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88.An operation in a television factory has an average observed time of 6 minutes. The performance rating of the worker timed was estimated at 90%. Practice in this department is to allow 8% for the constant allowances. Currently, there is no variable allowance.

a.Find the normal time for the operation.

b.Compute the standard time for the operation.

c.Recompute the standard time if a variable allowance of 8% is factored in.

a. Normal time = 6 minutes * .90 = 5.4 minutes








b. Standard time =


Normal time





= 5.87 minutes

1 - Allowance factor

1 0.08





c. New standard time =

Normal time







= 6.43 minutes

1 - Allowance








(Time studies, moderate) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

89.An initial analysis of a laboratory activity resulted in the first table below. After this analysis, the managers determined that their element descriptions were not as accurate as they should have been—they had left out an element, underestimated a distance, and understated the need for accuracy. They revised the table of element data, which appears in the second table.

Original Activity: Pouring tube specimen


Element description

Element code


Get tube from rack



Get stopper, place on counter



Get centrifuge, place at sample tube



Pour (3 sec.)



Place tubes in rack (simo)






Revised Activity: Pouring tube specimen


Element description

Element code


Get tube from rack



Get stopper, place on counter



Get centrifuge, place at sample tube



Pour (3 sec.)



Get stopper, place on tube



Place tubes in rack (simo)






Calculate the total standard minutes for the original activity "pouring tube specimen." Calculate the total standard minutes for the revised activity "pouring tube specimen." What is the increase, in seconds, from the first version to the second?

The elements of the original description add to 238 TMU. The total standard minutes for the original description is thus 238 x .0006 = 0.1428 minutes. After the elements were revised, the activity totals 313 TMU. Total standard minutes rises to 313 x .0006 = 0.1878 minutes. The increase is 0.150 minutes or 9 seconds. (Predetermined time standards, moderate) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}




1.Operations managers are finding online auctions a fertile area for disposing of discontinued inventory.

True (E-procurement, moderate) {AACSB: Use of IT}

2.The key to effective supply chain management is to get many suppliers to compete with each other, in order to drive down prices.

False (The supply chain’s strategic importance, easy)

3.Even though a firm may have a low cost strategy, supply chain strategy can select suppliers primarily on response or differentiation.

False (The supply chain’s strategic importance, moderate)

4.The supply chain for a brewery would include raw ingredients such as hops and barley but not the manufactured goods such as bottles and cans.

False (The supply chain’s strategic importance, moderate)

5.Supply chain management faces additional challenges, such as those related to quality production and distribution systems, when companies enter growing global markets.

True (Supply chain economics, moderate) {AACSB: Multiculture and Diversity}

6.McDonald's was able to utilize existing plants and transportation systems in preparing the supply chain for opening its stores in Moscow.

False (The supply chain’s strategic importance, moderate)

7.When using the low-cost strategy for supply chain management, the firm should invest aggressively to reduce production lead time.

False (The supply chain’s strategic importance, moderate)

8.Savings in the supply chain exert more leverage as the firm has a lower net profit margin.

True (Supply chain economics, moderate)

9.A reduction in inventory costs is one reason for making rather than buying.

False (Supply chain economics, moderate)

10.Outsourcing refers to transferring a firm’s activities that have traditionally been internal to external suppliers.

True (Supply chain economics, moderate)

11.Outsourcing is a form of specialization that allows the outsourcing firm to focus on its critical success factors.

True (Supply chain economics, moderate)


12.Supply chain decisions are not generally strategic in nature, because purchasing is an ordinary expense to most firms.

False (Supply chain economics, easy)

13.The objective of the make-or-buy decision is to help identify the products and services that can be obtained externally.

True (Supply chain economics, moderate)

14.Because service firms do not acquire goods and services externally, their supply chain management issues are insignificant.

False (Supply chain economics, easy)

15.Because the supply chain has become so electronic and automated, opportunities for unethical behavior have been greatly reduced.

False (Ethics in the supply chain, easy) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}

16.With the many-suppliers strategy, the order usually goes to the supplier that offers the best quality.

False (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

17.Developing long-term, "partnering" relationships with a few suppliers is a long-standing American purchasing strategy.

False (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

18.Vertical integration, whether forward or backward, requires the firm to become more specialized.

False (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

19.A fast-food retailer that acquired a spice manufacturer would be practicing backward integration.

True (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

20.Keiretsus offer a middle ground between few suppliers and vertical integration.

True (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

21.In several industries, online exchanges have been created by buyers.

True (E-procurement, moderate) {AACSB: Use of IT}

22.The bullwhip effect refers to the increasing fluctuations in orders that often occur as orders move through the supply chain.

True (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

23.Vendor Managed Inventory is a form of outsourcing.

True (Managing the supply chain, easy)

24.In the vendor evaluation phase, most companies will use the same list of criteria and the same criteria weights.

False (Vendor selection, moderate)

25.One classic type of negotiation strategy is the market-based price model.

True (Vendor selection, moderate)


26.Drop shipping results in time and shipping cost savings.

