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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования



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______курса_______ группы_____________

№ студенческого билета

(зачетной книжки)____________________ ____________ _______________________

(подпись) (инициалы, фамилия)

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__________________ ________________ ______________________________

(ученая степень, звание) (подпись) (инициалы, фамилия)

Москва 2007г.


I. Спишите текст, поставив прилагательные, данные в скобках, в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Используйте суффикс –er, more/less, as…as. Подчеркните их Feel Young and Bright with Suppavite

Are you not as young as you used to be? Do you feel move and move tived in the mornings? When you get in from work, do you get ready to go out as quickly as possible so that you can go and meet your friends? No? You probably go out less often now than you used to. You just don’t seem to have the energy for it anymore. You used to do everything so much move enthusiastically, but now all you want to do is stay at home.

What you need is Suppavite, an amazing new vitamin supplement that will restore some of that youthful energy. After a couple of weeks of taking Suppavite, you’re likely to find that you’re getting up earling, getting things done fester and approaching life move energetically and more optimistically than you have done for years. Your friends will wonder how you’re coping so much better with the problems of daily life than they are.

II. Используя вопросительные слова, данные в скобках, составьте такие специальные вопросы, чтобы следующие предложения были ответом на них. Напишите вопросы

1. When did he start working at Codex?

2. What do our employees often get in addition to the salary?

3. Where is he planning to work?

4.a) Who reports to the personnel director?

b) Who(m) do they report to?

5. What did they establish in the East last year?

III. Спишите предложения, выбрав верный вариант сказуемого. Подчеркните сказуемое

1. We had bought three thousand computers already when the government imposed an import quota on them.

a )have bought b) had bought c)were buying

2. We have filled 4 pressing orders for shoes so far.

a) had filled b) fill c) have filled

З. Stay in the office until you sign the contract.

a)will sign b)signed c)sign

4. Why didn’t you return the money?

а) you didn’t b)didn’t you с)you didn’t

5. The training programme that he devised for his team а few years ago has given positive results this year.

a) had given b) has given c) will be giving

6. He wil1 do this work on condition that the company pays him а reasonable fee.

a) pays b) paid c)will pay

IV. Спишите предложения, вставив вместо пропусков один из модальных глаголов в нужном времени, а где это необходимо – его эквивалент. Некоторые предложения могут быть отрицательными

1. Last year I couldn't visit Mark in prison, but I was able allowed to send him letters and parcels.

2. When Nick was the personnel director of the company he was (not) allowed to take holidays whenever he wanted to.

3. I looked at my watch and had to admit that I didn’t have much time to finish the work.

4. I know you failed to pass your driving test, but don’t worry, you can/may try again.

5. You can/may order а taxi by phone. You needn’t ask the receptionist.

6. You put on weight again, you never walk, you drive everywhere. You shouldn't use your car so much.

V. Спишите предложения, выбрав верную форму инфинитива. Подчеркните инфинитив

1. The marketing director wants the analysis of the target consumer needs to be completed as quickly as possible.

a) to be completed b) to complete c) to be completing

2. John Lennon is perhaps the most famous celebrity to have been murdered by a fan.

a) to have murdered b) to have been murdered c) to murder

3. The ex-dictator is thought to have escaped during the revolution in 2000 and is now believed to be living abroad, but nobody knows for sure what happened.

a) to have escaped b) to be escaping c) not to have escaped

a) to live b) to be living c) to have lived

4. One of the main functions of the Internet is to give information as quickly as possible.

a) to be giving b) to give c) to have been given

5. The bank is expected to render a big loan to our company in the nearest future.

a) to render b) to be rendering c) to have rendered

VI. Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова и вставьте в пропуски. Подчеркните их

Top Management

The top managers of а company have to set objectives and then develop particular strategies that will enable the company to achieve them. This will involve allocating the company's human, capital and physical resources. Strategies can often be subdivided into tactics - the precise methods in which the resources attached to а strategy are business environment.

The founders of а business usually establish а "mission statement" - а declaration about what the business is and what it will be in the future. The business’s central values and objectives will follow from this. But because the balance is always changing, companies will occasionally have to modify or change their objectives. It is part of top management's role to develop today's objectives and needs against those of the future, and to take responsibility for innovation, without which any organization can only expect а limited life. Top managers are also expected to set standards, and employed human resources, especially future top managers.

They also have to manage а business's social responsibilities and its impact on the environment. They have to establish and maintain good relations with customers, major suppliers, bankers, government agencies, and so on. The top management, of course, is also on permanent standby to deal with major crises.

Between them, these tasks require many different skills which are almost never found in one person, so top management is work for а team. А team, of course, is not the same as а committee: it needs a clear leader, in this case the chairman or managing director.

Achieve, allocating, balance, deal with, develop, employed, establish, follow, require, set, business environment, needs

Спишите и переведите словосочетания

1. to set objectives – ставить, определять цели

2. to allocate resources – распределять ресурсы

3. to take responsibility – брать ответственность

4. to set standards – определять, задавать стандарты

5. to establish and maintain good relations – устанавливать и поддерживать хорошие отношения

6. to deal with a crisis – иметь дело с кризисом/знать, что делать в кризисной ситуации