АНГЛ-1курс Платон
<question>Use there is(not)/ there are(not), there was(not)/ there were(not) construction: Look!____ their telephone number in the letter.
<variant>were not
<question>____a football match on TV last night.
<variant>there was
<variant>there is
<variant>there were
<variant>there are
<variant>there were not
<question>_______many people at the meeting yesterday?
<variant>Were there
<variant>Is there
<variant>Are there
<variant>Was there
<variant>Wasn’t there
<question>The box is empty,______ nothing in it.
<variant>there is
<variant>there are
<variant>there is not
<variant>there are not
<variant>there was not
<question>Find English equivalents to the following word: тезка
<variant>middle name
<variant>maiden name
< variant >pet name
<question>Find English equivalents to the following word: семейный человек
<variant>family man
<variant>a bachelor
<variant>an orphan
<variant>a spinster
<variant>a widower
<question>Find English equivalents to the following word: бабушка
<question>Find English equivalents to the following word: директор
<question>Find English equivalents to the following word: выйти замуж,жениться
<variant>get married
<variant>marry into a family
<variant>a love match
<variant>consider marriage
<variant>marry for love
<question>Find the right variant: Какова мать – такова и дочь.
<variant>Like mother, like daughter.
<variant>Good master make good servants.
<variant>Child is man’s joy.
<variant>Man’s best friend – is his mother.
<variant>Thread follows needle.
<question>Find the right variant: In honor of
<variant>в честь
<variant>приобретенный к
<variant>разделенный на
<question>Find the right variant: Child is man’s joy.
<variant>Ребенок в доме – это источник радости.
<variant>Без хозяина дом сирота.
<variant>Природа рада весне, а ребенок – матери.
<variant>Время на время не приходит.
<variant> Деток родить – не веток ломить.
<question>Find the right variant: весенний выходной день
<variant>spring bank holiday
<variant>good day
<variant>Easter Monday
<variant>simply day
<variant>pancake day
<question>Find the word, which doesn’t comply with ”Face features“
<question>Find the word, which doesn’t comply with “ Eyes“
<question>Find the right variant: расширение
<question>Find the right variant: junction
<question>Find the right variant: “to have“
Among the passengers there were two who interested me very much. One, a man of about thirty, was one of the tallest men I ever saw. He ___ yellow hair, a yellow thick beard, a handsome face.
<question>Did you notice anything else about his face? Well, he ___very long ears.
<question>Did you____a lot of hair?
<question>Did you ___any trouble finding us?
<question>Good bye, John. _____a good weekend.
< variant >hadn’t
<question>Find the right variant of the verb “to be”: I____ in the 11-th grade last year.
<question>He____at the theater yesterday.
<variant>will be
<question>Find the right variant: I invited my friend to____place.
<question>It is easy, you can do it______.
<question>She wanted to tell me ____interesting.
<question>I think we have met her ____.
<question>Find the right variant: I ____ post the letters yesterday.
<question>The conference_____be held on Monday.
<variant> have
<question>Do you speak English? Yes. I ____.
<question>Find the right variant : ____on the computer at the moment.
<variant>I am working
<variant>I working
<variant>I work
<variant>I am work
<variant>I’ve worked
<question>My friend _____ the answer to the question.
<variant>is known
<variant>is know
<question>How many languages___ you____?
<variant>do, speak
<variant>* , speak
<variant>speak , do
<variant>have , spoke
<variant>* , spoke
<question>Every evening at 9 o’clock he ____ his dog for a walk.
<variant>will take
<variant>does take
<variant>has taken
<question>The environment is already very bad and it ___worse.
<variant>is getting
<variant>has got
<variant>had got
<question>Excuse me , I am ___ a phone box. Where can I find one?
<variant>looking for
<variant>have looked
<variant>did look
<variant>don’t look
<variant>had looked
<question>Find the right article : In___street John saw ___ man. It was ___ old Jew with ___black beard, ___pair of deep black eyes.
<variant>the ,a ,an ,the , a
<variant>a , the , the , an , a
<variant>a , an , the , the ,a
<variant>the , the , a, a , an
<variant>the , a ,the , a , an
<question>Find the right preposition : When I entered I heard somebody speaking ___ a ringing voice. Such a voice is typical____ young age.
<variant>in , for
<variant>for , with
<variant>- , with
<variant>with , *
<variant>for , *
<question> Find the right variant: В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
<variant>A sound mind in a sound body.
<variant>The best of sport is to do the deed and to say nothing.
<variant>In sport and journeys men are known.
<variant>Stumbling is not falling.
<variant>Sport to the cat is death to the mouse.