True (Managing the supply chain, easy)

27.The supply chain management opportunity called postponement involves delaying deliveries to avoid accumulation of inventory at the customer's site.

False (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

28.Channel assembly, which sends components and modules to be assembled by a distributor, treats these distributors as manufacturing partners.

True (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

29.Blanket orders are a long-term purchase commitment to a supplier for items that are to be delivered against short-term releases to ship.

True (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

30.Bar code and radio frequency technology, like that used to track UPS or FedEx packages on their global journeys, can also be used to track objects within the boundaries of a warehouse or shop.

True (Inventory tracking, easy) {AACSB: Use of IT}

31.Waterways are an attractive distribution system when speed is more important than shipping cost.

False (Logistics management, moderate)

32.Logistics management can provide a competitive advantage through improved customer service.

True (Logistics management, moderate)

33.With the growth of just-in-time practices, railroads have made large gains in the share of the nation's transport that they haul.

False (Logistics management, moderate)

34.Improvements in security, especially regarding the millions of shipping containers that enter the U.S. each year, are being held back by the lack of technological advances.

False (Logistics management, easy)

35.Benchmark firms have driven down costs of supply chain performance.

True (Measuring supply chain performance, moderate)


36.The three major variations of online catalogs are

a.catalogs by vendors, catalogs by intermediaries, and exchanges provided by buyers

b.EDI, ERP, and ASN

c.cost-based, market-based, and competitive bidding

d.drop shipping, channel assembly, and postponement

e.all auction-based

a (E-procurement, moderate) {AACSB: Use of IT}


37.Visibility throughout the supply chain is a requirement among supply chain members for

a.mutual agreement on goals

b.mutual trust

c.compatible organizational cultures

d.local optimization

e.the bullwhip effect

b (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

38.Which of the following is not a concern of the supply chain?

a.warehousing and inventory levels

b.credit and cash transfers


d.distributors and banks

e.maintenance scheduling

e (The supply chain’s strategic importance, moderate)

39.What type of negotiating strategy requires the supplier to open its books to the purchasers?

a.cost-based price model

b.market-based price model

c.competitive bidding

d.price-based model

e.none of the above

a (Vendor selection, moderate)

40.Which of the following statements is true regarding the leverage of supply chain savings?

a.Supply chain leverage is about the same for all industries.

b.Supply chain savings exert more leverage as the firm's purchases are a smaller percent of sales.

c.Supply chain savings exert more leverage as the firm has a lower net profit margin.

d.Supply chain leverage depends only upon the percent of sales spent in the supply chain.

e.None of the above is true.

c (Supply chain economics, moderate)

41.One dollar saved in purchasing is

a.equivalent to a dollar earned in sales revenue

b.worth even more than a dollar earned in sales revenue

c.worth slightly more than a dollar earned because of taxes

d.worth from 35% in the technical instrument industry to 70% in the food products industry

e.only worthwhile if you are in the 50% tax bracket and still have a low profit margin

b (Supply chain economics, moderate)

42.Which one of the following statements about purchasing is true?

a.The cost of purchases as a percent of sales is often small.

b.Purchasing provides a major opportunity for price increases.

c.Purchasing is always more efficient than making an item.

d.Purchasing has an impact on the quality of the goods and services sold.

e.Competitive bidding is a major factor in long-term cost reductions.

d (Supply chain economics, moderate)


43.In the make-or-buy decision, one of the reasons for making is

a.to reduce inventory costs

b.to obtain technical or management ability

c.inadequate capacity


e.to assure adequate supply in terms of quantity

e(Supply chain economics, moderate)

44.In the make-or-buy decision, which of the following is a reason for making an item?

a.management can focus on its primary business

b.lower production cost

c.inadequate capacity

d.reduce inventory costs

e.None of the above is a reason for making an item.

b (Supply chain economics, moderate)

45.In the make-or-buy decision, one of the reasons for buying is

a.to assure adequate supply

b.to obtain desired quality

c.to remove supplier collusion

d.inadequate capacity

e.to maintain organizational talents

d (Supply chain economics, moderate)

46.In the make-or-buy decision, which of the following is not a reason for buying?

a.inadequate capacity

b.to obtain desired quality

c.patents or trade secrets

d.lower inventory costs

e.All of the above are reasons for buying.

b (Supply chain economics, moderate)


a.transfers traditional internal activities to outside vendors

b.utilizes the efficiency which comes with specialization

c.lets the outsourcing firm focus on its critical success factors

d.None of the above are true of outsourcing.

e.All of the above are true of outsourcing.

e(Supply chain economics, moderate)

48.The transfer of some of what are traditional internal activities and resources of a firm to outside vendors is

a.a standard use of the make or buy decision

b.not allowed by the ethics code of the Supply Management Institute




d (Supply chain economics, moderate)


49.The Institute for Supply Management

a.establishes laws and regulations for supply management

b.is an agency of the United Nations charged with promoting ethical conduct globally

c.publishes the principles and standards for ethical supply management conduct

d.prohibits backward integration into developing economies

e.All of the above are true.

