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коможнопьюнайтери везде:машине,холодильникофеварке,в .Тем менее,большинствопользоватеиспользукомдляолученияейютер быстрогодоступакинформацдрузьями, бщенияс ,работы.

МыобмеинформацииваемсяпоИнтерн,гдеможнонайвсечйтуио хочешь. СидявИнтернетеможнопочитонлгазету,гдевсегдатьйнсамые последниеново.Благодаряетимывсегдаостнсвязиемсядрузьями обмениваемсянашимиличнымида, нымиапример,загружаяфотографии видео.










Появилсядаженовыйвидпреступл:киберпреступления,.. ний











Part 3









информации,появилсовсемнедавно,обрабатыватьсьинформациюлюди началиещевдревниеврем. на

Сначалаизпоколевпоколениеияфоперемацияустнодавалась.Затем информациюсталификсввграфическихдеоватьобразовокружающего мира.Начатыйпои скболеесовременныхспособовфиксирования информациипривелкпоявлениюписьменности.

Сегпокнигтокидня,сливаясьпотокамиехническойдокументации многотомнойсправочнойлитературой,образуютокеаныинформации.Эту информациюнеобходимохранить передаватьпотребителю,длячегонужен мобильныйемкийносите.Нокнигаявлнеудобнымьяется,сложным,

дорогим,аглавноемедлен""носителемфорым.Вся ации



чтениирассматриваниикн иги.Онанеможетнепосредственновлиятьна произв.одственныйцесс

Шлигоды,р бъемсинформации,которобменбществой.Длявалось сбора,переработкираспространенинф рмздавиздцительствалисья

итипографии -- родиласьинфопромымационная шленность.Газеты,

журналыидругиеиздания,выпускаемыебольшимитир,з жчастуюми кромеполинфознойобрушивалинамчеловекацииогр мноеличство ненужных,бесполезсведе. нийых




машина (ЭВМ)Онаявляется. какносителеминфор,таксредствомации








различиемза,длярешенияачкотоонип едназначых.Стечениемны












Exercise 11. Make a list of entertainment and studies activities you use the computer for. Share it with your group mates. Come to a conclusion what is common, what specific activities you have.

Exercise 12. How are computers used in the pictures given below.







Exercise 13. Make up a dialogue. Use the following outline and keywords:

One of you wants to buy a computer in the shop. Explain to the shop assistant what you need the computer for and what purposes you have.

The other is a shop assistant. You should ask all the necessary questions to be sure that he /she understands the needs of the customer.

Shop assistant






Greet the customer and offer help



May I help you?





Explain what you are looking for



To communicate, to interact, to



handle, entertainment, multimedia.



I am looking for…

Give some specifications. Compare a



few models



Hardware, software, storage



capacity, to access, via the Internet,



digitized tools. It features…





Specify you needs and purposes






To manage, to blog, the Internet, to access data, online banking, commerce, distance learning

Answer and mention any further details,

that can persuade the client

An offer, to blog, a gadget

Ask the price. Make up your decision.

How much does it cost?


Unit 2

Types of com puter system s


Exercise 1. Read the text. Answer the following questions:

Text 1

There are many different types of computer:

Ø A supercomputer is extremely powerful and is capable of performing hundreds of millions of instructions per second. It can be used for very complex tasks, such as computer modeling of weather systems. These computers are extremely expensive, and are generally used by educational or scientific institutions, rather than individual users.

ØA mainframe is a powerful computer which is capable of processing large amounts of data, often enabling many people to use it, and to carry out many tasks, at the same time. It supports multiple users at the same time and can support more simultaneous processes than a PC. A network of smaller computers or terminals is used to access the files and programs on the mainframe. Mainframes are therefore described as multi-user, multi-tasking machines that are used for large-scale computing purposes in banks, big companies and universities.

ØA minicomputer is a multi-processing computer which is less powerful than a mainframe. It can also be used at the center of a network of smaller computers and is capable of supporting hundreds of users at a time.

ØA smaller computer in a network connected to a mainframe, or other more powerful computer, is often called a workstation. A workstation may, however, also be a relatively powerful computer, usually with good graphics capabilities, that may be either attached to a network or used as a standalone machine. Some computers which are part of a network do not have all the hardware needed to operate as a standalone computer. This type of computer can only work when it is connected to a network and is called a dumb terminal.

ØA small computer designed to be used by an individual, for example at home or in an office, is sometimes called a PC, or personal computer. This kind of

machine used to be called a microcomputer because when they were introduced


they were the smallest type of computer available. A desktop or desktop computer is a type of a PC. This is a very common model, which, as the name suggests, fits on a desk. Many users have desktop computers either at home, at work or in educational institutions. A desktop is not designed to be portable. It has its own processing unit (or CPU), monitor and keyboard. Typical examples are the IBM PC and the Apple Macintosh. It's designed to be placed on your desk. Some models have a vertical case called a tower.