<question>She was a ____blue-eyed girl with thick golden hair
<question>Find the right word: A room
<variant>a cabinet
<variant>a den
<variant>a brush
<variant>a curtain
<variant>a birch
<question>Find opposite word “a door”
<variant>a window
<variant>a spy hole
<variant>a peephole
<variant>a door frame
<variant>a door lock
<question> Find the right variant: lose victory
<variant>потерпеть поражение
<variant>одержать победу
<variant>болеть за
<question>What do we do when we enter a dark room?
<variant>switch the light on
<variant>screw in a bulb
<variant>pull the curtain aside
<variant>go to sleep
<variant>read the book
<question> Find the right variant: War is a sport of king.
<variant>Война – спорт королей.
<variant>Споткнуться – не упасть.
<variant>В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
<variant>Спорт для кошки – смерть для мыши.
<variant>Лучший спорт – совершать поступки без лишних слов.
<question> Find the right variant: cycling
<variant>езда на велосипеде
<variant>ходьба на лыжах
<variant>легкая атлетика
<variant>забить гол
<variant>парусный спорт
<question>As plain as the nose on a man’s face.
<variant>Ясно, как день
<variant>Беда не приходит одна
<variant>Куда дерево клонилось, туда и повалилось
<variant>Как аукнется, так и откликнется
<variant>Тепло, светло и мухи не кусают
<question>When it rains people say that the weather is …
<question>Find the right word: B&B
<variant>комната арендуемая с завтраком
<variant>агенство по недвижимости
<variant>меблированные комнаты
<variant>первый взнос
<variant>”Пожалуйста ,не тревожить!”
<question> Find the right variant: Miners’ Day
<variant>День шахтеров
<variant>День дипломатов
<variant>День металлургов
<variant>День знаний
<variant>День налоговиков
<question>Find the right translation: raspberry
<question> Find the right translation: scrambled eggs
<variant>яичница болтунья
<variant>яичная скорлупа
<variant>почистить яйцо
<variant>взбить яйцо
<variant>яйцо вкрутую
<question> Find the right translation: reduced prices
<variant>сниженные цены
<question> Find the right variant: greengrocery
<variant>овощной магазин
<variant>мясная лавка
<variant> булочная
<question> Find the right variant: confectionery
<variant>фарфоровая посуда
<variant>сниженные цены
<question>Find the right variant: gooseberry
<question> Find the right translation: О вкусах не спорят.
<variant>Tastes differ.
<variant>Don’t live to eat, but eat to live.
<variant>Appetite comes with eating.
<variant>Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
<variant>An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
<question>Find the right variant:” to be”. He ____ the best student in the first course.
<question>The stamps____ in my desk.
<question>We ____ pupils two years ago.
<question>_____you at the library now?
<question>I believe that she ____busy at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
<variant>will be
<question>Use there is(not)/ there are(not), there was(not)/ there were(not) construction: _____an interesting lecture on political economy yesterday.
<variant>There was
<variant>There are
<variant>There is
<variant>There were
<variant>There were not
<question>Excuse me,_____ a restaurant near by?
<variant>is there
<variant>are there
<variant>there are
<variant>there is
<variant>there were
<question>Find the right variant: Give my kind regards ____ your sister. I haven’t seen her ____ ages.
<variant>to / for
<variant>for / for
<variant>about / in
<variant>of / to
<variant>during / for
<question>How are you getting ____ ? Not too bad , thank you.
<question>How would you address a director of the company you work for?
<question> ____ you have classes every day?
<question>I ___post the letter yesterday.
<question>The conference ____be on Monday.
<question>“Do you speak English?” “ Yes , I____.”
<question>Find the right variant : ____on the computer at the moment.
<variant>I am working
<variant>I working
<variant>I work
<variant>I am work
<variant>I’ve worked
<question>My friend ____ the answer to the question.
<variant>is known
<variant>is know
<question>I think I’ll buy these shoes. ____really well.
<variant>They fit
<variant>They have fit
<variant>They are fitting
<variant>They were fitting
<variant>They fitted
<question>Where ____ the car?
<variant>did you park
<variant>did you parked
<variant>parked you
<variant>you parked
<variant>were you parked
<question>When an Englishman passes a friend in the street he_____.
<variant>touches his hat
<variant>shakes hands with him
<variant>kisses him
<variant>only smiles at him
<variant>embraces him
<question>They were long past forty.
<variant>за 40лет
<variant>им 40лет
<variant>около 40 лет
<variant>до 40 лет
<variant>только исполнилось 40 лет.
<question>Find the right variant : мачеха
<variant>old girl
<variant>old woman
<question>How do we call a room just below the roof of a house?
<variant>a loft
<variant>a penthouse
<variant>a verandah
<variant>a greenhouse
<variant>a patio
<question>Find the right variant : соня
< question >лентяй
<variant>greedy man
<variant>thrift person
<variant>careless person
<variant>stingy man
<variant> frugal man
<question>строительная площадка
<variant>construction site
<variant>building square
<variant>flower bed
<variant>flower garret
<variant>flower square
<variant>flower floor
<variant>flower site
<question>How do we call a 1-3 year old child?
