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.docDiagnostic Test
1. Which question is the more likely response: A or B?
Jake's just phoned in to say he's ill.
A.~ So who's going to teach his class this afternoon?
B.~ So who's teaching his class this afternoon?
2. Which expression(s) can end the sentence correctly?
House prices go up…
A. …every year. C. …by 2% this year.
B. …again. D. …when there are not enough new houses.
3. Which is the best way to end the sentence: A, B or C?
This time tomorrow…
A. …I'm lying on the beach.
B. …I'll lie on the beach.
C. …I'll be lying on the beach.
4. Which expression(s) can end the sentence correctly?
The builders say they will have finished the roof…
A. …by Tuesday. C. …as soon as they can.
B. …by the end of the week. D. …without any more delays.
5. Which expression(s) can end the sentence correctly?
She realised…
A. …she had not locked the front door.
B. …she hadn't locked the front door.
C. …she'd not locked the front door.
6. Which of these sentences is/are correct?
A. I lived in London for three years while I was a student.
B. When I got home, water was coming through the ceiling.
C. It happened while I stayed with my parents last weekend.
7. Is this sentence right or wrong? If it's wrong, correct it.
Yesterday's maths exam was very hard, but I think we've studied enough to pass it.
8. Right or wrong?
A. It was raining all day. I'm tired of it!
B. It's rained all day. I'm tired of it!
C. It's been raining all day. I'm tired of it!
9. Which expression(s) can end the sentence correctly?
It's the fifth time…
A. …you ask the same question. C. …you asked the same question.
B. …you are asking the same question. D. …you've asked the same question.
10. Which of the replies can be used correctly?
You look tired.
A. ~ I woke up all night.
B. ~ I've woken up all night.
C. ~ I've been waking up all night.
11. Which expression(s) can complete the sentence correctly?
He _____ all through the meeting.
A. made us laugh C. had us laugh
B. made us laughing D. had us laughing
12. What does this sentence mean?
I won't have you telling me what to do.
A. I won't ask you to tell me what to do.
B. I won't let you tell me what to do.
13. Change the sentences into passive sentences with the same meaning, e.g.
She gave her sister the car. → Her sister was given the car.
A. I have told him to return the money by next Friday.
B. We are giving them another week to finish the job.
C. They had employed him for forty years before his retirement.
14. Tell, to tell or both?
He was made _____ them everything.
15. Jenny bought her husband a new tie.
In this sentence, what is…
A. …the subject?
B. …the direct object?
C. …the indirect object?
16. Are the highlighted words in the replies right or wrong?
A. Pay him the money. ~ I can't pay him. I've got no money.
B. Sing her a song. ~ I can't sing her. I've got a terrible voice.
C. Play us the album you bought. ~ I can't play you. My speakers aren’t working.
17. Rearrange these words to make a question.
looking |
found |
book |
for |
you |
you |
the |
have |
were |
18. Is this sentence right or wrong? If it's wrong, correct it.
After which of these children am I supposed to be looking?
19. Write the plural forms of these nouns. Can they end in -s, -es or both?
A. hero D. kilo
B. tornado E. volcano
C. piano F. echo
20. Write the missing singular forms of these nouns.
Singular |
Plural |
A |
series |
B |
crossroads |
C |
headquarters |
D |
species |
21. Which of these sentences is/are right?
A. The news today is very bad.
B. The aircraft are being refuelled.
C. This new data is very worrying.
D. I think the media is responsible for the problem.
E. He picked up the dice and threw it again.
22. Have or has?
A number of people ___ tried to find the treasure, without success.
23. Which of these possessive forms are possible?
A. I didn't believe the girl's story.
B. I can't remember the street's name.
C. I'm afraid the house's roof is leaking.
D. It looks like the dog's leg is broken.
E. I could only get seats at the theatre's back.
F. The plan's importance is clear to everyone.
G. The train's arrival was delayed by an hour.
24. Right or wrong?
A. yesterday's news
B. last Sunday's match
C. 1997's events
25. School, the school or both?
A. I left _____ when I was sixteen.
B. I left _____ by the back entrance so nobody would see me.
26. Which of these sentences are right?
A. Child needs to feel secure. D. A tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.
B. A child needs to feel secure. E. The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.
C. Children need to feel secure. F. Tigers are in danger of becoming extinct.
27. Which of these should begin with the definite article?
A. ___United Kingdom C. ___Chelsea Football Club
B.___France D. ___Houses of Parliament
28. Are the adjectives in the right order? If not, correct them.
A. She lives in a big modern red brick flat.
B. I bought a new big sports Italian red car last week.
29. Right or wrong?
A. She's the politest child I know.
B. Lucy is definitely the most polite child in the class.
C. Jones is the most common surname in Wales.
D. The commonest reason given for absence from work is flu.
30 Is this sentence right or wrong? If it's wrong, correct it.
Strawberry and chocolate are my favourite flavours, but I think chocolate is the nicer of the two.