ØA laptop (also called a notebook PC) is a lightweight computer that you can transport easily. It is smaller than a desktop. It can work as fast as a desktop PC, with similar processors, memory capacity, and disk drives, but it is portable and has a smaller screen. Modern notebooks have a TFT (Thin Film Transistor) screen that produces very sharp images. Instead of a mouse, they have a touchpad built into the keyboard. They offer a lot of connectivity options: USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports for connecting peripherals, slots for memory cards, etc. They come with battery packs, which let you use the computer when there are no electrical outlets available.

ØA tablet PC looks like a book, with an LCD screen on which you can write using a special digital pen. You can fold and rotate the screen 180 degrees. Your handwriting can be recognized and converted into editable text. You can also type at the detached keyboard or use voice recognition. It's mobile and versatile.

ØA personal digital assistant or PDA is a tiny computer which can be held in one hand. The term PDA refers to a wide variety of handheld devices, palmtops and pocket PCs.

For input, you type at a small keyboard or use a stylus - a special pen used with a touch screen to select items, draw pictures, etc. Some models incorporate handwriting recognition, which enables a PDA to recognize characters written by hand. Some PDAs recognize spoken words by using voice recognition software.

A basic handheld usually includes a clock, date book, address book, task list, memo pad, and calculator and is very useful for everyday tasks. These computers can be used to access the Internet via WI-FI or Bluetooth technology, to send and receive e-mails, to store and listen MP3 audio files, to store data.


Handhelds can also function as mobile phone and GPS receivers. Another very useful feature of handhelds is that they are able to synchronize data with other computers.

They can be used as mobile phones or as personal organizers for storing notes, reminders and addresses. They also let you access the Internet via wireless technology, without cables.

ØA wearable computer runs on batteries and is worn on the user's body, e.g. on a belt, backpack or vest; it is designed for mobile or hands-free operation. Some devices are equipped with a wireless modem, a small keyboard and a screen; others are voice-activated and can access email or voice mail.

ØEmbedded computers are found inside other machines such as fridges, cars, ticket machines. They receive input data from the host machine and use this to send output data back. An example of this might be an embedded computer in a car that constantly checks tyre pressure and tells the driver when the pressure is below the safety limit.

Alan Simpson “English for IT and the Internet”

1.What is a supercomputer?

2.What is a mainframe?

3.What are the distinctions between a supercomputer and a mainframe?

4.What computers are there in an office?

5.What is a PC? What are the components of a desktop PC?

6.What is a laptop? What is the main distinction between desktops and laptops?

7.What is a tablet PC? What are the components?

8.Who can use a tablet PC? For what purposes can it be used?

9.What does PDA stand for? What are its characteristic features?

10.What are benefits and limitations of a PDA?

11.What is a wearable computer? What can it be used for?

12.What is an embedded computer? Give other examples of such computers.

Exercise 2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words or word




выползадачиинструкции( )ять

унивычислительнаяерсальная машина


подднесколькихрживать пользователей



• терминвводал


возможностьиспользования графическихсредств


переносной (компьютер)





споск обностьдключению







• распознавание черка



синхродаснныеизировать компьютером







Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Use the following to

express your opinion:

In my opinion, I agree that, I disagree that, to my mind, according to the text, as

far as I know (think, remember)

1.A supercomputer can be used for very complex tasks, such as computer modeling of weather systems.

2.A mainframe is capable of processing large amounts of data, often enabling many people to use it, and to carry out many tasks, one by one.

3.A smaller computer in a network connected to a mainframe is called a PC

4.A desktop PC is designed to fit on the desk and to be portable.

5.A laptop is slower than a desktop PC.

6.PDA stands for personal digital assistant that is a tiny computer which can

be held in one hand.


7.A basic handheld usually includes a clock, date book, address book, task list, memo pad, and calculator and is very useful for everyday tasks.

8.A wearable computer is worn on the user's body, on a belt, backpack or vest; it is designed for mobile or hands-free operation.

9.Embedded computers are built-in devices that receive input data from the

host machine.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences from the text:

1.A supercomputer is generally used … .

2.Mainframes are therefore described as … .

3.A small computer designed to be used by an individual at home or in an office is … .

4.A desktop has its own… .

5.Modern notebooks have … .

6.For input, in a PDA you type … .

7.A handheld computer can be used to … .

8.A wearable computer is equipped with… .

Exercise 5. Fill in the chart:

Types of a users components advantages disadvantages computer system



Dumb terminal


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