<variant>the only child
<question>A barrier made of wood or metal, put round a garden.
<question>If a marriage finishes you get_____.
<variant>a family
<variant>a ticket
<question>How do you call your wife after a divorce?
<variant>new wife
<variant>divorced wife
<question> Find the right variant : сниженные цены.
<variant>reduced prices
<variant>bargain sales
<question> Find the right variant : grocery
<variant>сниженные цены
<variant>мясная лавка
<question>Scarlet fever is a catching ________
<question>His _____prevented him from going to school.
<question>Find the right variant : nickname
<variant>первое имя (данное при рождении)
<question>Find the right variant : ancestry
<variant>следующее поколение
<question>Find the right variant : A second wife of one's father.
<variant>foster mother
<question>Find the right variant : A man who has never been married.
<variant>family man
<question>Find the right variant : educated
<question>Find the right variant: honest
<question>Find the right variant: The part of the face above the eyebrows.
<question> Find the right variant : трикотаж
<variant>sour cream
<question>Find the right variant : The hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid.
<variant>eye moustache
<question>Find the right variant :keyhole.
<variant>замочная скважина
<variant>стеганное одеяло
<variant>снимать квартиру
<variant>смеситель, кран
<question>Find the right variant : a family estate.
<variant>родовое имение
<variant>семейное сходство
<variant>семейная вражда
<variant>воспитывать детей
<variant>расширенная семья
<question>Find the right variant: ill-mannered
<question>Find the right variant: obedient
<question>Find the right variant: A chair with support for arms.
<question>Find the right variant : A person who owns something as his property.
<question>Hello, what … your name?
<question>______ name is John. And my ______ is Johnson.
<variant>My / surname
<variant>Your / surname
<variant>I / surname
<variant>I / name
<variant>Her / surname
<question>My name is Lisa. ______ Lisa Peterson.
<variant>I am
<variant>I is
<variant>My am
<variant>Me are
<question>______ name is Apple. ______ Ann Apple.
<variant>Her / She’s
<variant>His / He’s
<variant>His / She
<variant>His / His
<question>“Where ______ John from?” “______ from the US.”
<variant>is / He’s
<variant>is / His
<variant>am / He’s
<variant>is / She’s
<variant>is / Her
<question>______ are you from? Japan.
<question>Where ______ you ______ ?
<variant>are / from
<variant>are / in
<variant>are / is
<variant>is / from
<variant>am /on
<question>I ______ 22 years old, but Andrew ______ 20.
<variant>am / is
<variant>are / am
<variant>am / am
<variant>are / are
<question>Mark______ 19, but Brian and Denis ______ 26 and 28.
<variant>is / are
<variant>are / is
<variant>are / are
<variant>am / are
<variant>am / is
<question>“What ______ this?” “It’s ______ umbrella.
<variant>is / an
<variant>is / a
<variant>are / a
<variant>its / an
<question>Oxford is ______ English university.
<question>Toyotas ______ Japanese ______ .
<variant>are / cars
<variant>is / car
<variant>is a / car
<variant>are / car
<variant>is / cars
<variant>is/a cars
<question>“What is ______ ?” “She is a bank manager.”
<variant>her job
<variant>she job
<variant>he job
<variant>his job
<variant>him job
<question>Find the correct alternative. 0/2/11/18/20.
<variant>zero / two / eleven / eighteen / twenty
<variant>zero / two / one-one / eighteen / twenty
<variant>oh / twelve / eighteen / twenty)
<variant>zero / two / eleven / eighty / twenty
<variant>oh / twenty /eleven /eighty /twenty
<question>“How old is your aunt?” “______ is 29.”
<question>“Where ______ she from?” “She ______ from Japan.”
<variant>is / is
<variant>are / is
<variant>is / am
<variant>are / are
<variant>is / are
<question>This ______ my friend. ______ name’s Richard.
<variant>is / His
<variant>is / My
<variant>are / His
<variant>his / His
<variant>are / My
<question>They ______ Lisa and Max. They ______ from the USA.
<variant>are / are
<variant>are / is
<variant>is / are
<variant>is / is
<variant>are / am
<question>“What is ______ name?” “My name’s Carlos.”
<question>I live ______ a house ______ Los Angeles.
<variant>in / in
<variant>* / in
<variant>in / *
<variant>at / in
<variant>on / in
<question>“______ is your phone number?” “It’s 2229"
<question>I have two ______ .
<variant>a sister
<variant>an sisters
<question>It _____ Monday today.
<question>This is the photo _____ my family.
<question>It’s good practice _____ you.
<question>I’m _____ home.
<question>I’m _____ La Guardia Community College.
<question>I’m _____ New York.