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23. money is there to spend.doc
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  1. Spend if you find value in it.

Sometimes, though, what you spend money on is worth it because it’s important to you. Sometimes, spending money on things that you enjoy, or enhance your quality of life is worth it. The expenditure will improve your life, or help you in some way. People spend the money for their leisure, which helps them to relax and go back to work with enough energy.


Reasonable money-management techniques are of utmost importance

Well, I’ll put my argument like that. In order to have a good leisure, one should earn first, it is obvious, but if he or she spends the whole sum for leisure or anything else, what are they going to eat? It is somehow clear that in order to maintain high quality of life, it is worth saving a bit to avoid tight budget on food or utilities. The lack of money can lead to even higher stresses.

Well, but leisure and rest are not necessarily money-consuming. It doesn’t take you a lot to go to a cinema or having a drink and relax with friends. Having good rest means being able to work having new energy and inspiration. Why should anyone cut down on that?

You are right, but tastes differ.

  1. Several small things are always better than one big thing.

Because we adapt so readily to change, the most effective use of your money is to bring frequent change, not just "big bang" changes that you will quickly grow acclimated to. Break up large purchases, when possible, into smaller ones over time so that you can savor the entire experience. When it comes to happiness, frequency is more important than intensity. Embrace the idea that lots of small, pleasurable purchases are actually more effective than a single giant one.


Savings help to realize your Big Dreams

It is true if a person can be satisfied with small things. But what if small things are not enough for happiness? What if we are talking about a Big Dream? Almost everybody set goals to achieve in life but there are few who really achieve them. A successful person is the one who continually works to make his dreams come true. You can also be among the list of successful persons who are able to achieve their dreams. You can have any dream, but it is important how you are able to make them come true. You may have the dream of owning a big bungalow, a grand wedding or travelling around the world or something else. But these dreams cannot be fulfilled in a day as they require a good amount of money. Regular savings can give you the key of fulfilling your dreams.

But what if this Big Dream never comes to you? Your point is to save up and wait for something, but what if you are waiting in vain? I would stand for acting, spending the lot straight away, because you are li-ving right now!

You have little faith.

  1. Follow the herd instead of your head

Don't overestimate your ability to independently predict how much you'll enjoy something. We are, scientifically speaking, very bad at this. But if something reliably makes others happy, it's likely to make you happy, too. So why not having that something?


Might I ask an impertinent question? What if it won’t make you happy?

But why not? Why shouldn’t I have some new device, for example, that will probably entertain me or make my work easier? Why shouldn’t? I?

I’m afraid I can hardly accept this argument. Why don’t we let it go at this?

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