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The heart normally beats abut 70 times a minute

Many infectious disease are accompanied by high temperature A disease is a morbid state of the whole organism

Flu and other respiratory diseases are more common in autumn and winter Muscules and soft tissues in our body are supported by the skeleton Some years ago physicians could not tread this disease successfully

Nowadays this surgical operation is performed in several clinics in our country This patient (may/prescribe) the new antibiotic

The chief function of the skeleton is to support soft tissues

A disease of one organ must be regarded as a morbid state of the whole organism

A disease of one organ can disturb thee work of the other organs The kidneys are excretory organs

The urinary system includes the kidneys and the bladder

Many diseases are caused by viruses, foe example, common colds

The functions of the human body are studied in the course of physiology The diagnosis cannot be made without laboratory analyses

Anatomy as an independent science was found by Andreas Vesalius The fact that water boils at 100 *C is known to everybody

The thorax is the upper part of the trunk

The three parts of the lower extremity are the thigh, the lower leg and the foot

The brain is the chief organ of the nervous system

Bone tissue is a kind of solid connective tissue

The organs of the digestive system are mainly located in the abdomen

The incubation period of the disease lasts from 10 to 28 days

Microscopic anatomy studies the structure of human tissues

The patients broken ankle must be examined by a surgeon

The structure of tissues is studied in the course of histology

These children will be examined by a pediatrician tomorrow morning The upper extremity is composed of three parts

The blood vessels that carry blood to the heart are veins

Disturbance of the work of one organ may lead to a disease

The skeleton provides firm support to the soft tissues and muscles

The joints which connect the bones make the skeleton flexible

Pathological changes in one organ affect - other organs

His first article was published two weeks ago

Cells and tissues receive oxygen in the process of respiration

The diaphragm is a skeletal muscle which provides respiratory movements

Gross anatomy studies the organs and structures of the body that are visible to the naked eye Arteries divide into smaller vessels called arterioles

The clinical tests of this drug haven't been completed yet

The hospital has been closed since last Monday due to staphylococcus infection

The ultrasound examination of the patient's liver and kidneys will be made tomorrow Your problem could spoken about later

The human skeleton consists of 223 bones

The digits of the hand are called fingers

Electrocardiography is a diagnostic procedure of recording the activity of the heart The chest contains the heart and the lungs

The primates belong to the class Mammalia

Last year he was treated in this hospital for coronary heart disease

This hospital was closed last year

He is not visited by his doctor this week

Before a treatment is prescribed patients should be asked about their allergies to drugs or other materials

The spinal column is made of a series of bony rings

The digestive system is also called alimentary canal

Osteoporosis is a disease of bones

Many drugs have harmful side effects

I know that she was never been treated in this clinic

This year a considerable part of the NHS budget was spent on finghting hospital infection This problem is dealed with in a number of articles lately

Myocardial infarction is characterized by pain in the chest, but sometimes pain may be felt in the neck or in the left arm

The skull is the framework of the head

Tissues consist of cells and intercellular substance

The upper part of the lower extremity is called the thigh

Excretion is the process of removing waste product from the body

His injury was nor serious: only soft tissues were slightly damaged

He was injured during the last football match

Anesthesia was introduced into surgical practice in the middle of the 19 th century Doctors agree that such patients should be recommended a diet with salt restriction Pulmonology is a branch of medicine which deals with diseases of the lungs

The trunk is divided into two cavities by the diaphragm

Osseous or bone tissue forms the firm part of the skeleton

N.I. Pirogov made a great contribution to anatomy and surgery

Don't worry. The doctor has been called in already

He was just diagnosed with appendicitis

The upper extremity is divided into four parts: the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand

Strong effective drugs must not be used without a consultation with a doctor The pelvic girdle and the legs from the lower extremities

Unnecessary metabolic products must be removed from the body

The patient is sleeping. He has been given a tranquilizer

Our initial diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory analyses, so we can start the treatment Common colds has been caused by several types of viruses

Surgical instruments must be sterilized to kill all microbes on them

The gall bladder belongs to the digestive system

The patient's body temperature was too low and he was treated by slow warming This blood test must be made tomorrow

Urine is accumulated in the bladder

Our hospital has been reconstructed recently

An important contribution to anatomy was made by N. I. Pirogov

Such blood tests could not be made some years ago

Hepatitis C is a viral disease of the kidney

Abdominal surgery includes operations on the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder His illness may be caused by a viral infection

The stomach lies between the esophagus and the duodenum

The chest is the upper cavity of the trunk

The condition of the environment can affect on our health

He has been operated on twice in the last few months

The prescribed drugs can be bought at the nearest chemist's shop

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