Chemical Tankers / Day 2 / Day 2 topic 4 Vapour Recovery Systems
Vapour recovery system equipment and calculations
At no point must liquid be allowed to enter the vapour line as it will reduce the cross-sectional area of the pipeline and so reduce its ability to allow the maximum vapour to flow. The knock-on effect would be a build up of pressure in the cargo tank.
VECS manual requirements to be complied with respect to loading rate, vapour density, pressure drop etc

The IBC Code Requirements for Vapour Return
Liquid and vapour hoses used for cargo transfer should be compatible with the cargo and suitable for the cargo temperature (IBC 5.7.1)
Venting requirements for individual products are shown in column "g", and additional requirements in column "o" in the table of chapter 17.
(IBC 8.4)

The IBC Code Requirements for Vapour Return
Where section 15.12 is quoted in column ‘o’, there is a requirement for a vapour-return line to load that particular cargo.
Tank venting systems should be provided with a connection for a vapour-return line to the shore installation. (15.12.2)

End of Topic