c (Ethics in the supply chain, moderate) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}

50.In supply chain management, ethical issues

a.are particularly important because of the enormous opportunities for abuse

b.may be guided by company rules and codes of conduct

c.become more complex the more global is the supply chain

d.may be guided by the principles and standards of the Institute for Supply Management

e.All of the above are true.

e (Ethics in the supply chain, moderate) {AACSB: Ethical Reasoning}

51.Keeping a product generic as long as possible before customizing is known as



c.channel assembly

d.forward integration

e.backward integration

a (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

52.Which one of the following is not a supply chain strategy?

a.negotiation with many suppliers

b.vertical integration


d.short-term relationships with few suppliers

e.virtual companies

d (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

53.A disadvantage of the "few suppliers" strategy is

a.the risk of not being ready for technological change

b.the lack of cost savings for customers and suppliers

c.possible violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act

d.the high cost of changing partners

e.All of the above are disadvantages of the "few suppliers" strategy.

d(Supply chain strategies, moderate)

54.The purchasing approach that holds the suppliers responsible for maintaining the necessary technology, expertise, and forecasting ability plus cost, quality, and delivery competencies is

a.few suppliers

b.many suppliers


d.vertical integration

e.virtual companies

b (Supply chain strategies, moderate)


55.Which of the following is not an advantage of the "few suppliers" concept?

a.suppliers' willingness to participate in JIT systems


c.vulnerability of trade secrets

d.creation of value by allowing suppliers to have economies of scale

e.suppliers' willingness to provide technological expertise

c (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

56.Which of the following supply chain strategies creates value by allowing suppliers to have economies of scale?

a.suppliers becoming part of a company coalition

b.vertical integration

c.long-term partnering with a few suppliers

d.negotiating with many suppliers

e.developing virtual companies

c (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

57.Which of the following is not a condition that favors the success of vertical integration?

a.availability of capital

b.availability of managerial talent

c.required demand

d.small market share

e.All of the above favor the success of vertical integration.

d (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

58.Which of the following best describes vertical integration?

a.to sell products to a supplier or a distributor

b.to develop the ability to produce products which complement the original product

c.to produce goods or services previously purchased

d.to develop the ability to produce the specified good more efficiently than before

e.to build long-term partnerships with a few suppliers

c (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

59.A fried chicken fast-food chain that acquired feed mills and poultry farms has performed

a.horizontal integration

b.forward integration

c.backward integration

d.current transformation

e.job expansion

c (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

60.Vertical integration appears particularly advantageous when the organization has

a.a very specialized product

b.a large market share

c.a very common, undifferentiated product

d.little experience operating an acquired vendor

e.purchases that are a relatively small percent of sales

b (Supply chain strategies, moderate)


61.A rice mill in south Louisiana purchases the trucking firm that transports packaged rice to distributors. This is an example of

a.horizontal integration

b.forward integration

c.backward integration

d.current transformation


b (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

62.Japanese manufacturers often take a middle ground between purchasing from a few suppliers and vertical integration. This approach is






b (Supply chain strategies, moderate) {AACSB: Multiculture and Diversity}

63.The Japanese concept of a company coalition of suppliers is




d.dim sum


c (Supply chain strategies, moderate) {AACSB: Multiculture and Diversity}

64.Which of the following is not an advantage of a virtual company?


b.total control over every aspect of the organization

c.specialized management expertise

d.low capital investment


b (Supply chain strategies, moderate)

65.Local optimization is a supply chain complication best described as

a.optimizing one's local area without full knowledge of organizational needs

b.obtaining very high production efficiency in a decentralized supply chain

c.the prerequisite of global optimization

d.the result of supply chains built on suppliers with compatible corporate cultures

e.the opposite of the bullwhip effect

a (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

66.The “bullwhip” effect

a.occurs as orders are relayed from retailers to wholesalers

b.results in increasing fluctuations at each step of the sequence

c.increases the costs associated with inventory in the supply chain

d.occurs because of distortions in information in the supply chain

e.all of the above

e (Managing the supply chain, moderate)


67.Which of the following is not an opportunity for effective management in the supply chain?

a.accurate "pull" data

b.vendor managed inventory


d.local optimization

e.channel assembly

d (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

68.Which of the following is an opportunity for effective management in the supply chain?

a.random "pull" data

b.multistage control of replenishment

c.the bullwhip effect

d.customer managed inventory

e.channel assembly

e (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

69.Drop shipment

a.is equivalent to cross-docking

b.is the opposite of a blanket order

c.means the supplier will ship directly to the end consumer, rather than to the seller

d.is the same thing as keiretsu

e.is a good reason to find a new firm to ship your products

c (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

70.A carpet manufacturer has delivered carpet directly to the end consumer rather than to the carpet dealer. The carpet manufacturer is practicing



c.channel assembly

d.drop shipping

e.float reduction

d (Managing the supply chain, moderate)

71.Hewlett-Packard withholds customization of its laser printers as long as possible. This is an example of

a.vendor managed inventory


c.backward integration


e.timely customization

d (Managing the supply chain, moderate)


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