this posture, begins to cramp up. The pain becomes unbearable, and the person cries for help.

In this situation, various helpers approach him.

While he remains standing on the one leg, one helper begins to massage the burdened and cramped leg. Another takes hold of the neck and gives it a Swedish massage, following all the rules of that art. A third helper sees that the person seems about to lose his balance, and offers him his arm as a support. From among the onlookers comes the suggestion that the person should perhaps take hold of both hands, so that standing may no longer be so hard for him. A wise old man remarks that ho should think about how well off he is, compared with people who have no legs at all. One swears to him that he should imagine himself to be a feather, and that the more intensely he concentrates on that, the more his pain will abate. An enlightened old man adds this well-meant advice: «Time will tell.» Finally, an observer goes up to the sufferer and asks him, «Why are you standing on one leg? Straighten out the other one and stand on it. You do have a second leg, you know.»


II. Look through the text and find English equivalents for:

психически больной; причинять боль; сохранять равновесие; невыносимая боль; больше не; по сравнению с; клясться; сосредоточиться.

III. Read and translate the following words:

helper; onlooker; enlightened man; observer; sufferer. In what situations are these words used?

IV. Read the following passage and explain the goal of positive psychotherapy:

Precisely This Is Positive Psychotherapy

The situation in psychotherapy today requires the development of methods which are both economical and effective. The point here is not just to add to the already vast multitude of theories, methods, concepts, and procedures; rather, it is a question of a fundamental broadening. While many of the existing psychotherapeutic procedures take as their starting point the disturbances and illnesses, prophylactic preventive medicine and psychotherapy require another approach, which starts with a person's developmental possibilities and capacities instead of the disturbances. If these capacities are inhibited, neglected, or one-sidedly structured in their development, there arise, either hidden or openly, predispositions to conflict.

V. Check your knowledge of the following words:

to require; multitude; procedure; approach; capacity; disturbance; to inhibit; predisposition.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1.Why is psychotherapy so necessary today?

2.What methods does psychotherapy require?


3. What is a starting point of psychotherapeutic procedures?

3. What is another approach of certain necessity today?

Text 2

I. Read and translate the text:

The «No Diagnosis» Principle

Traditional psychotherapy derives its view of man from psychopathology. Thus, the object of its investigation is illnesses. The goal of a treatment is to remove these illnesses, just as in surgery a sick organ is excised. To that extent, psychotherapy follows a venerable tradition. The psychotherapist is primarily occupied with depres¬sions, attention-getting behavior, and psychosomatic diseases such as asthma, headaches, cardiac pain, stomach trouble, and abdominal pains.

At first, this is justified! Very rarely does a patient seek out a therapist just because he would like to have his good health confirmed; rather, he does so because functions and organs are disturbed and he would like to have these disturbances eliminated. From this practical starting point, medicine developed the no diagnosis principle, according to which everything which is not sick is healthy, and vice versa.

In following this principle, psychotherapy employs a cognitive model which was already present in Oriental and Greek philosophy. I am referring to the negative principle. It consists in defining a concept by saying what it is not; one describes negative attributes, denies their presence, and assumes the positive. This method of proceeding has a story behind it. It is said that Socrates asked a famous poet to speak about beauty. To the astonishment of his listeners, however, the poet spoke not about beauty but rather about its opposite, ugliness. When Socrates inquired why he praised beauty in that way, without


speaking of it, the poet replied: «I have described what is ugly. That which is not ugly is beautiful.»

In the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament this principle is also found: thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not cover thy neighbor's wife, thou shalt not kill, etc. Even everyday descriptions and demands hold to the negative procedure. It is seldom said what and how one should act. More frequently, one hears what one should not do.

The scientific method of psychoanalysis was initially based on the same principle. S. Freud formulated it in this way: «Only when one studies the pathological does one learn to understand the normal.»

In saying this, Freud is part of a long tradition. For example, the philosopher Lichtenberg had stated: «One first acquires the feeling of health through sickness.» Not until we have had contact with that which should not be or that which does not seem very desirable to us do we come to recognize the desired object and learn to treasure it. This attitude tacitly implies that one must first suffer injury before one becomes wise: suffer a heart attack before one takes care of one's health, go through a divorce before one clearly perceives the value of marriage, or suffer disturbances of experience and behavior before one pays attention to oneself and one's own wants and needs.

In this way, the human personality is grasped via the roundabout way of knowledge of disturbances. One seeks to define the conflict-free person through expressions such as relative capacity for resistance to regression, relative freedom from repression, and reduced tendency to ambivalence. In consequence, not the patient but the illness is treated. The conception of illness covers the patient like a cloud; the therapist perceives only the illness. The patient himself soon learns: My only claim on the therapist is through my illness. As a result the disturbance stands out even more starkly before his eyes.

The pathological diagnosis arrived at is like blinders which are supposed to hinder the perception of anything more than the disturbed domain. In this way, the


therapeutic possibilities are diminished.

II. Translate the following combinations «one + verb»:

one should act; one hears; one studies; one learns to understand; one acquires; one perceives; one pays attention to; one seeks to define;

Find them in the text and see whether your translation was correct. Make up your own sentences with similar models.

III. Answer the questions to the text:

1.What is the object of the investigation in psychotherapy?

2.What is the psychotherapist occupied with?

3.What does «the no diagnosis principle» mean?

4.What model does psychotherapy employ?

5.What is the scientific method of psychoanalysis based on?

6.How can one define the conflict-free person?

IV. Explain:

1.The role of the psychotherapist.

2.The meaning of «the no diagnosis principle».

3.The notion of the conflict-free person.

V. Read out the following statement and treat its sense:

Positive Psychotherapy is concerned with this question: it attempts to avoid the classic misunderstanding which sees in the patient only a bearer of symptoms, and by contrast, to achieve a comprehensive representation.


VI. Develop the following situations:

1.You lost your job. You experience depression and anxiety. At last you make up your mind to consult a psychotherapist. What's influenced your decision-making?

2.You have recently become divorced. You feel lonely and neglected. You take a decision to apply for a psychoanalyst. Why?

3.Your close friend suffers from mental disturbance. You recommend him to consult a psychotherapist. Try to persuade him to do it as fast as possible.

4.Psychotherapy has some historical grounds. What are they?

Text 3

I. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1.What can you tell about a universal character of Positive Psychotherapy?

2.What are the two basic questions in Positive Psychotherapy?

3.Why is Positive Psychology more a practice than a theory?

Aims of Positive Psychotherapy

Positive Psychotherapy is a new form of psychotherapy which pursues several fundamental aims.

Positive Psychotherapy has a universal character. It doesn't just look into individual, accidental aspects of how conflicts arise, but rather seeks, as far as possible, to understand the patient in a comprehensive way. In so

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