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Everyday Life

Exercise 11. Cloze Test

Listen to the recording o f the weather forecast and fill in the missing words in the blanks:

1.Last week there were some fine ... days.

2.In the past few days you may have noticed overnight... with ... and ... in many places.

3.Our long-range forecast shows that the weather will be very ... and ........at times.

4.Next week’s outlook is that southern parts of England will be ... with ... in places.

5.Temperatures are going to b e ........

6.Light east winds could make North Sea coasts feel.........


The weather in Scotland is going to be dry with sunny ... after early...



Winds will be generally ... but they’ll bring more ... into the west.


Exercise 12. Composition

Make up a weather forecast for tomorrow, using words and phrases from the re­ cording.

Exercise 13. Conversation

Compare the weather conditions described in the recording with those in your lo­ cal area. Discuss them in pairs.


Everyday Life

to get through

to complete something

to get up

to rise from bed after

to have a bite


to eat a little

to eat


keep in touch

to remain in contact with



leave (for)

to go away in order to go


to some place

keep up with

to know the latest events

to look

to read through, to check



make one’s

to tidy the bedclothes




food prepared/served for


somebody to eat


a set of instructions for


preparing food, including a


list of ingredients


spring, summer, autumn or




to remove facial hair etc.


with a razor/shaver

set in

(e.g. of weather) to begin


and seem likely to continue

take a shower

to wash under running




a mixture of rain and snow


a light soft shoe worn in­




difficult to hold, stand on


or move on because it is


smooth, wet, polished, etc.


a deep pile of snow blown


together by the wind

I hate the telephone but I can’t get through the day without spending at least three hours talking on the thing.

Peter gets up at seven o’clock'.

At two o’clock he has a bite to eat.

I always try to find some time to keep in touch with my friends.

I have my breakfast and leave for work.

Before going to bed I like watching the news on TV to keep up with events or putting on a good movie.

I start my working day by looking through the list of the day’s appointments.

He opens the window, makes his bed and does his morning exercises.

It usually doesn’t take me much time to cook meals.

Both recipes serve four people.

In the depth of winter we have the habit of fantasising about seasons past.

Peter shaves and brushes his teeth.

Although winter begins officially on De­ cember 21st, it is usually January before really cold weather sets in.

I like to take a cold shower.

In many places there was also frost over­ night, with sleet and snow in parts of northern Britain.

He puts on his slippers and goes to the bathroom.

It was too cold and slippery and I stayed in all day.

Snowploughs have to be brought out when snowdrifts have made roads impassable.



Unit 2


a short period of time

It will include wintry spells with more



sleet and snow.


a stock or store of things

Birds may migrate but the best thing that


(provided or available)

animals can do is to hibernate or, if not,



build up winter supplies as squirrels do.


the melting of ice and

After a few weeks the temperature rises



and the thaw sets in.


a piece of cloth or paper

He rubs himself hard with a towel and


for drying oneself or wip­

soon he feels quite warm.


ing things dry


wake up

to interrupt sleep

I go to the bathroom to wash and then try



to wake my children up.

waste (time,

to use wrongly, use too

I’m not a person who likes wasting time.

money, etc.)

much of



atmospheric conditions,

Can you tell us what the weather will be


e.g. wind, rain, snow etc.

like during the next few days?

Exercise 1.

Match the following words and phrases with their definitions:

1. to take a shower





2. chat


b) a prediction of probable future conditions

3. to waste





4. forecast



to examine the contents of


5. spell




6, to cook



to use carelessly, so that something is lost

1. meal






. to daeal withn



nj a snort penoa от time

9. to look throughrough

i) to have a wash standing under running water







Exercise 2.






Complete the words to match the definitions given:



to depart/part from someone

_e a __


a meal eaten around midday

_ u _ c _


Saturday and Sunday

_ e __ e___


very light rain

d __ z ___e


rather cold


_ h _ 1__


to dislike intensely

_ a __


attention or protection

c _ r _


a daily record of events

d _ a _ _


feeling or showing pleasure

h —

P _


to rise (out of bed)

g - -

- P


Everyday Life

Exercise 3.

Complete the following conversations, using an appropriate form of a word or phrase having similar meaning from the list below:

1.- It’s rather chilly today, isn’t it?

-Yes, it’s quite ... .

2.- When did you start doing your homework?

-1 ... only half an hour ago.

3.- 1 hate getting up early.

-Don’t you know the proverb “Early to bed and early ... makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”?

4.- 1 must leave now.

-Oh, please, don’t ...!

5.- He used to waste money when he was young.

-But he’s n o t... now.

to begin

to go


to spend too much

to rise

Exercise 4.

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of a word or phrase having an opposite meaning from the list below:

1. The train to London is leaving in five minutes. It w ill... in London at 10.40.

2.I’m getting up at 5 tomorrow, that’s why I have to.... early.

3.Today is rather chilly, but the weather forecast says it will be ... on Sunday.

4.Robert hates gardening, but his parents ... it very much.

5.Why has he started laughing? Please tell him to ... it immediately!

to stop


to like

to arrive

to go to bed

Exercise 5.

Complete the following sentences, selecting words and phrases from the list below and making any necessary changes:

to take care of

to take a shower

to leave

to have a chat

to wake up



to waste



Unit 2

1.Jane enjoys spending time with her friends, and most of all she likes ... with them.

2.Jill tries to be very active. She is always busy doing something and she doesn’t like... time.

3.It is generally known that in many families mothers ... the children while fathers are busy at work.

4.Though we had a cold and rainy autumn last year, there were some sunny ... and people enjoyed them.

5.William doesn’t like to take a bath in the morning, he prefers ....

6.Have you heard the weather... for tomorrow?

7.The telephone rang just as he was ... for work.

8.On Sundays I don’t have ... very early.


Everyday Life


The Indefinite Pronouns some, any, no


e.g. I read some books last month.


Have you got any brothers?

no (not any)

I have no (haven’t any) relatives abroad.

Note: Some may be used in interrogative sentences when offering or asking for


e.g. Would you like some coffee?

Any may be used in affirmative sentences with the meaning “no matter who or which, every”.

e.g. You can take any book you like.


somebody (someone) - a person; some person unknown or unspecified

something - some thing unknown or unspecified

anybody (anyone), anything - in questions and negatives

nobody (no one) - not anybody (not anyone)

nothing - not anything

Exercise 6.

Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or their derivatives:

1. ... students in our group can speak English fluently.

2.He must feel lonely. He has ... friends here.

3.Can I have ... more tea, please?

4. ... left this umbrella in the laboratory yesterday.

5. ... must have been here in our absence. The door has been left open.

6.This table is so big! There is absolutely ... space for it in the room.

7.I’d like to ask you ... questions.

8.I called out, b u t... answered.

9.Is there ... in the room? - No. There is ... there.

10.Have you bought... fruit? - I’ve bought apples and bananas. Please take ....

11.... knocked on the door but when I opened it I couldn’t see ....

12.You are my best friend and I’ll do ... for you.

13. May I offer you ... more salad?


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